Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Boogeyman said:
Superb mod.

Is there a way to retrieve the uzi/stuff under bed in vault 15?
Why thank you! :)

It's funny, I didn't even know about this until like six months ago when people were discussing it in the FIXT threads (forget which thread). I was like, "Wow, I played something like fifty times and never noticed this?!"

I'll add that to Alpha 5 To-Do list!
Just where did you put savegames? The savegame folder is empty.................................................................................
WhereIsTheSave said:
Just where did you put savegames? The savegame folder is empty.................................................................................
Um... they should be in there. Are you sure you're looking at the FIXT folder and not one that's just the original Fallout?

They will be under {FIXT main folder}/DATA/SAVEGAME
Sduibek said:
Um... they should be in there. Are you sure you're looking at the FIXT folder and not one that's just the original Fallout?

They will be under {FIXT main folder}/DATA/SAVEGAME
You're not supposed to install fixt in Fallout folder?
Haven't you installed Fallout in a Program Files directory, while running Vista/7 OS by any chance? If so, blame UAC instead of Sduibek! Your files are probably moved in a VirtualStore directory (or god knows where else). Just search on your HDD for *.sav files. :P
valcik said:
Haven't you installed Fallout in a Program Files directory, while running Vista/7 OS by any chance? If so, blame UAC instead of Sduibek! Your files are probably moved in a VirtualStore directory (or god knows where else). Just search on your HDD for *.sav files. :P
Oh shit I didn't even think of that, since I have UAC disabled. Thanks :)

WhereIsTheSave (nice username btw, lol!) let us know if that works. And yes, installing directly over the Fallout directory is fine.
I'm a fan pf the series and just got a new rig built. Although I am not very savvy at all, with the software end...or the hardware for that matter. It is just tab A into slot B. If it didn't work at startup...well that would not have been good.

I downloaded the game pack from Steam. I have issues with the funky colors. I can't see how to play. Eventually I was directed here and to this thread.

I downloaded both the version 4 and the zip 4.1. I can't get it to work. It says that it does not read or see some Master file...or something. I have no idea what that is. You say that if you are running a 64bit you need to do run some bat file. That doesn't do any good when one doesn't know what that is. I use to swing a bat, many, many years ago.

Need all the help you guys give an old man. I would hope that my money wasn't wasted on getting this game. I was really looking forward to going from FO1 to Lonesome Road.

I copied the FIXT folder, from /GAMES to Steam/Steamapps/bla-bla-/fallout folder. It still doesn't see that Master file. I see the 32bit and 64 bit files...buuut then what?
Senor Cinco said:
I'm a fan pf the series and just got a new rig built. Although I am not very savvy at all, with the software end...or the hardware for that matter. It is just tab A into slot B. If it didn't work at startup...well that would not have been good.

I downloaded the game pack from Steam. I have issues with the funky colors. I can't see how to play. Eventually I was directed here and to this thread.

I downloaded both the version 4 and the zip 4.1. I can't get it to work. It says that it does not read or see some Master file...or something. I have no idea what that is. You say that if you are running a 64bit you need to do run some bat file. That doesn't do any good when one doesn't know what that is. I use to swing a bat, many, many years ago.

Need all the help you guys give an old man. I would hope that my money wasn't wasted on getting this game. I was really looking forward to going from FO1 to Lonesome Road.

I copied the FIXT folder, from /GAMES to Steam/Steamapps/bla-bla-/fallout folder. It still doesn't see that Master file. I see the 32bit and 64 bit files...buuut then what?
Okay, well all the FIXT files need to be in the same directory as Fallout, which it sounds like you did -- however, in that directory will be master.dat and critter.dat

Do you know how to do a file search? If so, search for one of those files and move all the FIXT files into whatever directory it's in.

Anyway that is what it's looking for, MASTER.DAT and CRITTER.DAT you need all the FIXT files in the same folder as those files. And you can run the .exe directly (the picture of the smiley guy) you don't need to run the .bat files
Sduibek said:
Okay, well all the FIXT files need to be in the same directory as Fallout, which it sounds like you did -- however, in that directory will be master.dat and critter.dat

Do you know how to do a file search? If so, search for one of those files and move all the FIXT files into whatever directory it's in.

Anyway that is what it's looking for, MASTER.DAT and CRITTER.DAT you need all the FIXT files in the same folder as those files. And you can run the .exe directly (the picture of the smiley guy) you don't need to run the .bat files
Thanks for the reply. AND thanks for doing something like this. Although I don't fully understand much more than turning the damn thing on...I do understand that what you have done took a lot of time and effort. KUDOS, my friend. AS a matter of fact, I joined this forum because of YOU! Just so I could speak with the mind behind the FIXT patch/mod thingy.

