Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

I wouldn't change any wikis or other stuff based on my mod, because it's most likely something I broke :P

How often are you getting the targeting bug? I assume it is related to either 1) slight changes to character's "natural light radius" or 2) the Perception fix. Either way, that sucks because I like both of those changes.
Sduibek said:
I wouldn't change any wikis or other stuff based on my mod, because it's most likely something I broke :P

How often are you getting the targeting bug? I assume it is related to either 1) slight changes to character's "natural light radius" or 2) the Perception fix. Either way, that sucks because I like both of those changes.
About the wiki, the modification I suggest is adding that the Blades should appear when you take the holodisk to Zimmerman if you obtained the guns for them.

About the bug, I can try to reproduce it and see if it happens often, I think I still have the savegame I did for the Garl's issue, I should be able to get the bug from there.
I think I'll have time to do some work on FIXT this weekend! Crazy right??

EDIT: To both of you, most importantly about the Out Of Range bug in combat, that one is very important, a save right when it happens would be fantastic (in the latter, save during that combat) if you can't or don't have time that's fine but having the save is always best for us testers/coders :)

Thanks :clap:
Hey Sduibek, great job.

I've been playing exactly the same as Panzerkfw, and I've had exactly the same issues he's having, although it seems to me the attack on the Regulators never worked quite right even in vanilla, but I could be wrong.

Two other things I've noticed: the "greeter" guy in Junktown (I can't remember his name, but it starts with a K, I think) has some glitched dialogue. Not at first, but the second time you talk to him and after that.

Also, when I was in the cathedral, I kept getting teleported outside sometimes when I would try to open a door. I managed to make it work, but I had to keep re-entering the bulding.

Love the radiation at the Glow. I popped Rad-X, but only up to 88% resistance. By the time I left I had almost 5000 rads! Utterly fatal, even after gulping about 25 units of RadAway.
Sduibek said:
EDIT: To both of you, most importantly about the Out Of Range bug in combat, that one is very important, a save right when it happens would be fantastic (in the latter, save during that combat) if you can't or don't have time that's fine but having the save is always best for us testers/coders :)

I'm into "one slot" savegaming, so I don't know if You would find anything useful in that mess, but if You really want it, I'll upload it tomorrow. (It is nice save game anyway, my char is standing in front of Master, in hardened PA and with Gattling Laser in hands, and is completely stoned ~5x Buffouts and ~5x Psychoes. Party Hard - Vault 13 Style).

BTW I forget to ask about something - are those Followers' Scouts in Cathedral (appeared after talk with someone and paying 300 caps) better than cannon fodder? Unfortunately I didn't find them useful because soon I enter the Cathedral map I discovered I haven't hardened my PA, so I went back to Miles and they leave me.

BTW2 - bug or something - in the beginning, in Shady Sands, I've found the Elder who talked about radoscorpions (same quest as Seth's one? Unfortunately he/she didn't noticed when I killed 'em all) and after that talk (and long before I solved that problem) I discovered Leather Armour and Hunting Rifle in my items. For sure I haven't got them before. Strange a bit.
Panzerkampfwagen said:
BTW I forget to ask about something - are those Followers' Scouts in Cathedral (appeared after talk with someone and paying 300 caps) better than cannon fodder? Unfortunately I didn't find them useful because soon I enter the Cathedral map I discovered I haven't hardened my PA, so I went back to Miles and they leave me.
Once, one of that followers, the only one who survived my encounter with Master's army, followed me until a random encounter many miles away. After that, she just disappeared.
But, I don't think that matters more than as some anecdotic data :P

Sduibek: about the targetting bug, I'm not sure what should I notice. What happens with that? Is that you can not target someone who is close to you? If I get through it, I'll provide a savegame, but I'm not sure how should I notice it's happening :p

EDIT: About the prisoner's bug and his stockholm syndrome, I'm finding it hard to do, because everyone seem to be hostile before I can release him. I'll try again later, but my current character is not sneaky enough. The fast way would be to edit the character and make it perfectly sneaky, but I'm not sure at which point is that useful for the testing itself.

EDIT 2: The hostility was because of the brass knuckles I didn't figured I had equipped XD

EDIT 3: I have three savegames for the prisoner's issues. The first one is just after I unlocked his cell's door, the second after I unlocked Tandi's one (after unlocking the male prisoner's one) with the first dialog option, and the third, the same as the second but with the second dialog option and telling him that I'll check what I can do. In every one, he fights me if I enter battle with the khans. If I sneak out, he doesn't follow. I didn't try killing the khans before releasing him, but I think it's not needed.

