Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

did you help the paladin and clones (bad end) or kill them and then use "mysterious device" ?
Both. There will be Reaper in the vault if you didnt kill him earlier.
Funny thing is that I have managed to install translation on Crazy Edition and finished the game.
hmm so must play again, i killed president, selfdestruct gov. shelter, then killed soul reaper, then went back with train, at VC killed clones and paladin and instal device ... end movie was good for me ... :D
hmm so must play again, i killed president, selfdestruct gov. shelter, then killed soul reaper, then went back with train, at VC killed clones and paladin and instal device ... end movie was good for me ... :D
How did you selfdestruct the vault?
there was on lv3 room with some blue gloving devices - power distributors, only two, the others were dead, if you destroy them with explosives, it start selfdestruct 3 min. ... so hurry to the door ...
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there was i think on lv 2 room with some blue gloving devices, only two, the others were dead, if you destroy them with explosives, it start selfdestruct 3 min. ... so hurry to the door ...
It was different for me, it just gave me 3 min and after that backup generators went up. enough time to pick up a key to lower level.
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that could be crazy edition difference or something with presidents dead ... i destroy them after his dead so the main comp was not working ...

so i must try this version next time, downloading 3.0 and update 3.2 for it is running :D
that could be crazy edition difference or something with presidents dead ... i destroy them after his dead so the main comp was not working ...

so i must try this version next time, downloading 3.0 and update 3.2 for it is running :D
I knew in my bones that you would be interested:)
sure, there is in Reno hotel guy, that speaks about wendover, but the city doesnt exist ... :D
when you look in fallout editor, there are 3 cities and one vault, that you cant find in 1.02 version, so i m curious what progress is in crazy edition

i was there in this version by editing savegame, but one has only empty buildings, the other just empty space ... third just crash game :D
i dont know what you complain about ? there isnt finished translation, just some beta for testers, write PM to someone from translating team and dont spam ...
I just downloaded the latest files from the github repo mentioned on the first page ( https://github.com/fallout-nevada/main) and ran a filecheck. Here is a list of all errors in the english dialog files:
{161 }{}{!?}
-^ invalid id [atsrtrp2.MSG:85]
{183}{}{You rushed to loot, man!}
-^ id already in use [atsrtrp2.MSG:106]
{193}{}{I have this joker out of the ground'll get! I swear!}
-^ id already in use [atsrtrp2.MSG:117]
{110}{}{Listen, I Derion too little pay, so I could stand here and do nothing.}
-^ id already in use [bcgengrd.msg:24]
{130}{}{Uh ... yeah.} {131}{}{Okay. Continue.}
----^ bracket not allowed here [ccatech.msg:29]
{141 }{}{( said on the radio) Alert! At the station, a stranger! Panic!}
-^ invalid id [CCCHRIS.MSG:42]
{166 }{}{( leave it)}
-^ invalid id [dcFred.msg:48]
{170 }{}{( mocking tongue looking surprised) What are you talking about? Cop-killers? For the first time I heard about this. Do not distract people from their work.}
-^ invalid id [dcMetzge.msg:67]
{150 }{}{( leave them alone)}
-^ invalid id [ecMelKid.msg:50]
{202}{}{Who let you in?}
-^ id already in use [ecravpty.msg:76]
{10105 }{}{[ you wake up because you're being shoved to the side.] Well, are you interested or not?}
-^ invalid id [ectrader.msg:69]
{134 }{}{}
-^ invalid id [fcchip.msg:24]
{306 }{}{( explain the problem)}
-^ invalid id [fclogrd.msg:13]
{160}{}{See how I udelat!}
-^ id already in use [fcrocman.msg:35]
{200 }{}{( woman in tears) Why did you come?}
-^ invalid id [fctnkgmr.msg:38]
