Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Sduibek - thanks for taking on this project. Been a long while since I've played Fallout and am looking forward to playing once again.

Two items:

Wanted to comment that when extracting the Alpha 4 Patch 1 over the existing FIXIT directory (Alpha 4) that all of the Patch 1 files had a timestamp that was 2 hours earlier/older than what was in there. Is that right, or am I missing something here?

Also, having a problem with pixelaton that even when both the ddraw.ini and f1res.ini files are set to 8-bit, I get pixelation on the start up splash screen, videos, and portions of the in-game menus.

I went so far as to start with a clean install of Fallout1 and then just the latest version of the HiRes Patch (v3.0.5) and had no problems.
Any idea what it could be?


Win 7 x64 Laptop
Clean install of Fallout 1 (using source from GOG)
Installed FIXT to same directory as Fallout 1
Extracted contents of Patch 1 to Fallout 1/FIXT directory (overwriting all)
Ran install.bat
Launched Fallout 1 using 64bit.bat

Update: Figured it out. The Fallout 1 source uses a more recent version of ddraw.dll than the one that the Alpha 4 installs. Restoring the original one resolves the pixelation problem, but that required installing FIXT to a different directory.

Fallout 1: ddraw.dll 90112 11/28/2008 4:15:46PM
Alpha 4: ddraw.dll 114688 08/14/2007 10:44:26AM

Hope that helps.
Sduibek, this is a great mod! Unfortunately, I have found myself crashing (twice in a row) when doing the quest to help Irwin in the Hub. In the middle of combat, the screen suddenly goes black, nothing goes on but the music is playing, and upon pressing the Esc key, the game crashes.

Keep up the good work!
Hi, I think I've found a bug, not sure if it is in the mod or in the original game, but whenever I try to kill Kane (I'm still at a low level, so I'm trying to kill him before taking down Decker) by planting dynamite on him, it explodes in Demetre Romara, and kills him instead of Kane.

Also, there seems to be some serious memleaks, after 10-20 minutes of playing and closing the game I get ~200 extra MB used reported by task manager than before, and there are no proccess using those.

And there is a crash if you agree with Gizmo about killing Killian, when you're about to be teleported to Killian's place. I can't give info about this because my only objective was to prove Gizmo's crimes, so I simply planted the bug and leave after a few attempts.

Thanks a lot for this mod :)
OK, quick update, I found out the explosives bug only happens if I save the game after I plant the bombs on Kane and before they explode.
Joined just to report this bug! Baby Radscorpions have quite a few problems, all related to targeting specific body parts.

One, the labels don't show up when targeting. See here.

Two, the labels on the right of the targeting window don't work.

And three, when selecting one of the left body parts, the death messages are a bit screwy. Example 1, Example 2
@ak0000 For me the crazy colours never happens if I run the game at 16-bit. But that's ONLY if using the newer versions of f1res (v3.x)

I'll of course include the newest version of f1res with Alpha 5.

Thanks for the timestamp issue, i'll check it out.

@Riotlung Have you installed Patch 1? I'm pretty sure that was happening to me too while working on the Irwin stuff but I also recall it being fixed in Alpha 4 patch 1.

@Oppen Please tell me what the values for art_cache_size and cache_size are in your fallout.cfg file.

Thanks to all four of you for the bug reports.
Hi Sduibek,

Yep I did install that patch. The patch fixed the problem I had with Ian not appearing in Shady Sands at all.

I just had a crashed shortly after finishing the fight at Adytum in favour of the Blades. The level up tone was heard, and the screen went blank. Pressing Esc showed the "Falloutw has stopped working" message.

Some of the Thugs in a building westward in the map where the Blades are say 'Error' when talking to them. There doesn't seem to be much you can do with the Christopher guy in front too (apart from him being mean).
Riotlung said:
Hi Sduibek,

Yep I did install that patch. The patch fixed the problem I had with Ian not appearing in Shady Sands at all.

I just had a crashed shortly after finishing the fight at Adytum in favour of the Blades. The level up tone was heard, and the screen went blank. Pressing Esc showed the "Falloutw has stopped working" message.

Some of the Thugs in a building westward in the map where the Blades are say 'Error' when talking to them. There doesn't seem to be much you can do with the Christopher guy in front too (apart from him being mean).
Sounds like I messed up the link to the Blades' script, which would probably cause the crash too. Sorry about that :( Thanks for the bug report

After running the patch did you start a new character or keep playing the same one? Had you already been to Irwin's Farm when you installed the patch?
valcik: Thanks, my bad, I didn't look through the feedback thread.

Sduibek: After installing the patch, I made a new character. I entered Irwin's farm with this new character as well.

Thanks and hope this helps!
Found another bug! This time it's a Ghoul in Necropolis who apparently has a messed up script.

Here is a screenshot

EDIT: Additionally (and I may be wrong considering this is my first time playing Fallout), the quest given by set to kill the Super Mutants seems bugged as well. Having killed all six Super Mutants in the Watershed, Set just says "Still in my shadow? Why do normie tongues waggle and take the movement from their bones? Clear-time, walk now" and no way to finish the quest is given.
HarrisonH said:
Found another bug! This time it's a Ghoul in Necropolis who apparently has a messed up script.

Here is a screenshot

EDIT: Additionally (and I may be wrong considering this is my first time playing Fallout), the quest given by set to kill the Super Mutants seems bugged as well. Having killed all six Super Mutants in the Watershed, Set just says "Still in my shadow? Why do normie tongues waggle and take the movement from their bones? Clear-time, walk now" and no way to finish the quest is given.
Hmm... the second one should be fixed already. Thanks i'll check it out. for the time being make sure you've got the newest version (Alpha 4 Patch 1)
Winter Quarter at school starts Jan 9th for me; ironically work on FIXT will probably resume on that date -- I've spent my winter break wasting time on various endeavours not related to Fallout :P

So look for Alpha 5 to probably be released this Winter/Spring!
Winter Quarter at school starts Jan 9th for me; ironically work on FIXT will probably resume on that date -- I've spent my winter break wasting time on various endeavours not related to Fallout :P

So look for Alpha 5 to probably be released this Winter/Spring!
.Pixote. said:
What are you studying Sduibek?

EDIT: *troll face*

But in seriousness, either Computer Science or Electrical Engineering. Probably a double-major. I hate acronyms generally, but it's so much easier to say CS and EE that I usually just use those.
Oh, also I am back to 32-bit Windows 7 (thank goodness for that) so I can properly edit .PRO files now again as before.

Also now that I have a Pro+ version (Ultimate in this case) so i'll look into if we can use Windows XP Mode for anything useful.
I'm not sure if what I've recently found is a bug or just a requiremente I didn't know about, but I can't finish the quest of killing the mutants at the watershed. I already killed all of them and Set still doesn't ends the quest. I'm not sure if it is the normal behaviour (I killed the hostile ghouls and the gang, so maybe it's because of that) or a bug in the script. He doesn't turn hostile either, so I think it's not because of the killing. He just tell me "Still in my shadow? There is clearing to do" or something similar, which I think means he still wants me to kill that mutants. Am I missing something?