Fallout Haiku

Off goes your torso
I love that animation
Yuch, got blood on me

Next up: Solar Scorcher

(PS: I'm sorry if I sometimes fail to abide to the 5:7:5 rule, but sometimes I don't know how many of them are in one word... sometimes...)
Morpoggel said:
(PS: I'm sorry if I sometimes fail to abide to the 5:7:5 rule, but sometimes I don't know how many of them are in one word... sometimes...)

It's not that hard

"Off goes your torso - 5
I love that animation - 8
Yuch, got blood on me - 5"

It's not a vowel-count, it's a syllable count, which is important as not all vowels are pronounced and some are thus not syllables. But some people her apparently think that pressing the enter key twice means you have a haiku. Jeez, people.

Alien [Ay-Lee-An, see?] gizmo
It does not need batteries
Still useless, though

Next up: the Hub
Kharn said:
Morpoggel said:
(PS: I'm sorry if I sometimes fail to abide to the 5:7:5 rule, but sometimes I don't know how many of them are in one word... sometimes...)

It's not that hard

"Off goes your torso - 5
I love that animation - 8
Yuch, got blood on me - 5"

It's not a vowel-count, it's a syllable count, which is important as not all vowels are pronounced and some are thus not syllables. But some people her apparently think that pressing the enter key twice means you have a haiku. Jeez, people.

Except "love" is one syllable because the e is not pronounced.
"I(1) love(2) that(3) a(4)-ni(5)-ma(6)-tion(7)" is seven, not eight.

You can stretch syllables or add new ones if it works, but that's only what's called poetic freedom.
Ashmo said:
Except "love" is one syllable because the e is not pronounced.
"I(1) love(2) that(3) a(4)-ni(5)-ma(6)-tion(7)" is seven, not eight.

Heh, funny since that's exactly what I said, but then failed to apply it myself.

Luv, yeah.

That's enough of that, though. This thread should not have haiku-less posts.
I know I have to use syllables, but I don't always know exactly how many syllables are in a certain word.


Trading and gambling
All possible in the Hub
Someone killed Kenny

Next up: the Vagrants
Kharn said:
Luv, yeah.

That's enough of that, though. This thread should not have haiku-less posts.

You could have cheated by pronouncing it "Al-ien" rather than "Al-i-en", btw.

That's what my point was.

That said, less nazi-ing, more haiku-ing!

Sadly I suck at haikus if they don't contain the words "death" and "sadness" so I shall not write any further.
Since I can't remember for the life of me what Vagrants were, I'll just do a quick side-haiku, not even Fallout related.

Ashmo can't haiku
Without some death or sadness
He argues instead

Flame me if neccessary, but please don't continue this or else the thread will go even fruther away from being a Fallout haiku thread.
Vagrants never learn,
To find a good profession,
That's why they are poor.

Next: Hubologists
Hmm, never tried a haiku before.

All you need to do
to right a good haiku thus
is watch BBC

Never would have guessed
richest 'bums' I ever met
vagrants or tourists?


Curse that darn Duckman
distracted by internet
you made me edit

Only good Hubo
is a dead Hubo of course
so they cannot sue

Continue with Hubologists:
I hate the Hubos,
Thieves, conmen, sodomisers,
Great experience!


I did not know that,
What we write had to be in,
Haiku, but it is fun!

My apologies,
Quietfanatic, accept
My forgiveness please?!

Next: V13 Overseer
GECK will save our ass
I found it in Vault 13
Arroyo needs thee!

Next: ermmm, stay with the GECK!
Lovely little Geck,
I search the wasteland for you,
Take you to my home.

Next: Harrold
Since mister zioburosky13 doesn't know how to play this game, I'm going to do an extra Harold haiku!

Harold, ugly fuck,
That tree on your head makes me
Wanna suck your cock


Next one: The Louisville Slugger
It explodes and kills,
Never stand too close to it,
Otherwise your dead!

Next: V15 squatters
Oh, Flamethrower
Dance, puppets, dance in
your ballet of death

Next up: Cat's Paws, either magazine or place.