{130 }{}{* I *? I do not like it! I'm trying to explain to her - well, drunk man, it does not work, everything. And she talking about? No, to be kind, warm, to eat! If a man down - his need to pull out!}
-^ invalid id [fctnkmer.msg:30]
{121 * private}{}{* That Work. Right. This is what is needed ... Private investigation, so to speak.}
-^ invalid id [GCFESTUS.MSG:21]
{131 }{}{... when he ... * Noise * ... on our radio was the first time ... * Noise * Elvis, of course, not a master, but he has great potential. The fact that he played in Tyupello even interested ... * Noise * ... we will work. "The Mississippi - Alabama Fair" - this is a great opportunity for many ... * Noise * ... bo! WELO Radio does not finish the review of the events at the fair, we will continue to report soon ... * Hears some playful musical pause}
-^ invalid id [GCRGHOUL.MSG:40]
{100}{}{You see a robot.}
-^ id already in use [GCSKEETR.MSG:36]
{101}{}{You see a repair robot.}
-^ id already in use [GCSKEETR.MSG:37]
{1112}{}{I found a safe passage. Come with me.}
-^ id already in use [HCRadrA.msg:72]
{1114}{}{Fine, I'll leave you alone.}
-^ id already in use [HCRadrA.msg:73]
{1115}{}{Don't bug me, I'm resting.}
-^ id already in use [HCRadrA.msg:74]
{157}{}{Suppose... Wait a minute! Hypnotrance trap, Autodocs, memory... you son of a bitch, it's because of you I lost my memory!}
-^ id already in use [HVCHILD.msg:103]
{168}{}{{I hope my story was interesting. And you do not give me tea for diligence?}
--------^ bracket not allowed here [LCBibl.msg:51]
{180}{}{{Do you know anything about the Provo population?}
--------^ bracket not allowed here [LCBibl.msg:58]
{203}{}{{Do not.}
--------^ bracket not allowed here [LCBibl.msg:80]
{230}{}{Do you accept any rare editions for exchange?}?}
-----------------------------------------------------^ bracket not allowed here [LCBibl.msg:107]
{252}{}{{Then "Arms and Ammunition" is, perhaps, what you are looking for. And I have it.}
--------^ bracket not allowed here [LCBibl.msg:132]
{263}{}{{I see. Well, good-bye.}
--------^ bracket not allowed here [LCBibl.msg:145]
{268}{}{{What are you talking about?}
--------^ bracket not allowed here [LCBibl.msg:152]
{104}{}{{Do not distract Robert. Because of this stupid task, he still has not cleaned the fruit for dinner.}
--------^ bracket not allowed here [LCCtzn.msg:5]
{144}{}{{Feel free, Salt Lake, there will be nothing left of the plant soon}
--------^ bracket not allowed here [LCCtzn.msg:36]
{180}{}{{Well, we finally caught this thief! So its!}
--------^ bracket not allowed here [LCCtzn.msg:73]
{116}{}{Get off me!}
^ bracket not allowed here [multiline] [LCFmlMan.msg:20]
{137}{}{Well, it's time for me. Happily!}
^ bracket not allowed here [multiline] [LCFmlMan.msg:45]
{155}{}{She's your property, is that what you want to say?}
^ bracket not allowed here [multiline] [LCFmlMan.msg:55]
{172}{}{Well, you can work, then complain, but for now the whole house is on me.}
^ bracket not allowed here [multiline] [LCFmlWmn.msg:33]
{112}{}{[Leave it alone}}
-----------------------^ bracket not allowed here [LCRobin.msg:13]
{177}{}{{ Hmmm ... Your weak, my stronger. My beat painfully. Very painful. Your not cope. My not be so cruel.}
--------^ bracket not allowed here [mcButchr.msg:96]
{148}{}}{* hrrrr}
------^ bracket not allowed here [mcDthClw.msg:57]
{10000}{}{It's very simple. Guess where the lady, where the red lady, and you won. It's that simple.}
-^ id already in use [NC3MONTE.MSG:358]
{102}{}{We keep weapons holstered in this place.}
-^ id already in use [NCBartr.msg:6]
{180}{}{[You've got the finger and the ring. Pale Solomon nurtures his bandaged hand.} Tore my soul out you bastard. This is nothing. We'll see. Losing my sight.. Well, what are you waiting for? Go to Big Daddy, do what you must!}
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^ bracket not allowed here [NCDlrX.msg:95]
{118}{}{You think too much of yourself, bitch. Did you forgot where you come from, eh? Take your "Grizz Gun" and do what- YOU MUST.}
^ bracket not allowed here [multiline] [NCEldHgB.msg:13]
