Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Oppen said:
I'm not sure if what I've recently found is a bug or just a requiremente I didn't know about, but I can't finish the quest of killing the mutants at the watershed. I already killed all of them and Set still doesn't ends the quest. I'm not sure if it is the normal behaviour (I killed the hostile ghouls and the gang, so maybe it's because of that) or a bug in the script. He doesn't turn hostile either, so I think it's not because of the killing. He just tell me "Still in my shadow? There is clearing to do" or something similar, which I think means he still wants me to kill that mutants. Am I missing something?
I thought I fixed this but then got it again myself in 4.1, so yeah. It may or may not happen, looks like you got it.

On the plus side, Set gives you shit for reward anyway, it's way better to kill them all for experience and loot. If you clear out that map it's something like 2650 exp. Another thing I'll be fixing on that map in Alpha 5 is now that I am skilled in map editing I can fix the guard to Set's "palace" so he's linked to the door (like Kane) instead of a stupid fucking timer.
Found another one, but I think it's more on the engine. After I read a holodisk (I think it's when I have more than a specific number, because I don't remember it happening before, just now that I'm almost finishing the game, but reproducible), when I close the pipboy interface, the inventory button becomes black and stops working. The only solution is to close the game (loading another savegame doesn't solve it) and open it again.
Well, I'm trying to get the Master to accept his failure, I get him to regret and set the countdown, but he keeps getting hostile, giving me no time to escape and starting combat mode instead. All of this, while the countdown is running. I don't know if it's a bug or if it's caused because I killed the mutants and children in the floor, but in any case it wouldn't make sense, if he is going to blow them up anyway. Is it a bug or the normal behaviour?
Oppen said:
Found another one, but I think it's more on the engine. After I read a holodisk (I think it's when I have more than a specific number, because I don't remember it happening before, just now that I'm almost finishing the game, but reproducible), when I close the pipboy interface, the inventory button becomes black and stops working. The only solution is to close the game (loading another savegame doesn't solve it) and open it again.
It really bothers me that I can't reproduce this. I've had something like a half dozen people report this bug, and I've never seen it in the entire time I've played Fallout, including my mod testing. Actually, I maybe saw it once, not sure, but I have no idea what causes this and there's no way for me to test :(

Oppen said:
Well, I'm trying to get the Master to accept his failure, I get him to regret and set the countdown, but he keeps getting hostile, giving me no time to escape and starting combat mode instead. All of this, while the countdown is running. I don't know if it's a bug or if it's caused because I killed the mutants and children in the floor, but in any case it wouldn't make sense, if he is going to blow them up anyway. Is it a bug or the normal behaviour?
Sduibek said:
Oppen said:
Found another one, but I think it's more on the engine. After I read a holodisk (I think it's when I have more than a specific number, because I don't remember it happening before, just now that I'm almost finishing the game, but reproducible), when I close the pipboy interface, the inventory button becomes black and stops working. The only solution is to close the game (loading another savegame doesn't solve it) and open it again.
It really bothers me that I can't reproduce this. I've had something like a half dozen people report this bug, and I've never seen it in the entire time I've played Fallout, including my mod testing. Actually, I maybe saw it once, not sure, but I have no idea what causes this and there's no way for me to test :(

Maybe you can try the savegames?
If you want to, I can upload them and give you the link.
Oppen said:
Sduibek said:
Oppen said:
Found another one, but I think it's more on the engine. After I read a holodisk (I think it's when I have more than a specific number, because I don't remember it happening before, just now that I'm almost finishing the game, but reproducible), when I close the pipboy interface, the inventory button becomes black and stops working. The only solution is to close the game (loading another savegame doesn't solve it) and open it again.
It really bothers me that I can't reproduce this. I've had something like a half dozen people report this bug, and I've never seen it in the entire time I've played Fallout, including my mod testing. Actually, I maybe saw it once, not sure, but I have no idea what causes this and there's no way for me to test :(

Maybe you can try the savegames?
If you want to, I can upload them and give you the link.
If you would that'd be great. Thanks!

