Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

Pardon then..
Were You perhaps toying with windows compatibility settings for the executable? and/or DPI/scaling in windows? perhaps there's the issue? I use the native DPI settings, but it's easy to change this in windows 10, *even* by accident. Simply You let's say pressed control and toyed with the mouse wheel, and it's already screwed up. If so then You could check Your NevadaHD.exe's compatibility settings. switch everything off if you use sfall, and set the DPI settings to use default settings when launching the game ( there's a separate button for it in newer win 10 builds for it, i haven't personally checked this but I've read somewhere that DPI can be an issue with other old games and alt-tabing, so maybe it's similar case.

Afterthought after looking up the thread agin
Judging by the screenshot You have some issues with game refresh rate ( the settings for this are usually in f2_res.ini) it says 1280x720x1 where the last number after the second "x" is usually the refresh rate. In your case it's "1Hz" so either it's integrated card settings or you have an Nvidia and a shitty driver, or some silly energy saving mode that lowers the framerate of background processes... this may be an issue as well so try to check out this one too..
The issue is more or less the modern task switcher is not recoqnizing some versions of old 16bit Programs (more specific, the GNW95 Window of the Programm), if you switch to classic task switcher they'll show up again. From what I gather it seems to depend if the excecutable is correctly digitally signed or some other compatibility settings. None the less, switching from Task Manager should work all the time.
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The issue is more or less the modern task switcher is not recoqnizing some versions of old 16bit Programs (more specific, the GNW95 Window of the Programm), if you switch to classic task switcher they'll show up again. From what I gather it seems to depend if the excecutable is correctly digitally signed or some other compatibility settings. None the less, switching from Task Manager should work all the time.

16bit programs? not sure what You mean fallout *is* a 32 bit program otherwise it couldn't be able to run on my 64 bit windows. 64bit windows can emulate 32 bit programs but it definetly can't handle 16 bit programs at all.

I don't know anything about some new form of task switcher, the only thing i turned off is windows defender's feature to handle my files ( so it couldn't delete any files it deems unworthy/ not signed) because otherwise, I'd loose too amny files. i use commercial equivalent of firewal and antivirus so i don't depend on shitty m$ one.

Perhaps You're right ppl sticking too much to m$ shit, may have issues with alt tabing the game. Otherwise I have no idea what this new task switcher is. I never changed mine, and it's working as intended win 10 22H2
Hi, I'm getting no option to try to open the storage safe in Reno. Am I missing something?

Trying to lockpick or use science on it brings up the dialogue screen which says, "The safe has a mechanical code lock. It's locked. You won't be able to open it while you can't hear anything."

It then gives me only option 1. [Not now], also see attached screenshot.

Do I need some special item to open it like a stethoscope or other listening device?


  • safe.jpg
    135.1 KB · Views: 178
I can't tell if my game is bugged or not. But does anyone know what happens to the gunsmith that works in the rail yard in New Reno? I went there to have him upgrade my gun, but he has disappeared. There was no blood or anything, he was just gone. It's the area that has train cars, and a lot of dogs that you have to kill.

It also has a workbench where you can do upgrades, if you have the skill. I was just relying on the engineer/gunsmith guy there. Is he supposed to disappear? Can I find him again, and if not, is there another gunsmith I can use? Some other upgrade people won't work on guns.
Hi, I'm getting no option to try to open the storage safe in Reno. Am I missing something?

Trying to lockpick or use science on it brings up the dialogue screen which says, "The safe has a mechanical code lock. It's locked. You won't be able to open it while you can't hear anything."

It then gives me only option 1. [Not now], also see attached screenshot.

Do I need some special item to open it like a stethoscope or other listening device?

You either have too low lockpick or You made a mistake of playing blind and deaf charactter with perception <5, this way You won't be able to open the safe, as you need to be able to hear how the safe pins click. It's sort of a dialogue minigame requiring lockpick and perception, without theese requiements You won't even get a chance to attempt the minigame.. PE is not a dump stat in Nevada.. no PE IN AG LK were never dump stats in classic fallout games to begin with.

You are right, the digital re-releases use the updated NT executables, my bad...

I also own UK CD version fo fallout, and US and UK version of fallout2 and never had problems with installing them on a 64 bit systems ( besides the fact that autorun application is 16bit. one is required to enter the cd manually via right-click on cdrom drive and click and open, later navgate to install file and go from there) fallout and fallout 2 cd versions both *are* 32 bit applications. I don't get the panic that it doesn't run on 64bit windows. if it's quirky than HRP and Sfall should be all that's needed to run it properly.

As for the alt tab I'm using the standard alt tab with transparent windows, and everything works out of the box. My bet is Bux has some built in windows security feature on that's preventing him from using self signed or unsigned applications, I don't remember right now what it was, but freshly after windows installation you are prompted to either apply or decline on this feature, I declined, but it was soo long ago. it's been like 4 years or so since I've made a fresh install.

I can't tell if my game is bugged or not. But does anyone know what happens to the gunsmith that works in the rail yard in New Reno? I went there to have him upgrade my gun, but he has disappeared. There was no blood or anything, he was just gone. It's the area that has train cars, and a lot of dogs that you have to kill.

It also has a workbench where you can do upgrades, if you have the skill. I was just relying on the engineer/gunsmith guy there. Is he supposed to disappear? Can I find him again, and if not, is there another gunsmith I can use? Some other upgrade people won't work on guns.

Biker Leader in Battle Mountain

he does the same things as Frank Krochen and that tech wizz from Las Vegas dam, with the exception of Magneto-Laser Pistol Mk2 ( without the second upgrade to laser pistol).
You either have too low lockpick or You made a mistake of playing blind and deaf charactter with perception <5, this way You won't be able to open the safe, as you need to be able to hear how the safe pins click. It's sort of a dialogue minigame requiring lockpick and perception, without theese requiements You won't even get a chance to attempt the minigame.. PE is not a dump stat in Nevada.. no PE IN AG LK were never dump stats in classic fallout games to begin with.