Now back to bis. Even though I copied the FIXT folder to my follout folder it showed up as a sub folder under follout. I just deleted everything and started over. This time I directed it to "INSTALL" in folder "fallout". This time it just wrote over all the other stuff during the "Install" and not just a puny "Copy" folder.

Now it runs in all it's gklory!

The thing is, the load screen is beautiful and no tripy LSD color scheme going on, but it shows version Alpha 4 in the bottom right corner. I downloaded the 4.1 patch, and it resides in the "Download" folder, where it was placed. There it sits and I don't know what to do with it. I opened the folder and It has an "Install.bat" file that when clicked on, it jkust flashes up a small DOS window for a split second and that's it....nothing.
Sduibek said:
Sogi said:
I especially made an account here for this - how do I apply the 4.1 patch? Where do I place the extracted zip file and run the bat file?

Thanks. Looking forward to trying this out.
Well cool, thanks!

Extract it into the Fallout/FalloutFIXT folder, basically just copy those files on top of the stuff you installed using the installer.

From the .txt file in the 4.1 zip file:

Extract all files from DATA folder into your Fallout FIXT directory

Click on YES or REPLACE when asked to overwrite, this must be done with ALL files when prompted

Run Install.bat from your Fallout FIXT directory

Run 32-bit OS.bat or 64-bit OS.bat as usual to play the game!

Browsed the other pages and found this. I am in the same situation. Even though the instructions are some what spelled out...I just have a hard time understanding terms like..extract, compile...stop that...

I'm more in tune to terms like open, click, delete...keep going...

Anyway, for starters, I have no folder named FIXT. When it installed into the fallout folder, it just rewrote the existing files and didn't rename or add a folder named FIXT.

I understand that the folders and files need to go to the fallout folder somewhere, but not exactly sure on how to do that without screwing something up. I don't want to redo this again.

That is unless I have already done so...Sorry I am a true idiot.

I opened the zip file and selected the two folders and two files, I hit " copy" and pasted it over the "fallout" folder. It started overwriting and stuff... I got teared up...a little.

Now the screen shows 4.1 in the lower right corner!

LOOK MA! I poty! I'm a big boy now?

Thanks again! You're the champ!
Hi, I desperately need some help here!

I installed fallout, then installed fixt to the same folder etc. The game's main screen reads 4.1 too, the "screen options" are updated too.

The problem is, the screen still goes black. I ran the 32bit OS bat file (I run on xp professional sp3). I even ran the screen refresh. It still goes black.

I'm pretty sure I messed up somewhere, but I don't know where. Please help me and thank you in advance!

I was really looking forward to playing FO1 again and now I'm sad :(
Kanly said:
Hi, I desperately need some help here!

I installed fallout, then installed fixt to the same folder etc. The game's main screen reads 4.1 too, the "screen options" are updated too.

The problem is, the screen still goes black. I ran the 32bit OS bat file (I run on xp professional sp3). I even ran the screen refresh. It still goes black.

I'm pretty sure I messed up somewhere, but I don't know where. Please help me and thank you in advance!

I was really looking forward to playing FO1 again and now I'm sad :(
Define "goes black" -- are you talking about where the whole screen goes black but if you pull up something to "overwrite" the screen (Character sheet) it goes away?

What # color bits do you have f1res set to? I always use 16 or 32 bit, see if changing the number of bits helps.
Yes it is that kind of black. Setting it to 32 seems to have solved this problem, but 16 and 32 both make the screen "flicker" and flash (well not really flash, it's like it goes black then back to normal). This is really annoying but I think that's obvious.

Maybe it has something to do with the refresh rate? I don't know where to adjust that.

Anyway; thanks for the help so far!, and if anyone has encountered this "flashing" in 32 bit colors and knows the solution, please share it!
Well, if it's that kind of black, this is a good moment to test the feature introduced in the latest version of the high res patch.
Oppen said:
Well, if it's that kind of black, this is a good moment to test the feature introduced in the latest version of the high res patch.
Thank you, that's good advice.

Yes I would update to f1res 3.0.6 http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/dload.php?action=file&file_id=1370

Then make sure you're running the game from the 32bit.bat file OR run the "f1_screen_refresh.exe" before running your game (I say "or" because the 32bit.bat file runs that exe) because that specifically fixes this issue.