The savegame named "Mentats" takes you to the near end of the game, with Max Stone standing in front of the master. In that savegame I switched the difficulty to easy and I took 5 mentats, in a desperate (but succesful) attempt to get the diplomatic end. In fact, I could make it in normal difficulty, but it takes a lot of attempts and, being level 14, it took a lot of today just getting there while I've got followers. Jeremiah didn't took that well :P

I think any of them can help you to check the other bug, but I'm completely sure just in the ones named "cathedral", "mentats", "military base 3" and "deadmeat". There I saw the effect of the bug.

EDIT: I managed to finish the game by lockpicking the doors to the nuke, I thought they weren't pickable. Then, I found a few other bugs with the ending. First, I got the wrong ending for the Master and the Unity. I blew up the vats first, but I've got the ending telling killing the Master was the first step, etc.. Then, I've got no sound in that part after it says the quote I copied here, and in the last, the ending for the Vault Dweller, has no sound at all. The other screens seems to be correct, except the one for the Followers. I checked they were still alive, but I have the ending with the mutant invasion. But maybe it's supposed to be that way, I didn't check the time. I think it might have to do with the setting, I played with the invasion on but 4X the time, so maybe the script just checks for the original time for the ending even if I can't see the invasion because of the change in game. The other bug is when I choose to end the game (I didn't try the option to continue, because I didn't let unfinished quest and the only attractive the is mass murdering, which I can do in my Fallout 2 savegame :P), there is corruption in the last video in the parts where the chat interface was before. And that's it, everything else works fine.
I'm updating the savegames to add the one where I'm standing in front of the nuke, so you can check if it's dependant on that. It's the last slot.
Well, tried the option to continue playing, it's bugged too. I can't interact, the Overseer never gets inside (but the Vault's door opens and closes) neither I shot him, the characters keep idle and I can't get to any other interface nor control the player. That means, I can only move the map, but no loading, no inventory, etc.
I got the following messages:
called by fix_param==5:
called by fix_param==5:
called by Node999:

Is there any way I can give you a proper debug log?
And something for the memory leaks? I don't know what alternative to Valgrind is used on Windows.
Here, I got the log:

Fade time is 821
Fade steps are 51
Chi squared is 19.067000, P = 36.420000 at 0.05
Sequence IS random, 95 onfidence.
Initializing sound system...soundInit: Setting primary buffer to: 16 bit, 2 channels, 22050 rate
soundInit: Primary buffer settings set to: 16 bit, 2 channels, 22050 rate
Sounds are on.
Music is on.
Speech is on.
>gsound_init >initMovie >gmovie_init >moviefx_init >art_init >tile_init >obj_init >cycle_init >intface_init >iso_init >gmouse_init >proto_init >anim_init >scr_init >game_load_info >scr_game_init >init_world_map >CharEditInit >pip_init >InitLoadSave >gdialog_init >combat_init >automap_init >message_init >message_load >scr_disable >init_options_menu

Playing movie: iplogo.mve
Buffered not scaled
Movie aborted
Frames 7, dropped 0

Playing movie: intro.mve
Opening subtitle file text\english\cuts\intro.SVE
Read 26 subtitles
Buffered not scaled
Movie aborted
Frames 8, dropped 0
Loading background sound file 07desert.ACM... finding background sound- playing succeeded.
Loading sound file nmselec0.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file nmselec1.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file ib1p1xx1.ACM...succeeded.

LOADSAVE: Load name: deadmeat 2
LOADSAVE: Load file header size read: 30051 bytes.
Resetting sound system...done.

Scripts: [Game Reset] LOADSAVE: Load function #0 data size read: 0 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #1 data size read: 4 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #2 data size read: 2561 bytes.

