Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

Version Nevada CE 3.4 is probably the latest and will no longer be updated.
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I was wondering. Is it me, or most traders don't have anything to sell ? ( and i mean nothing, like not even a rock)

About the idle men...

I encountered dozens of them, scatered in multiple cities, big and small. But so far, it seems that i only needed one, to drive the train. Does that mean that they are several guys for the same purpose in case some of them die ? Does it matter who i hire to drive the train ? Does it change anything ? Are they other quest that require idle men ?
I was wondering. Is it me, or most traders don't have anything to sell ? ( and i mean nothing, like not even a rock)

About the idle men...

I encountered dozens of them, scatered in multiple cities, big and small. But so far, it seems that i only needed one, to drive the train. Does that mean that they are several guys for the same purpose in case some of them die ? Does it matter who i hire to drive the train ? Does it change anything ? Are they other quest that require idle men ?

About the traders- high barter opens dialogue options that give you experience, discounts and open more stock in shops. From what I've seen most items don't restock though so that may be part of a problem.

As to idle men- there is no difference. If you hire a man from other city than SLC you also have to pay for his stagecoach ticket.
They have empty inventory even for the first time. Although, it means that not everyone encountered the issue.
Anybody mind telling me how I can get Terry from Strykers crew out from under him? Ive met Nick Hauer, Ive opened the back door, Ive planted some booze on the guard immediate outside his room, and nothing happens when I talk to Terry. What do I do?

And on an unrelated note, I was curious how 1 was supposed to find the family of Mordino from Hotel Silver, I ended up having to use Strykers computer to get dirt on em, but I really wanted to figure out where I could've found his family. I made it to his restaurant, but the kid never told me where they were. Was curious how that was supposed to go down. Even with a 104 speech I couldnt convince the kid to help me
And on an unrelated note, I was curious how 1 was supposed to find the family of Mordino from Hotel Silver, I ended up having to use Strykers computer to get dirt on em, but I really wanted to figure out where I could've found his family. I made it to his restaurant, but the kid never told me where they were. Was curious how that was supposed to go down. Even with a 104 speech I couldnt convince the kid to help me
I did not play for this side, but when modifying the family saw in the basement at the railway station in Reno.
I did not play for this side, but when modifying the family saw in the basement at the railway station in Reno.

Do you know where exactly that is? Ive searched the entirety of that location and I cannot find it. Kinda shocked how I cant find it since I think Im decent at pixel hunting
Do you know where exactly that is? Ive searched the entirety of that location and I cannot find it. Kinda shocked how I cant find it since I think Im decent at pixel hunting
Like I said, I didn't play for that story. According to the script here is to clean up the garbage and open the passage. Here screens from editor removed the drawers and boxes:
Like I said, I didn't play for that story. According to the script here is to clean up the garbage and open the passage. Here screens from editor removed the drawers and boxes:

Ah, no wonder I didnt find it. Sadly my screen just has all the junk crumbled into that top left corner. Guess this was a scripted event and you cant find them prematurely, only when the kid tells you where they are.

Thank you though, cleared it up nice
Not sure if this is a bug or not, but figured Id post it here. After siding with Thompson and clearing out Strykers base. I had 3 guys left over, 1 of them which was named commander. For shits and giggles I decided to just punch him since he was Almost Dead, however he gave me 10011 experience. The quest completion itself gives 1500.....but killing my own temporary ally, gives me over 10k experience? I feel like something is off there.

