Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Yup, I have noticed this bug even in Alpha 3 too, forgot to mention it before.
valcik said:
Yup, I have noticed this bug even in Alpha 3 too, forgot to mention it before.
Mrere said:
I'm playing GOG's Fallout + Fallout FIXT Alpha 3.
Just checked - you're right, still broken. I'll have it fixed in the next version.

Thanks guys! :clap:

Sidenote: I know what changed broke it, and it was something I changed, but I do recall having this issue with Fallout before. Don't remember if it was TeamX version, but probably was. Killed them all and went to Set and got no reward, unless you'd killed them *after* talking to him.
First, I only have Fallout FIXT installed (although since some haven't reported, I fear I flarg'd something up somewhere)


NECROPOLIS: the ghouls are all frozen like statues and you can't interact with them. The readout said "you see a dead:ghoul" and you can loot them.

Also, all mutants are hostile but I'm not sure if it's supposed to be that way.

HUB:Irwin Quest broken (already ID'd)

GENERAL:Flare not working (already ID'd ..using given fix)

JUNKTOWN:Bust up the skullz quest - took out Gizmo (or was it Killian?) first (not sure if that matters) then after talking to the Head Skullz guy suddenly starting if I "had it yet"? Had to check the wiki to see what he was talking about. Went to the bar for the first time...it was empty except the bar keep who was in his room in the back. I couldn't get him to talk to me. (Using the wiki as a guide, I took the urn and gave it to (whatever his name it). Then went and tattled on him. Joined the cops in taking him down at the bar (only he was there out of the gang). No option to give the barkeep his urn back. Although I had killed the Skullz leader, hen I went back to the Skullz hangout he was still there alive. I instigated them to attack me (couldn't get the girl to give up on the gang despite my high speech and int), killed them all but then the guards would attack me.
I can't enter vault13 after I kill all the rats leave the map and return after 1-2days. I remember there where some quests avalaible inside vault13 like the rebellion one and the water thief. The messages I get when I try to enter are like I 'm expelled from the vault and they "thanking me for saving them but I have to continue on my own" stuff. Weird. I don't know whether it is discussed earlier or even if it's supposed to be that way in the FalloutFixt :?
Just letting you all know i'm still alive and working on this. Right now i'm comparing files between my backups, laptop data and desktop data to see which stuff I need to use for the mod, and merging them. (had two computers crash this year)

Duplicate data cleanup is fun!
In truth I don't know how long it will be until I can release Alpha 4 as I envisioned it, so instead it'll be fixes for all the bugs reported since Alpha 3, and some other minor stuff. I'll upload it today.
dude, with all that data comparison I sure hope you're using some sort of code editor that supports diff'ing of files!

Shameless plug: ConTEXT is awesome. I know a lot of people have love for Notepad+ but.. well, ConTEXT is good.

EDIT: I kinda feel like one of those spam bots
agris said:
dude, with all that data comparison I sure hope you're using some sort of code editor that supports diff'ing of files!

Shameless plug: ConTEXT is awesome. I know a lot of people have love for Notepad+ but.. well, ConTEXT is good.

EDIT: I kinda feel like one of those spam bots
So far the apps i've been using are Beyond Compare, FolderMatch and Search. Actually i've been using those more or less throughout the whole time i've been working on the mod. Hooray for tools! :clap:
Alpha 4 released. Not nearly as much changed in this version than i'd like, but I didn't want to go any longer with those major bugs being present.

Alpha 4 changes:

f1res (High Resolution Mod) v3.0.3 included (will resolve some World Map crashes, Alpha 3 was using v3.0.2)
-- (& tweaks to a couple of the default values in f1res.ini)
-- readme files for it are updated in the {Fallout}\README folder
slightly improved implementation of custom NPC graphics. prepping for full support of "bald guy" and "long hair guy" for Tycho & Ian in later versions of FIXT
map edges for radscorpion cave are better now, closer to original (caves.edg)
misc.msg and scrname.msg now included for French and Spanish
changes to a dozen message/dialog files (English)
minor changes to various scripts
minor combat AI changes
violence level is set to maximum when the game is run (mmmm, blood)
a few more empty placeholder soundfiles added (to squelch debug errors)

FalloutFIXT-only fixes: (i.e. fixes to Sduibek's oversights)
- updated global vars file (VAULT13.GAM) to fix some issues
- Irwin's Farm quest fixed. Alpha 3 had a lot of bugs. Now it will:
- properly keep track of which raiders you've killed
- allow you to leave the map and come back later without issue
- properly reward you once completed
-- No more infinitely spawning "zombie raiders" ;)
Flares are no longer broken.
version number on main menu is now correct
"The poison has left your system." no longer appears erroneously on load game or new game.

bug "fix" hack for not being able to enter vault 13 --
click-hold on your character and select examine (the Binoculars) this will reset all applicable variables. you should now be able to enter Vault 13.

Sduibek said:
In truth I don't know how long it will be until I can release Alpha 4 as I envisioned it, so instead it'll be fixes for all the bugs reported since Alpha 3, and some other minor stuff. I'll upload it today.
Done. Alpha 4 released.

Thanks for this new release!

Would you be so kind to tell us what else you hoped to implement before releasing a new version that didn't make it to this one?
Mrere said:
The Set's quest seems to be still broken. Did you fix it?
Please clarify - you actually tried it and it did not work, or you just didn't see it explicitly listed as fixed in my summary?

If you meant the former, was this with a new character?
Ohh you know what, I thought of something else. Please try this for me -- Go into your VAULT13.GAM file (it's in {FalloutFIXT}\DATA\DATA) and go to line# 554.

This should read something like:
MAX_MUTANTS :=5; // 551

Make sure it's set to five (as above) and not six. I think that'll fix it. Also, apologies if the above post sounded rude, I did not mean to snap at you.

Once I get confirmation that that fixes the issue, i'll release updated .bat files for FIXT which will automatically update those entries when the game is run.
I followed your instructions and, just like before, Set keeps saying "Still in my shadow? Why do normie tongues waggle and take the movement from their bones? Clear-time, walk now".
I unistalled fallout fixt alpha3, unistalled fallout1 then re-installed it and installed alpha 4. I started a completely new game. Now, Ian is missing... He is not in the right building as you enter shady sands and as far as I know he is not in either map of shady sands.