MAP: Loading SAVED map.Loading background sound file wind2.ACM... finding background sound- playing succeeded.
OVERRIDE_MAP_START: x: 112, y: 84
[Party Member 0]: None
LOADSAVE: Load function #3 data size read: 495 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #4 data size read: 2561 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #5 data size read: 3456 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #6 data size read: 372 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #7 data size read: 60 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #8 data size read: 16 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #9 data size read: 0 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #10 data size read: 256 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #11 data size read: 4 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #12 data size read: 0 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #13 data size read: 20 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #14 data size read: 0 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #15 data size read: 52 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #16 data size read: 8 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #17 data size read: 4 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #18 data size read: 80 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #19 data size read: 5 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #20 data size read: 1028 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #21 data size read: 0 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #22 data size read: 14 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #23 data size read: 216 bytes.

[Party Members]:
Total Critter Count: 27

LOADSAVE: Load function #24 data size read: 20 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Load function #25 data size read: 16 bytes.
Loading background sound file 02MSTRLR.ACM... finding background sound- playing succeeded.
LOADSAVE: Load function #26 data size read: 0 bytes.
LOADSAVE: Total load data read: 41299 bytes.
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file iaccuxx1.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file ib3p1xx1.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file ib3lu1x1.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file iaccuxx1.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file ib3p1xx1.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file ib3lu1x1.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file HAPOWRJD.ACM...trying HMXXXXJD.ACM -succeeded (with alias).
Loading sound file HAPOWRJC.ACM...trying HMXXXXJC.ACM -succeeded (with alias).
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.

This computer is labeled Atomic Access Computer.
There are cables running from the access computer to the warhead behind it.Loading sound file iaccuxx1.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file ib3p1xx1.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file ib3lu1x1.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.

You have armed the warhead. A timer with four minutes has started a countdown.
Time left: 240 seconds.
the start elev level 1
Loading sound file ib1p1xx1.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file ELV1_1.ACM...succeeded.

AUTOMAP: Saving AutoMap DB index 34, level 1
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.

Time left: 236 seconds.
the start elev level 2
Loading sound file ib1p1xx1.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file ELV1_1.ACM...succeeded.

AUTOMAP: Saving AutoMap DB index 34, level 0

MAP: Loading SAVED map.
Saving ".SAV" map.MSTRLR34.SAV saved.
AUTOMAP: Saving AutoMap DB index 34, level 0
Loading background sound file wind2.ACM... finding background sound- playing succeeded.
OVERRIDE_MAP_START: x: 136, y: 107
[Party Member 0]: Max Stone
[Party Member 1]: Tycho
[Party Member 2]: Ian
[Party Member 3]: Katja

[Party Members]:
Total Critter Count: 24

Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.

Time left: 223 seconds.Loading background sound file 02MSTRLR.ACM... finding background sound- playing succeeded.
Loading background sound file 02MSTRLR.ACM... finding background sound- playing succeeded.

Error: map: attempt to center out-of-bounds!Loading sound file HAPOWRJA.ACM...trying HMXXXXJA.ACM -succeeded (with alias).
Loading sound file HAPOWRJD.ACM...trying HMXXXXJD.ACM -succeeded (with alias).
Loading sound file HAPOWRJC.ACM...trying HMXXXXJC.ACM -succeeded (with alias).
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.

Time left: 197 seconds.Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.

Time left: 196 seconds.
MAP: Loading SAVED map.
Saving ".SAV" map.MSTRLR12.SAV saved.
AUTOMAP: Saving AutoMap DB index 33, level 0
Loading background sound file wind2.ACM... finding background sound- playing succeeded.
OVERRIDE_MAP_START: x: 96, y: 63
Time left: 196 seconds.
[Party Member 0]: Max Stone
[Party Member 1]: Tycho
[Party Member 2]: Ian
[Party Member 3]: Katja

[Party Members]:
Total Critter Count: 28

Loading background sound file 11CHILRN.ACM... finding background sound- playing succeeded.
Loading background sound file 11CHILRN.ACM... finding background sound- playing succeeded.

