Fallout: New Vegas Trailer in HD, screenshots

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
A HD version of the E3 trailer for New Vegas was tossed to the press. We've uploaded it to our Youtube channel in HD:

<center><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/2G5NvX0uSkM&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></center>
Also, enjoy some screenshots taken from the HD trailer:


I don't see the non-Transcode HD version anywhere on Bethesda's site but you can get it from NMA.
Link: Fallout: New Vegas E3 Trailer on NMA (HD, MP4, 51 MB)
Link: Fallout: New Vegas E3 trailer on Bethesda site (SD, WMV/MP4, 36 MB)
Link: Fallout: New Vegas E3 trailer on Bethesda site (HD, Transcode, 336 MB) (thanks Ausir)

I can hardly believe a mainstream publisher is releasing a game that looks like this in 2010. And Alpha Protocol got shit for its graphics? Jeeeesh.

Looks quite horrible comparing to other main streamers.
Damn - and when F3 came up I thought it looked nice. Seeing other new games now - damn this looks bad. Not that I'm not playing for graphics but nevertheless.
I'd like seeing Beth fanboys in the future use our arguments.
* Graphics are not everything, even if Fallout 3 looks ugly, you must play it, it's a classic!
* The combat was messy, it couldn't be like every modern FPS's controls! You don't know what you're missing!

BN, I don't understand the first screenshot in your second post. What's the character's pose supposed to be there? :|
he is suposed to fall backwards as I imagine the creature infront of him (mutated sheep?) kicked him away with full force.
I wonder if New Vegas will get the same odd pass Fallout 3 did. But again, Fallout 3 did do environmental/world graphics pretty well, if not in quality then in scope. If New Vegas can replicate that it can get away with the shoddy textures and models.

Dario ff said:
BN, I don't understand the first screenshot in your second post. What's the character's pose supposed to be there? :|

I know right? I was just taking random shots, and when selecting them couldn't resist putting this one in.

The Big Horner just knocked him back towards the camera.
it wouldn't surpise me if Obsidian ends up getting blamed for this game looking like crap.
This is a universal truism, Dario.

(also "I know right?" means "I agree with you", in this case on how silly it looks)

Paul_cz said:
Fallout 3 looks pretty good and very atmospheric, if you ask me

(continues showing big gameworld shots)

Uh, yeah? Fallout 3 did do environmental/world graphics pretty well, if not in quality then in scope. If New Vegas can replicate that it can get away with the shoddy textures and models.

Shoddy textures and models

Add in animations and it only gets worse.
I don't care what you guys say, but graphics are the last thing I'm worried about right now. Hell, I don't even give a shit about the graphics at all. At this stage, all I care about is the quality of the writing.
Your fault for using those kind of expressions that were never translated into my language AFAIK. :roll:

Just kidding, I took it as if you weren't the person to ask those kind of questions, just clarifiying.
EDIT: Reconite, you're in one of the screenshots. :wink:
What the fuck, all I see in this trailer is explosions, gunfire, explosions, laser overkill and more explosions?! I hope there will be much more to Vegas then just sheer action...I'm a worried :?
Panker_u_sakou_starom said:
What the fuck, all I see in this trailer is explosions, gunfire, explosions, laser overkill and more explosions?! I hope there will be much more to Vegas then just sheer action...I'm a worried :?

You were seriously expecting anything else for an E3 trailer? What game trailer nowadays shows story and dialogue?

Anyway, I'm not worried about graphics at all. The graphics are great if I can see what's going on on the screen. Games should look like games. Not replicate real life.
Brother None said:
I can hardly believe a mainstream publisher is releasing a game that looks like this in 2010. And Alpha Protocol got shit for its graphics? Jeeeesh.

Dude, didn't you hear?

New Vegas is an RPG, it's okay that it looks like crap sometimes because it has numbers and talking.

Alpha Protocol on the other hand is a shooter, which is why it's not okay that it looks like crap sometimes and that you have to deal with numbers and talking INSTEAD OF STABBING PEOPLE FROM TEN FEET AWAY WHILE DOUBLE-FISTING SHOTGUNS!!!!!!
Again I'm watching the 360Mb WMV encoded hi-res version and it looks a lot better, don't know why people are complaining. Except for the animations, that remain *sigh* the same really...
generalissimofurioso said:
Brother None said:
I can hardly believe a mainstream publisher is releasing a game that looks like this in 2010. And Alpha Protocol got shit for its graphics? Jeeeesh.

Dude, didn't you hear?

New Vegas is an RPG, it's okay that it looks like crap sometimes because it has numbers and talking.

Alpha Protocol on the other hand is a shooter, which is why it's not okay that it looks like crap sometimes and that you have to deal with numbers and talking INSTEAD OF STABBING PEOPLE FROM TEN FEET AWAY WHILE DOUBLE-FISTING SHOTGUNS!!!!!!

but if da graphyics arnt good ten da gaem wil suk.

Hm... I think I lack Reconite's talent.
I think the lighting looks pretty good, I find that to be a really pleasant de-tour from F3.

And I'm sorta with Briosafreak on this. Characters don't look great, just as in F3, but I find the environments to be quite good. It may not be up to ye graphical heavyweights of today, but really... Are people *here* gonna complain about graphics being last-gen? Especially after knowing that it's using the same engine? C'mon people...

I'd say there are more important things to be outraged about.

It *will* be interesting to see how the gaming press will react to it though. Stuck between sucking off Bethesda for being the greatest ever, or slamming OEI for bugs, bad graphics and lack of polish? We shall see.