Fallout, Lore, Aliens, Easter Eggs, Bethesda and Mothershit Zeta

Mothershit Zeta should be banned in every country.

  • Yes.

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • [Speech 50] Absolutely.

    Votes: 22 88.0%

  • Total voters
I can usually forgive a lot of the faults of Fallout 3. I wouldn't defend any, in fact I consider myself a fairly harsh critic on its things like story and choices, but I can at least look passed them when playing the game. Fallout 3 has a few very interesting ideas which I think of developed, could have improved the overall experience.

Mothership Zeta on the other hand doesn't have that luxury. ItaI just a poorly written, boring DLC that made a campaign out of an Easter Egg.
Even if you hate Fallout 1, 2, Tactics, and New Vegas and think 3 was the pinnacle of Fallout, I don't see how you could think this DLC was good.

The gameplay portions were boring or annoying. The story behind it not only conflicts with the idea of Fallout but is just meh anyway. The rewards it gives are about the only thing you might be able to say weren't complete shit but I don't remember as I have only ever played this DLC once and I don't plan on really ever playing it again. Though I might just to see how I feel about it X amount of years later.
The dislike of Mothership Zeta may be the one thing that everyone on this site can agree on.

Although, maybe not, since over on the Nexus there's a mod called Mothership Zeta Crew that has a sizable following and a bunch of spinoff mods.
Even if you hate Fallout 1, 2, Tactics, and New Vegas and think 3 was the pinnacle of Fallout, I don't see how you could think this DLC was good.

I've met People who love it and think it's the best DLC.
But I think that's just rose tinted glasses, they haven't played it in about 10 years and just remember it standing out as it was something vastly different from the rest of the game and DLC.

I suspect if they went back now, they wouldn't like it as much.
I've met People who love it and think it's the best DLC.
But I think that's just rose tinted glasses, they haven't played it in about 10 years and just remember it standing out as it was something vastly different from the rest of the game and DLC.

I suspect if they went back now, they wouldn't like it as much.
I am seeing that a lot now with YouTubers posting videos saying that Oblivion and Fallout 3 aren't as good as they remember them being. Doesn't surprise me. A lot of these gamers first games were either Fallout 3 or Oblivion and at the time they were seen as groundbreaking. But now with games like New Vegas, Witcher 3 and Red Dead 2 which are vastly superior in content, writing and world building, going back to Oblivion and Fallout 3 is grating and one can easily see the games short comings. Fallout 3 and Oblivion don't really stand the test of time like New Vegas,The Witcher or Red Dead.
My opinion is that 3 was my first Fallout, and I don’t hate it vehemently likeso many people do, though I see why people hate it.


Mothership Zeta is a fucking abomination of gaming. If 3 weren’t sold as an RPG or a Fallout game, it’d be better, I like to think (unpopular opinion around here, but you know what fuck it). Mothershit Zeta, however, could be its own original IP and would still be a fucking mess that deserves to burn in the same bargain bin where Ride to Hell Retribution wallows in its own shit.
I hate Mothership Zeta... It's without a doubt the most bug ridden and problematic DLC we have to work with on TTW.
I am seeing that a lot now with YouTubers posting videos saying that Oblivion and Fallout 3 aren't as good as they remember them being. Doesn't surprise me.
This is a weird truth about the past in general... Just go track down a few episodes of The Equalizer, and Manimal... Automan, and Stingray.

*Stingray (if you never saw it)... was in many ways sort of an anti-Rockford.
I think the DLC was awesome not sure what the issue is people seems to have
mostly that its a linear corridor shooter in a game with shooting that feels about as pleasant as breathing through a straw (i mean yeah it works but i'll be goddamned if it doesn't feel like absolute shit) and also canonizing aliens is one of the dumbest things they could've done.
I would say, *maybe again* that Zeta was wasted potential. I enjoyed the framework but not what eventually filled that frame. Fighting aliens in their own spaceship, gathering a rag-tag crew of captured Humans to fight against them? Enjoyable premise, especially in a 'NOT50SGONEFOR120YEARSTHENNUCLEARWARWITHTHEMAOISTS' backdrop. But Zeta just raises too many questions, doesn't provide too many benefits, and is too constrained to actually be worthwhile.
mostly that its a linear corridor shooter in a game with shooting that feels about as pleasant as breathing through a straw (i mean yeah it works but i'll be goddamned if it doesn't feel like absolute shit) and also canonizing aliens is one of the dumbest things they could've done.

I think the aliens feel like they belong in this series and add to the level of conspiracy that we already get with stuff like the enclave. is a game with a 1950s feel whats more 1950s like the alien scare ?
think the aliens feel like they belong in this series

its not often you come across an opinion so blatantly wrong.

seriously both 1/2 go so far as to make fun of the idea of having aliens in the game.

that we already get with stuff like the enclave
the enclave were by and large considered the worst antagonists in the series (before the insititute). fallout isn't about conspiracies and wacky bullshit. if that's what you're after play metal gear.

is a game with a 1950s feel whats more 1950s like the alien scare

fallout didn't have a 1950s feel until bethesda fucked with it. it was very anachronistic orginally taking inspiration mostly from the 70s, 80s, and 90s for post war elements with a sprinkle of 50s retrofuturism but only for the few bits of pre war elements you see in the game. so the fact that they have 1950s influencing the post war world is already incorrect.
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the enclave were by and large considered the worst antagonists in the series (before the insititute). fallout isn't about conspiracies and wacky bullshit. if that's what you're after play metal gear.

Not about wacky BS ? you seen the intro to Fallout 2 ? go get the Garden of Eden Creation kit ? cmon

fallout didn't have a 1950s feel until Bethesda fucked with it. it was very anachronistic originally taking inspiration mostly from the 70s, 80s, and 90s for post-war elements with a sprinkle of 50s retrofuturism but only for the few bits of prewar elements you see in the game. so the fact that they have the 1950s influencing the post-war world is already incorrect.

as someone that finish Fallout 1 last week for the third time and is halfway to 2 for the 2nd time i have to disagree here
Not about wacky BS ? you seen the intro to Fallout 2
you do understand that fallout 2 was itself a departure right?
as someone that finish Fallout 1 last week for the third time and is halfway to 2 for the 2nd time i have to disagree here
there's nothing to disagree with. in the first game everything with a 1950s retrofuture vibe came from pre war. everything else was inspired by things from the 70s to 90s. that's literal fact.
One of the biggest things that people HATE about this DLC is the implication that fucking aliens started the Great War. Gone is the lore that the collective paranoia, power struggle, philosophical and cultural differences and warring over the worlds few remaining resources as the cause for the world governments plunging the world into a post-apocalyptic dark age. Nope, it was aliens cause LOL! 50's wacky sci-fi! Bethesda failure to understand and grasp the basic elements in Fallout fascinates me to no end. It reminds me of a child trying to understand Machiavelli's The Prince.
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That is what baffles me. Why did Bethesda change the lore in regards to who started the Great War? It is implied that no one knows who launched the first nuke but it is also stated that it doesn't matter as the end result was going to be the same regardless who shot the first nuke. Was it not to offend anyone or did they think that aliens starting the Great War was really a good idea?