Error: map: attempt to center out-of-bounds!Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file HAPOWRJD.ACM...trying HMXXXXJD.ACM -succeeded (with alias).
Loading sound file HAPOWRJC.ACM...trying HMXXXXJC.ACM -succeeded (with alias).
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.

Time left: 180 seconds.
Saving ".SAV" map.CHILDRN1.SAV saved.
AUTOMAP: Saving AutoMap DB index 17, level 0
Loading background sound file 03wrldmp.ACM... finding background sound- playing succeeded.

WORLD MAP: Doing "Master lair explode" specail.

Playing movie: cathexp.mve
Buffered not scaled
Movie aborted
Frames 11, dropped 0
WORLD MAP: Loading map, filename: V13ENT.MAP, map index#: 0.

MAP: Loading SAVED map.Loading background sound file wind2.ACM... finding background sound- playing succeeded.
OVERRIDE_MAP_START: x: 90, y: 88OVERRIDE_MAP_START: x: 90, y: 96
[Party Member 0]: Max Stone
[Party Member 1]: Tycho
[Party Member 2]: Ian
[Party Member 3]: Katja

[Party Members]:
Total Critter Count: 4

Loading background sound file 06VAULT.ACM... finding background sound- playing succeeded.
Loading background sound file 06VAULT.ACM... finding background sound- playing succeeded.
WORLD MAP: Map load complete.

Loading sound file HAPOWRJA.ACM...trying HMXXXXJA.ACM -succeeded (with alias).

Error playing movie!Loading speech sound file narrator\nar_10.ACM... finding speech sound Loading speech sound file narrator\nar_13.ACM... finding speech sound playing Loading speech sound file narrator\nar_18.ACM... finding speech sound playing Loading speech sound file narrator\nar_19.ACM... finding speech sound playing Loading speech sound file narrator\nar_24.ACM... finding speech sound playing Loading speech sound file narrator\nar_28.ACM... finding speech sound playing Loading speech sound file narrator\nar_35.ACM... finding speech sound playing Loading speech sound file narrator\nar_40.ACM... finding speech sound Loading sound file HAPOWRJD.ACM...trying HMXXXXJD.ACM -succeeded (with alias).
Loading sound file HAPOWRJC.ACM...trying HMXXXXJC.ACM -succeeded (with alias).
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file SODOORSO.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file SCDOORSO.ACM...succeeded.
Choosing fidget 3 out of 3

Loading current save-file version (2)Starting lipsynch speechEnding lipsynch systemDialogue Reaction: Said Good
Starting transition...
Waiting for fidget to complete...
Error locking transition...
Error unlocking transition...
Finished transition...
Choosing fidget 3 out of 3

Loading current save-file version (2)Starting lipsynch speechEnding lipsynch systemDialogue Reaction: Said Bad
Starting transition...
Waiting for fidget to complete...
Finished transition...
Choosing fidget 3 out of 3

Loading current save-file version (2)Starting lipsynch speechEnding lipsynch systemDialogue Reaction: Said Bad
Starting transition...
Waiting for fidget to complete...
Finished transition...
Choosing fidget 3 out of 3

Loading current save-file version (2)Starting lipsynch speechEnding lipsynch systemDialogue Reaction: Said Bad
Starting transition...
Waiting for fidget to complete...
Error locking transition...
Error unlocking transition...
Finished transition...
Choosing fidget 1 out of 3

Loading current save-file version (2)Starting lipsynch speechEnding lipsynch systemDialogue Reaction: Said Neutral
Loading background sound file 06VAULT.ACM... finding background sound- playing succeeded.
Missing speech name.
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.

Called by fixed_param==5: add_timer_event(dude_obj,
Called by fixed_param==5: add_timer_event(dude_obj,Dialogue Reaction: Said Neutral
Loading sound file monitor.ACM...succeeded.

