DemonNick said:
Firstly it assumes that all raider tribes should have identical, parallel development that should lead to them having interchangeable social norms. This is ridiculous on the face of it.
Except that it's not just the raider tribes. The entirity of Fallout society ever, from BoS to Enclave to trading caravans to raiders to slavers, were post-sexist. Everyone. Everything. Except the Legion.
DemonNick said:
if you talk to Caesar he makes it clear that everything about the Legion is contrived in a highly specific way as part of his plan for it to merge with and be moderated by NCR.
Yes, the Legion is explained ingame, that doesn't mean it automatically fits. Do I need to keep repeating myself.
DemonNick said:
There's absolutely NOTHING like that in ANY fallout game ever.
No need to be smarmy. Besides, you're using a strawman. I said there are many reasons Caesar's Legion doesn't fit. The fact that they're a large warbound slaver guild is not one of them, never said it was. Way to counter an argument I never made.
Thomas de Aynesworth said:
How many anthropologists do you know?
Dunno. A dozen?
Thomas de Aynesworth said:
Do you think you know enough anthropologists to make a sweeping claim that they all disagree with my assessment of race - which you, quite frankly, do not know.
Well, good thing you took the opportunity to explain it, then.
Thomas de Aynesworth said:
Anthropologists generally oppose the classical concept of "race", or just your buddies?
Anthropology does have its set core ways, y'know. Mixing race and ethnicity is something I've never heard an anthropologist support. You could argue the local schools of anthropology over here are more Eliasian than US schools of thinking but that doesn't make much of an impact on race.
Thomas de Aynesworth said:
If tomorrow a fossilized skeleton of a Neanderthal-Sapien hybrid were found, there would still be a Homo sapien and Homo neanderthalensis. Just the same if say two creatures that can obviously reproduce, such as, oh Pan paniscus and Pan troglodytes, we can still see that they are both considered separate species, and will always.
Ok. What part of this paragraph proves biological taxonomy is well-fitted and useful for these rapid mutations?
Thomas de Aynesworth said:
it can hardly be lumped under the Trotskyite catch-word racism.
Ahahahaha, I'm sorry, but what? You can not be serious.
Thomas de Aynesworth said:
If I were to taxonomically define ghouls and super mutants.
Heh. Ausir already shot this down, I guess.
mattchaos said:
Which is a flaw in Fallout's design (in my opinion) but is explained very well by the gameplay : as far as choice and consequences go, your initial choice of sex and color has to have no impact on the difficulty of the game and the only way to do that is by removing sexism and racism from the universe.
Except that you couldn't play anything other than caucasian in the original Fallouts.
otsego said:
Most NPC's had something nasty to say about tribals and your tribal heritage in Fallout 2 didn't they? And it was pretty much unanimously negative.
That's not racism though, that's cultural discrimination, like islamophobia.
randir14 said:
Chris Avellone isn't gay, if that's what you're implying.
He's also not the creative director. John Gonzalez was.
I know Tess Treadwell is gay but I dunno about anyone else over at Obsidian. Can't say I care that much either.