Made me gp up a lvl and almost got enough for a 2nd lvl up. So tempted to just keep the experience, but kinda feels wrong.
Anybody know where this signal jammer is in Hawthorne? Somehow I dont see this jammer anywhere in the hangar. Every highlighted container has already been looted. I looked online to see what the picture of the jammer was, and I've never seen its icon before.
Anybody know where this signal jammer is in Hawthorne? Somehow I dont see this jammer anywhere in the hangar. Every highlighted container has already been looted. I looked online to see what the picture of the jammer was, and I've never seen its icon before.
Do not always rely on the backlight. Behold:
Anybody know where to turn in this Lost Pendant I found in New Reno? Figured Id be returning it to somebody whos old, or at least a daughter or son, but cant find anybody who wants it

Edit: Nvm found it. Finally found out something by myself for once xD
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Trying to figure out how to exonerate the geeks in Las Vegas. I turned in the evidence against Hal, the casino boss who had a part in the drug ring, via a recording of the pip boy, but seems that didnt solve it. Seems I need to do something else. I looked on the Russian wiki site and didnt see anything that specifically talked about how to exonerate the geeks. Saw other things relating to them, but not specifically getting the police off their backs
Have you solved other parts of that quest? Like with the Slavers, and also taking the evidences from other corrupt individuals?
Have you solved other parts of that quest? Like with the Slavers, and also taking the evidences from other corrupt individuals?

Well after learning that I needed to do the Mayors questline. So the evidence I turned into the police officers, was apparently the wrong thing to do. So I reloaded an earlier save.

I currently have the confession from H Wallis, about the Geek and Bob Neal, I have the receipt from the Drug Lab Kennel showing H Wallis buying from the Drug Lab.

So I believe after reading more on the wiki, I need to complete the Mayor Questline, to actually free the Geeks. So assuming that was the case, I have talked to the Mayor, and Im able to advance his dialogue until he asks me "Who was the owner of the Drug Lab Facility?"....which I assume is H Wallis due to the recept I have from him purchasing from the Drug Lab, but apparently the evidence doesnt help, the only dialogue option I have is "I havent managed to work that out yet"

So now Im stuck. Cant figure out what proof I need in order to advance the Mayors dialogue

Edit: Huh, so apparently I needed something called a Slavers Receipt. Had no idea where it was. So I just created it from the Editor. But turns out it was in the safe of the Head Slaver. No idea how I could've gotten into that room without having to kill all the Slavers though. Couldnt get past the door before he tells you to not open it.

Also a little confused on the motivations behind each of the head players involved in the investigation, but thats moot.
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Well after learning that I needed to do the Mayors questline. So the evidence I turned into the police officers, was apparently the wrong thing to do. So I reloaded an earlier save.

I currently have the confession from H Wallis, about the Geek and Bob Neal, I have the receipt from the Drug Lab Kennel showing H Wallis buying from the Drug Lab.

So I believe after reading more on the wiki, I need to complete the Mayor Questline, to actually free the Geeks. So assuming that was the case, I have talked to the Mayor, and Im able to advance his dialogue until he asks me "Who was the owner of the Drug Lab Facility?"....which I assume is H Wallis due to the recept I have from him purchasing from the Drug Lab, but apparently the evidence doesnt help, the only dialogue option I have is "I havent managed to work that out yet"

So now Im stuck. Cant figure out what proof I need in order to advance the Mayors dialogue

Edit: Huh, so apparently I needed something called a Slavers Receipt. Had no idea where it was. So I just created it from the Editor. But turns out it was in the safe of the Head Slaver. No idea how I could've gotten into that room without having to kill all the Slavers though. Couldnt get past the door before he tells you to not open it.

Also a little confused on the motivations behind each of the head players involved in the investigation, but thats moot.

Go into slaver's camp next equip a "functional/repaired" radio into item slot and use it. Say over the radio that one of the slaves escaped. The overseer/master slaver will shortly after walk out of his room to speak with other slavers for a short period of time. You now have a short while for looting his room including his safe ( be sure to steal the key to his rom from him before you call him out because the key might be nessecary to open the room/safe)
Go into slaver's camp next equip a "functional/repaired" radio into item slot and use it. Say over the radio that one of the slaves escaped. The overseer/master slaver will shortly after walk out of his room to speak with other slavers for a short period of time. You now have a short while for looting his room including his safe ( be sure to steal the key to his rom from him before you call him out because the key might be nessecary to open the room/safe)

Wow! That's really cool. I just used Horsekiller or strangled him with string.