Called by Node999: add_timer_event(dude_obj,Loading background sound file 06VAULT.ACM... finding background sound- playing succeeded.
Loading sound file SODOORSO.ACM...succeeded.
Loading sound file HAPOWRJA.ACM...trying HMXXXXJA.ACM -succeeded (with alias).
Sounds like it's not calling game_ui_enable properly... I forgot that I was still tweaking that ending part. I thought it was working, but eh. You're in luck -- school's been cancelled so I can take a look today and see about what's causing these. Also please do me a favor and send me all of your f1res and ddraw files that exist from below:



The "too many holodisk entries causes black/broken skilldex button" bug is an old engine problem we don't hear much about anymore because it's been fixed in sfall for Fallout 2 for some time now; yet with interest reviving in Fallout due to Sduibek's mod this will likely become a commonly reported issue. As far as I know, sfall's method is the only fix. For a player whose game is stuck as a result, the only option is to reload prior to reading the (twelfth or thirteenth, I can't remember) holodisk that results in too many entries and thereafter not read any more holodisks. If one really can't remember the contents because one hasn't played in some time, one can open the holodisk text file outside the game for study. Skilldex skills may still be used accessing them via one's keyboard rather than clicking on the on-screen skilldex button.


Endocore said:


The "too many holodisk entries causes black/broken skilldex button" bug is an old engine problem we don't hear much about anymore because it's been fixed in sfall for Fallout 2 for some time now; yet with interest reviving in Fallout due to Sduibek's mod this will likely become a commonly reported issue. As far as I know, sfall's method is the only fix. For a player whose game is stuck as a result, the only option is to reload prior to reading the (twelfth or thirteenth, I can't remember) holodisk that results in too many entries and thereafter not read any more holodisks. If one really can't remember the contents because one hasn't played in some time, one can open the holodisk text file outside the game for study. Skilldex skills may still be used accessing them via one's keyboard rather than clicking on the on-screen skilldex button.


Actually, my case isn't that way. I can save, exit, and start the program again and play with the savegame in which I already read it. And just saving and loading doesn't work, even if I start a previous savegame in which I haven't that much holodisks.

Sorry, I may have misunderstood; perhaps we're talking about separate issues. The too many holodisk entries problem doesn't typically cause any trouble either with saving or loading, but merely results in ui buttons not working. When the inventory button is blacked out, can you still access your inventory with the keyboard rather than clicking on the screen?


Endocore said:

Sorry, I may have misunderstood; perhaps we're talking about separate issues. The too many holodisk entries problem doesn't typically cause any trouble either with saving or loading, but merely results in ui buttons not working. When the inventory button is blacked out, can you still access your inventory with the keyboard rather than clicking on the screen?


Yes. But there is still the difference with what you described. The problem can't be solved even starting a new game from the begining. You must close the game and restart the program, then, no matter which savegame you load, it works normally again. But it will not work if you don't close the whole program first.
Oh wow I completely forgot about the Pipboy bug. I was thinking about that while modding a few months ago.... Isn't the simplest workaround to just remove one or two of them from the game? There has to be a way to streamline or move (i.e. to a computer terminal or something) some of the shorter ones. The TOTAL number of disks in the game is only something like 15 if I remember correctly, so this is a fairly simple task. I will look into it for Alpha 5.

EDIT: Because hence the name, this mod is designed primarily to "fix what was wrong with Fallout 1" - obviously crashes and GUI failures are at the top of that list.
Oppen said:
Sduibek said:
You don't have the newest version of f1_res (not surprising; it came out a couple weeks after I released 4.1)

Get it here http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/dload.php?action=file&file_id=1361 and see if that helps.
I was sure I intalled that version. Well, I tried it and still the same errors.

EDIT: I didn't overwrite the f1_res.ini, might that be?
Probably not, but trying doesn't hurt. If you want to save the settings or whatever, move it to another folder instead of deleting it.