Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

the original nixie numbers is vapourware I'm afraid, although b4 Sduibek himself vanished I remember smeone asked him about nixie numbers, Sduibek extracted the stuff from FIXT for this guy, if you plow through entire thread You might find it.. good luck though 213 pages is a lot to read, alternatively you may try TeamX's site, but beware of viruses.
hey, how can i disable the hi res patch and have the exe still work? i want a totally vanilla game with original resolution, and i had to comb through its settings to make it so, but now the menu is broken anyway
dont use Fixt if you want a vanilla run...
i picked the bugfix only option so it was advertised as vanilla
but it came with the hi res patch which isnt really vanilla, until i try to use the settings to make it vanilla, but then it breaks stuff
Even the "Purist/Bugfixes only" version is by far not even close to vanilla, because a lot was changed that has nothing to do with making it run better or fixing bugs!
Even the "Purist/Bugfixes only" version is by far not even close to vanilla, because a lot was changed that has nothing to do with making it run better or fixing bugs!
damn ok
ill just have to stick with it tho because i wont be able to play it otherwise
Even the "Purist/Bugfixes only" version is by far not even close to vanilla, because a lot was changed that has nothing to do with making it run better or fixing bugs!
hey if anyone is still around, what are the differences from Vanilla? I can't find a list. Btw i encountered the Cabbot bug, if you tell him in Fixt anything other than "i want to join the BOS" when you first meet him he breaks completely. Came to report it, it's already reported. Honestly i've been out of the game too long. Is Fixt still worked on? Is there an alternative for vanilla with some quality of life changes? Thanks
hey if anyone is still around, what are the differences from Vanilla? I can't find a list. Btw i encountered the Cabbot bug, if you tell him in Fixt anything other than "i want to join the BOS" when you first meet him he breaks completely. Came to report it, it's already reported. Honestly i've been out of the game too long. Is Fixt still worked on? Is there an alternative for vanilla with some quality of life changes? Thanks
Tiny You should check out this:
Fallout et tu - Release v1.9
Tiny You should check out this:
Fallout et tu - Release v1.9
Thanks! I figure Fixt is not continued? I'm reporting a few more bugs from the same playthough just for the record.

1. Delta log is still bugged out in the pip boy, shows up as 15 pages of error message.
2. Zimmerman/ Blades fight several issues, the blades will come now but there is no dialogue with Razor after the fight. Instead she is asking me all over to join the fight, which either teleports me back or crashes the game.

This is all purist btw.

kinda bummed, i never had these issues in vanilla. Still love this mod, but next playthrough i will either try Et Tu or just play vanilla.

edit: i think i may be an idiot and may had been missing a regulator on part 2. I did get the crashes/ loops but maybe i left before the fight was over.
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I recently installed this mod and I'm loving it. However, there's one thing I regret installing. The metallic "click" from the demo really gets on my nerves.
Is there a way to disable it, like say, deleting a sound file? Or do I have to do a complete reinstall?
In case I'm not making myself clear, it's the sound when I click the red buttons.
hey if anyone is still around, what are the differences from Vanilla? I can't find a list. Btw i encountered the Cabbot bug, if you tell him in Fixt anything other than "i want to join the BOS" when you first meet him he breaks completely. Came to report it, it's already reported. Honestly i've been out of the game too long. Is Fixt still worked on? Is there an alternative for vanilla with some quality of life changes? Thanks

I didnt know, back then , that so many changes had been made, you can find them here and I don't like many of them(power armor nerfed, combat armor not protecting against radiation,etc)

I wish there was a mod compatible with teamx patches that would just restore cut endings,as poorly written as they can be. I know Sduibek had made a separate mod to fix endings but it disappeared from the Internet
I Didn't find anything mentioning the latest version of the Fixt patch, and I thought it would be nice to check it in 2024.
The most updated version that I came across was 0.81a on this link:
But anyone know about something newer?
That's then latest of the fixt line. Ettu picked up after that.
Thank you for the reply. Do you know if I can install et tu and keep the game as much as possible almost the same as the original game like Fixt?
And where can I find the latest version of et tu?
thread still on first page of modding section....

Anyway please sticky the ettu topic and maybe replace the fixt one?