{285}{}{Can you tell me a little about the casino?}
-^ id already in use [ncPitBos.msg:135]
{286}{}{You know somebody named Pretty Boy Lloyd?}
-^ id already in use [ncPitBos.msg:136]
{287}{}{Who's that old guy at the slot machine?}
-^ id already in use [ncPitBos.msg:137]
{315}{}{Yeah, yer Mom said I was special, too. Now take a hike�maybe she's along Virgin street somewhere.}
-^ id already in use [ncPitBos.msg:152]
{316}{}{Oh goodie! Bye bye}
-^ id already in use [ncPitBos.msg:153]
{325}{}{I'm the pit boss. Now what can I do for you?}
-^ id already in use [ncPitBos.msg:157]
{326}{}{I run the floor of the casino here. You need anything, just ask.}
-^ id already in use [ncPitBos.msg:158]
{335}{}{This is [CN]. Need anything, just ask.}
-^ id already in use [ncPitBos.msg:164]
{336}{}{This is [CN]. At least, last time I checked the sign outside the door. Now what can I do for you?}
-^ id already in use [ncPitBos.msg:165]
{337}{}{Who are you?}
-^ id already in use [ncPitBos.msg:166]
{338}{}{Can you tell me a little about the casino?}
-^ id already in use [ncPitBos.msg:167]
{339}{}{Nothing, thanks. Sorry to bother you.}
-^ id already in use [ncPitBos.msg:168]
{345}{}{Best goddamn casino in town�but I am a little biased. Anything else you want to know?}
-^ id already in use [ncPitBos.msg:171]
{346}{}{Best goddamn casino in town, best goddamn tables�now why don't you run along now, check 'em out? All right?}
-^ id already in use [ncPitBos.msg:172]
{347}{}{Who are you?}
-^ id already in use [ncPitBos.msg:173]
{348}{}{Who owns this casino?}
-^ id already in use [ncPitBos.msg:174]
{349}{}{Okay, thanks. Sorry to bother you.}
-^ id already in use [ncPitBos.msg:175]
{365}{}{That guy? Old Man McGee? Crazy sumabitch�he's been playing that machine
-^ id already in use [ncPitBos.msg:185]
{366}{}{That guy? Old Man McGee? Crazy sumabitch, that's for sure. Heh.
-^ id already in use [ncPitBos.msg:188]
{367}{}{Is the machine rigged?}
-^ id already in use [ncPitBos.msg:190]
{368}{}{I had some other questions�}
-^ id already in use [ncPitBos.msg:191]
{369}{}{Thanks for the information.}
-^ id already in use [ncPitBos.msg:192]
{285}{}{Can you tell me a little about the casino?}
-^ id already in use [NCPITBOX.MSG:135]
{286}{}{You know somebody named Pretty Boy Lloyd?}
-^ id already in use [NCPITBOX.MSG:136]
{287}{}{Who's that old guy at the slot machine?}
-^ id already in use [NCPITBOX.MSG:137]
{315}{}{Yeah, yer Mom said I was special, too. Now take a hike�maybe she's along Virgin street somewhere.}
-^ id already in use [NCPITBOX.MSG:152]
{316}{}{Oh goodie! Bye bye}
-^ id already in use [NCPITBOX.MSG:153]
{325}{}{I'm the pit boss. Now what can I do for you?}
-^ id already in use [NCPITBOX.MSG:157]
{326}{}{I run the floor of the casino here. You need anything, just ask.}
-^ id already in use [NCPITBOX.MSG:158]
{335}{}{This is [CN]. Need anything, just ask.}
-^ id already in use [NCPITBOX.MSG:164]
{336}{}{This is [CN]. At least, last time I checked the sign outside the door. Now what can I do for you?}
-^ id already in use [NCPITBOX.MSG:165]
{337}{}{Who are you?}
-^ id already in use [NCPITBOX.MSG:166]
{338}{}{Can you tell me a little about the casino?}
-^ id already in use [NCPITBOX.MSG:167]
{339}{}{Nothing, thanks. Sorry to bother you.}
-^ id already in use [NCPITBOX.MSG:168]
{345}{}{Best goddamn casino in town�but I am a little biased. Anything else you want to know?}
-^ id already in use [NCPITBOX.MSG:171]
{346}{}{Best goddamn casino in town, best goddamn tables�now why don't you run along now, check 'em out? All right?}
-^ id already in use [NCPITBOX.MSG:172]
{347}{}{Who are you?}
-^ id already in use [NCPITBOX.MSG:173]
{348}{}{Who owns this casino?}
-^ id already in use [NCPITBOX.MSG:174]
{349}{}{Okay, thanks. Sorry to bother you.}
-^ id already in use [NCPITBOX.MSG:175]
{365}{}{That guy? Old Man McGee? Crazy sumabitch�he's been playing that machine
-^ id already in use [NCPITBOX.MSG:185]
{366}{}{That guy? Old Man McGee? Crazy sumabitch, that's for sure. Heh.