Ahh thanks for clarifying this! It was driving me crazy. It's true that my per is less than 5, I'm playing a 10/02/08/05/10/10/02 gifted+one handed character. Weapon skills are only unarmed/throwing + plenty of secondary skills (doctor, speech, repair, science, traps, lockpick).

Needs lots of reloads but it's super fun.
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Ahh thanks for clarifying this! It was driving me crazy. It's true that my per is less than 5, I'm playing a 10/02/08/10/10/02 gifted+one handed character. Weapon skills are only unarmed/throwing + plenty of secondary skills (doctor, speech, repair, science, traps, lockpick).

Needs lots of reloads but it's super fun.

If You decide to attempt this minigame know that those lockers are ment as safes for your personal belongings.
if You chew enaugh mentats to apply for this minigame it works like this:

there are five lock pins and each one has 0-5 digit number to choose, when you pick a number for te pin theere's a n additional information if you succeded or not, the sound of pin click. there are three types of click:
"quiet" which means it's not even close
"definite" which means it's a neighbouring digit (i.e. if you hit 1 and it's definite, than the correct one is either 2 or 0.
"clear" which means it's the correct one

Hit "clear" for all five pins and you can unlock the safe.
You need to do this once per each safe per each new game, and later You can just keep your stuff in the safe to pawn at local vendors when they restock

all safe numbers do not change on reload, however they change each time when you launch the game executable
The game window doesn't have the WS_EX_APPWINDOW flag, which is why win10 doesn't show it on the taskbar The taskswitcher icon can be forced to appear with WS_EX_APPWINDOW. But this is fixed with newer sfall no? With the highres integration.

Edit: @LennyBava @Buxbaum666 yeah, I forgot, even pre-HRP sfall works correctly, just set Mode=4 in ddraw.ini [Graphics] section, alt-tabbing should work ok.
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Greetings. I'm new to these forums. Been a die hard fallout fan since Fallout 1.

I just finished playing Fallout Olympus and I'm dying to play this mod. But where the hell can I find the English translation? In the main post it says "fallout nevada - fixed edition" is the one with the English translation. OK, but I cannot find the link to this file/translation anywhere ... All I find is the link to the installer [con] F2 Nevada Mod (Extended) HD [v2.0.3.3]
I also found some files for the english translation which didn't work. Where can I find this "fixed edition" file?

Kind regards
I'm new to these forums. Been a die hard fallout fan since Fallout 1.


OK, but I cannot find the link to this file/translation anywhere ... All I find is the link to the installer [con] F2 Nevada Mod (Extended) HD [v2.0.3.3]

It's all in one- Fixed version of Nevada, HD mod and the latest version of translation.

It comes with the installer, so it'll guide you through installation.

It's all in one- Fixed version of Nevada, HD mod and the latest version of translation.

It comes with the installer, so it'll guide you through installation.
thank you for your reply. Well I used the last installer, and the game is in Russian.

EDIT: Well I overlooked the part in the installer where I had to select US or RU. My mistake!
Does anyone know why the inventory selector tabs disappear? When you open the inventory, on the far left of that window you can see armor, guns, ammo, medicine, etc. But for some reason now they're just gone. They were there for so long but they've disappeared. It must be a bug.

Is there any fix for this? It makes using the inventory a pain, when you can't separate everything into categories.
if You have the expanded inventory in ddraw.ini option enabled than it overlapses the inventory filter plugin buttons. the old mod version has bigger buttons and they are only partially covered, however, the new version of IFP, is probably covered completely. that's an issue you'd need to ask Mr.Stalin over at gitflic to fix it, as it is his sfall that nevada uses. although I doubt he'd listen to anyone from USA, He became.. let's call it.. itchy.. lately.
if You have the expanded inventory in ddraw.ini option enabled than it overlapses the inventory filter plugin buttons. the old mod version has bigger buttons and they are only partially covered, however, the new version of IFP, is probably covered completely. that's an issue you'd need to ask Mr.Stalin over at gitflic to fix it, as it is his sfall that nevada uses. although I doubt he'd listen to anyone from USA, He became.. let's call it.. itchy.. lately.

So I could just go into that .ini file, and turn the expanded inventory option off? I assume set it from 1 to 0?

Perhaps that would solve the problem. But what would be drawback be? I guess I'm not really familiar with how the inventory was expanded. I looked for "expanded inventory" in that file but there's nothing there saying that.
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if You got the newest release with sfall exxtended You'll have two rows in inventory instead of just one ( Fo:Tactics style) and yes setting it to 0 will switch the inventory back to a single row
if You got the newest release with sfall exxtended You'll have two rows in inventory instead of just one ( Fo:Tactics style) and yes setting it to 0 will switch the inventory back to a single row

No I have Sfall

Would it be safe to upgrade to the latest version? Or would my save files be in jeopardy?
No I have Sfall

Would it be safe to upgrade to the latest version? Or would my save files be in jeopardy?

Frankly I have no idea.
The hardest part for You would be to get sfall extended with a higher number than
This was last official release from GitHub by Mr.Stalin.. He later mooved his repository to russian site, which most antivirus software goes crazy when downloading from there. Mine actually prevented me from downloading anything from gitflic.
I had to find another source for the download, and even then it was cheeesy to download as well, as i had to open the repository and download all the files one by one, antivirus prevented me from downloading the .zip file.

as for if it's ok to upgrade sfall during a playthrough.. usually, but only when You know what You're doing. underwent a large number of changes, so You'll need to adapt the ddraw.ini too, and that is to be done only if you know what you are doing.