Fallout: New Vegas interviews

Helmet aside, that looks like a reasonable outfit for a group of raiders to make out of scavenged junk, though the cultural thing is a bit of a stretch (but it wasn't really present in the game). Ceasar's Legion looks pretty ridiculous, I'd say that the football pads look dumber than the skirts but the skirts look really bad in the engine. Also having a giant army all dressed in football pads is extremely implausible, though suspense of disbelief could extend there. I guess part of my problem is that given the background of the group, I'd expect them to look like the salvage and scavenge a lot more of their equipment than having a uniform (the tunic is reasonable) including football pads that every soldier has. Hell, they even have banners that look like they were stolen out of a museum (they look mass produced aside from all of the holes).

Tunics would make sense but given this picture, it looks like they really are skirts and not tunics unless they went to the trouble of dying the top red and the bottom gray. Add too it that they are wearing the black cloth masks and you loose heat as a major reason to wear the tunic.

Note that the armor that the player is wearing in that second picture looks like salvaged pieces of other armor including a T-45d arm. It looks like it could look good from the back.

Anyway, I too think that they went to far with the Roman theme when it comes to aesthetics but I like the idea of the faction. It's a stretch and I think that some people are willing to stretch there and others aren't. I'm in the latter group.
Faceless_Stranger said:
As much as the idea of CL may be ridiculous, one must remember, there have been other groups that have mimicked ancient civilizations, Khans anyone? The concept art of the Khans show that they indeed were meant to sport armor similiar to mongol warriors.


luckily they didnt.
Ausir said:
Kaisar is actually how "Caesar" was pronounced back in his times.

That was, in fact, his point.

Ausir said:
And they probably would have sported such armor if they had time to make more unique sprites for them.

And if they'd only had the technology of this day they would've made it first person!

UncannyGarlic said:
Note that the armor that the player is wearing in that second picture looks like salvaged pieces of other armor including a T-45d arm. It looks like it could look good from the back.

It does, though I do wish RPG developers would get over their shoulder plate fetish.