-^ id already in use [NCPITBOX.MSG:188]
{367}{}{Is the machine rigged?}
-^ id already in use [NCPITBOX.MSG:190]
{368}{}{I had some other questions�}
-^ id already in use [NCPITBOX.MSG:191]
{369}{}{Thanks for the information.}
-^ id already in use [NCPITBOX.MSG:192]
{402}{}{You know, I would like to show you another armor.}
-^ id already in use [NCRepair.msg:285]
{193 neigh}{}{( all over your amount and you realize that this is not enough)}
-^ invalid id [ncTRay.msg:62]
{153}{}{There are questions.}
-^ id already in use [ncWriChi.msg:51]
{1167}{}{Me think you need to move different.}
-^ id already in use [ocgoris.msg:190]
{203}}{}{* mom
----^ bracket not allowed here [QCMURRAY.MSG:47]
{204}{}{Thank you all, all are free!}
^ bracket not allowed here [multiline] [QCMURRAY.MSG:48]
{101}{}{Before you stands the local boss, who's known simply as... the Boss.}
-^ id already in use [SHHoss.msg:2]
{257}{}{What if I find you an artist?}
^ bracket not allowed here [multiline] [VCCafBar.msg:110]
{188}{}{Great! Till!}
^ bracket not allowed here [multiline] [VCMntAd1.msg:97]
{117}{}{{No, no longer.}
--------^ bracket not allowed here [VCRgBos.msg:15]
{1132}{}{{Hey, ready to fight?!}
---------^ bracket not allowed here [VCRgBos.msg:138]
{1141}{}{{No, just came to stare at those slaves.}
---------^ bracket not allowed here [VCRgBos.msg:142]
{1125}{}{I... value... and thank the citizens. They are wonderful people... citizen. (one look into his eyes and it's obvious he's lying through his teeth)}}
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^ bracket not allowed here [VCSlvGlk.msg:29]
{106}{}{{I did not call you here!}
--------^ bracket not allowed here [VCStGrd.msg:9]
{152}{}{{It happened all at once!}
--------^ bracket not allowed here [VCStzn.msg:8]
{1157}{}{{To be honest, I did not understand you. What are you talking about?}
---------^ bracket not allowed here [VHMer.MSG:234]
{110 }{}{* initialization process *}
-^ invalid id [VICENCOM.MSG:13]
{104}{}{{You can only hurt your skills here.}
--------^ bracket not allowed here [VIRolBar.msg:5]
{101}{}{{A cart with a luggage, tightly covered with a tent, so no one can see what's inside.}
--------^ bracket not allowed here [VSCrvBlk.msg:2]
{111}{}{{This wagon is now a junk, since its owners are dead, and the contents are plundered.}
--------^ bracket not allowed here [VSCrvBlk.msg:16]
{113}{}{{It's just an abandoned trash}
--------^ bracket not allowed here [VSCrvBlk.msg:18]
{101}{}{{A pile of garbage, covered with sand and covered with grass. You can try to see something special in it.}
--------^ bracket not allowed here [VSTainik.msg:2]
{132 words}{}{:: way through the white noise:: Welcome to the answering machine ... :: Words disappear again: Jet ... to answer your query.}
-^ invalid id [WIHOWITZ.MSG:36]
file is empty [zcSlave.msg]
{183}{}{Not your day, chummer!}
-^ id already in use [ZTDudMin.MSG:104]
{193}{}{I'll find you, I swear!}
-^ id already in use [ZTDudMin.MSG:115]

As you can see, there's a shitton of errors related to wrong brackets and stuff. In best case, the line will be fucked up, in worst case, the game will crash.
i go throught the game, only 2 crashes are listed up in this theme, the dialogues, that you have found just dont appear to me... but sure, i missed some items and some quests with open end, like when you have damaged PA, metal plates and servomotor, there isnt a way to repair it and none will make it too, gas cylinders in Area 51, that you cant pickup and use to finish aliens inside base ...
Yo, @Dionis, any word on proper installer/updates/patches? There are people asking why they can't download and install from this site and their questions has been unanswered, this far.
What part is needed to get (repair generator) electricity in area 51 and where to find that part? Where to find another 2 gas parts also in area 51?
What part is needed to get (repair generator) electricity in area 51 and where to find that part? Where to find another 2 gas parts also in area 51?
You need junk. You can find it in begining of area 51 in a building(beware of traps) or decent repair skill about 65. The gas is easy to find (its in safes) lockpick about 80 or you could find
codes in one of the desks inside.
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does anyone know how to peacefully obtain second stone token, that is needed for open shelter under building with caravaneers in WW ?
first could you buy from caravaneer in that building for 50 money, but the second is in locker in barracks and there you cant go ... they spot you and throw out even with light off in building and sneaking past 130% ...
does anyone know how to peacefully obtain second stone token, that is needed for open shelter under building with caravaneers in WW ?
first could you buy from caravaneer in that building for 50 money, but the second is in locker in barracks and there you cant go ... they spot you and throw out even with light off in building and sneaking past 130% ...
I have tagged sneak and bumped it to 197 and even then its impossible...