prisoner and elder are restored characters so don't spend too much time discovering bugs with those. (they haven't been fleshed out much yet anyway.)
Sduibek said:
prisoner and elder are restored characters so don't spend too much time discovering bugs with those. (they haven't been fleshed out much yet anyway.)
Sorry, I'm not a native english speaker, and I don't quite understand the meaning of the expression "been fleshed out". Are these characters being maintained by their authors?
Oppen said:
Sduibek said:
prisoner and elder are restored characters so don't spend too much time discovering bugs with those. (they haven't been fleshed out much yet anyway.)
Sorry, I'm not a native english speaker, and I don't quite understand the meaning of the expression "been fleshed out". Are these characters being maintained by their authors?
Added by me, not completed yet.
Sduibek, trying to continue my saved game, I accidentally get to save the game right in the moment the "aim blocked" bug makes itself present. So I can provide you a savegame.
It's in the middle of the fight, the girl next to my character is "blocked", you can check it out.
I managed to talk The Master into killing himself, but instead of just starting the countdown he hit me with three or four angry lines of dialogue -- each one requiring me to click on the "[DONE]" prompt -- and then attacked me.
UniversalWolf said:
I managed to talk The Master into killing himself, but instead of just starting the countdown he hit me with three or four angry lines of dialogue -- each one requiring me to click on the "[DONE]" prompt -- and then attacked me.
Yes, it's already reported and I did provide a savegame.
Sduibek thank you very much for this mod compilation. I am just starting my FO1 session after more than 10 years :)

I have one question though. Is it possible to run fo1 with your modifications in windowed mode?

I did some research and saw than in ddraw.ini I can change mode to windowed, but than I get some kind of error.

Thx very much in advance.
kuki said:
Sduibek thank you very much for this mod compilation. I am just starting my FO1 session after more than 10 years :)

I have one question though. Is it possible to run fo1 with your modifications in windowed mode?

I did some research and saw than in ddraw.ini I can change mode to windowed, but than I get some kind of error.

Thx very much in advance.
It should work if you set f1_res.ini to 8bit colour, let me know if that helps
Oppen said:
UniversalWolf said:
I managed to talk The Master into killing himself, but instead of just starting the countdown he hit me with three or four angry lines of dialogue -- each one requiring me to click on the "[DONE]" prompt -- and then attacked me.
Yes, it's already reported and I did provide a savegame.


Good start on this project. I'm looking forward to future improvements.

I hope the extra prisoner the Khans are holding, the merchant from Junktown, gets developed. That one made me say, "Oooh, neato!" But he doesn't work yet.

I really like having a small store in Shady Sands. Very helpful.

Would it be possible to add more exclamations to the NPCs? By exclamations I mean when they say something out loud without going into dialogue. For example, as you walk around the Hub, Ian comments on all the places you visit: "This is the Far Go Traders, run by Butch Harris..."

I had a weird thing happen with the Khans, although I forgot to report it and I don't think I have a save anymore. I got a StealthBoy really early from the random encounter with the Godzilla footprint, and when I turned it on in the raider camp, everyone thought I was Garl's father's ghost. The encounter didn't turn out as I liked, so I restored my save to where I had entered the camp but I had not turned on the StealthBoy yet. Even without turning it on, all the raiders still thought I was a ghost. If I get a chance, I'll recheck that one.
UniversalWolf said:
I had a weird thing happen with the Khans, although I forgot to report it and I don't think I have a save anymore. I got a StealthBoy really early from the random encounter with the Godzilla footprint, and when I turned it on in the raider camp, everyone thought I was Garl's father's ghost. The encounter didn't turn out as I liked, so I restored my save to where I had entered the camp but I had not turned on the StealthBoy yet. Even without turning it on, all the raiders still thought I was a ghost. If I get a chance, I'll recheck that one.
IIRC, that's a normal behavior, there's a way to end the quest that way.

For more information, check here. If your stats are the same or above the required, then this is normal.
Garl's father is normal if you're Male with high Luck.

Would it be possible to add more exclamations to the NPCs? By exclamations I mean when they say something out loud without going into dialogue. For example, as you walk around the Hub, Ian comments on all the places you visit: "This is the Far Go Traders, run by Butch Harris..."
Absolutely possible. I like this idea! Not hard to code, the hard part would be making sure it stays in character, if you're specifically talking about Katja/Ian/Tycho
Sduibek said:
Would it be possible to add more exclamations to the NPCs? By exclamations I mean when they say something out loud without going into dialogue. For example, as you walk around the Hub, Ian comments on all the places you visit: "This is the Far Go Traders, run by Butch Harris..."
Absolutely possible. I like this idea! Not hard to code, the hard part would be making sure it stays in character, if you're specifically talking about Katja/Ian/Tycho

I love the idea too. This will bring some real depth to NPCs, since there are so much less detailed then in Fallout 2.
Sduibek said:
Would it be possible to add more exclamations to the NPCs? By exclamations I mean when they say something out loud without going into dialogue. For example, as you walk around the Hub, Ian comments on all the places you visit: "This is the Far Go Traders, run by Butch Harris..."
Absolutely possible. I like this idea! Not hard to code, the hard part would be making sure it stays in character, if you're specifically talking about Katja/Ian/Tycho

I love the idea too. :D This will bring some real depth to NPCs, since there are so much less detailed then in Fallout 2.