Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

1. try to download actual version
2. or open ddraw.ini - SkipSizeCheck=0 to 1.

For some reason when I'm using the most recent version (22.02.2020) during the very installation process I get this:

"Internal error: Expression error 'Runtime Error (at -1:0):
Internal error: Expression error 'Invalid symbol '{' found,"

However, the version from 16.02.2020 works now that I changed SkipSizeCheck to 1 as you told me to. :)
Strangely, the game (in the screen with Intro, Options and the rest) says the version is 2.0.3..1.1 and not even though it should be the latter.
Checked, everything works fine (installation & run - its ok). Try to download again.
Version 16.02.20 and 22.02.20 are 99.5% identical. Minor bugs were fixed. Including the version label (, instead of
Checked, everything works fine (installation & run - its ok). Try to download again.
Version 16.02.20 and 22.02.20 are 99.5% identical. Minor bugs were fixed. Including the version label (, instead of

Super weird but I keep getting the same installation error while not getting it with the previous releases.

What is the seize of the latest release? Maybe my internet connection messed up and it did not download fully.

The seize I get is 648,678 KB.
You may re-download on main-link (multi-vers.) or try alternative (Eng. lang) version for this link


Btw when using the new version released 23.02.20 I had not experienced any problem during installation this time. :)

A question if possible: Do saves made from the 16.02 version will work for the 23.02 version (and will I get all fixes that came since) or should I try to start the game from the beginning?
No need, you can continue. They are fully compatible.

Nice. :)

Two things I noticed though: in the the screen where one choses a name/stats/age the "Race" option is worded as "Paca" and the Style option is worded in russian. Both of these words were in english in version 16.02.20 but are not so in the 23.02.20 version.

Small nitpicks but easy to notice.
Nice. :)

Two things I noticed though: in the the screen where one choses a name/stats/age the "Race" option is worded as "Paca" and the Style option is worded in russian. Both of these words were in english in version 16.02.20 but are not so in the 23.02.20 version.

Small nitpicks but easy to notice.
Multi - re upload :) Thanks.
US lang version only - not problem.
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Wanted to mention that I'm getting sorta extra sensitve/weird mouse behavior and wanted to know what I could do?

I can confirm this also works on Exagear RPG

Nevermind I fixed it by renaming nevada.exe or nevadahd.exe to fallout2.exe
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i dont know. Try it:
1. open ddraw.ini and change BackgroundKeyboard=0 & BackgroundMouse=0 to 1.
2 As with megamod, try sfall by Crafty - open "dont_use"\sfall2_1.8.28.
Sup guys, its been a long time since my last visit, big thanks to people that continued working on the project. I will be replaying Nevada it seems.
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Oh sweet, didn't realize that updates are posted directly here. Thought translation was abandoned since there was no updates in direct download page.

Started new play-through yesterday and I'm noticing some typos and such. Is it ok to post screenshots of them, and other bugs, in here?
Here it goes!

Missing "want" in this sentence.

This sentence looks like machine translation. i would change it to "I don't want to be rude, but I didn't get here just for kicks"

Big Louis addresses my character as "he" and I play as female.

Missing "when" in last sentence in here. I guess people don't notice it that much since sentence is split in between 2 screens.


Deep inside Hawthorne base there is a console to turn off electricity in garrison.
First option you can choose is "[Power is out. No electricity going to the garrison.]"
This makes it look like power is already turned off and console just shows you status.
It's wrong because *you* are the one who turns off power, so sentence should say something like "[Turn off electricity to garrison.]"


Also, first time I played this mod back in 2018 there was a bug with trap mines. Don't know if it's fixed in this version but I will explain it anyways. I was able to disable them, pick them up and then place them myself, but NPCs would not trigger them.
This will sound bit silly because I don't remember names but I was fighting group of rednecks that had bounty on them. I had to bring their heads to mayor in near town to get high enough rep so mechanic could fix train...
Anyways in that map with rednecks, there where some mine traps laying around. I disabled and picked them up so I could use them against rednecks but they would not trigger them. I remember trying to make NPCs trigger them for like 30 mins thinking they always just walked pass them, so I placed one directly in the doorway and fu*ker would just walk over it e_e

That's all for now, will post moar as I play.
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Here it goes!

Missing "want" in this sentence.

This sentence looks like machine translation. i would change it to "I don't want to be rude, but I didn't get here just for kics"

Big. Louis addresses my character as "he" and I play as female.

Missing "when" in last sentence in here. I guess people don't notice it that much since sentence is split in between 2 screens.


Deep inside Hawthorne base there is a console to turn off electricity in garrison.
First option you can choose is "[Power is out. No electricity going to the garrison.]"
This makes it look like power is already turned off and console just shows you status.
It's wrong because *you* are the one who turns off power, so sentence should say something like "[Turn off electricity to garrison.]"


Also, first time I played this mod back in 2018 there was a bug with trap mines. Don't know if it's fixed in this version but I will explain it anyways. I was able to disable them, pick them up and then place them myself, but NPCs would not trigger them.
This will sound bit silly because I don't remember names but I was fighting group of rednecks that had bounty on them. I had to bring their heads to mayor in near town to get high enough rep so mechanic could fix train...
Anyways in that map with rednecks, there where some mine traps laying around. I disabled and picked them up so I could use them against rednecks but they would not trigger them. I remember trying to make NPCs trigger them for like 30 mins thinking they always just walked pass them, so I placed one directly in the doorway and fu*ker would just walk over it e_e

That's all for now, will post moar as I play.

I think traps in general don't trigger during combat if enemy doesn't end their turn directly on trap.
I think traps in general don't trigger during combat if enemy doesn't end their turn directly on trap.

Oh, that's a bit unfortunate. I tried using bear trap with current character but nothing was placed under my feet, dunno if it's because my traps skill is low or if it's bugged. I would use trap from inv, when closing inv my character would do crouching animation and say something indicating trap is placed but nothing appears on the floor. Trap is just gone.
I will probably not raise traps skill this time around so I can't help much in testing it.
please, keep going.
Your wish is my command :)

These don't need much explanation so I underlined them or wrote what's wrong.







Big Louis gives you vary vague quest description here. I thought he wants me to talk to one of his subordinates downstairs; but Pip-Boy description says to collect and bring toll from Stryker. If I didn't know who Stryker was from previous play-through I would be very confused here. Think Big Louis' text should be reworked so he tells you to go to New Reno, and Pip-Boy quest edited so it does not spoil name of the guy. Or alternative version where both Big Louis and Pip-Boy tell you it's Stryker.


This woman responds like I've already talked to her even if it's first conversation.
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