Arianna Lahar sighed, gazing into the seemingly endless hills and desert sands surrounding her. She had to face it--she'd become lost. Ari's labcoat, dirt and bloodstained, gleamed in the setting sun, and her glittering emerald eyes sparkled like polished gemstones in the light. She was stunned with disbelief--all this wandering, and she had absolutely no idea where the nearest town was. This would only bother her for a few moments, however, as all hell was just about to break loose.
Plasma rifle slung across her back, along with a small pack where she carried her few possessions, she turned away from the setting sun, and began to walk towards a rather large sand-covered hill. It was then she heard the buzzing behind her. Arianna turned slowly, a frown crossing her beautiful face. Brows furrowing, she stopped moving, listening intently--and there it was again: a low hum that sounded like a colony of bloatflies all mashed together. There was something ominus about the sound, and they came from beyond a much smaller hill about 20 feet away.
Arianna yanked her plasma rifle from her back, the shoulder strap firm around her neck. Heart pounding, she swallowed, gripping the stock of the energy weapon, finger on the trigger. She didn't know what to expect, but years of wandering the wastelands had taught her to expect trouble around every turn.
Sure enough, over the hill swarmed a large family of Cazadores; 7 in all. Arianna let out a startled scream, never having seen such creatures before. The winged monsters zoomed towards Arianna, hunger in their beady little eyes. Ari backed away, bringing the rifle to her shoulder, and squeezed the trigger. A plasma blast soared through the air, missing the cazadore she was aiming at completely.
damnit! Arianna thought, fear mounting within her. Normally she was a pretty damn good shot, but these creatures moved too erratically for her; she found it exceedingly difficult to track her targets. Combat never was her strong point, even though she'd learned to shoot. The Enclave had kept her busy as a scientist, NOT a soldier...not like her sister.
Wishing Lianna was with her, yet realizing she couldn't afford to be distracted, she fired off 5 more shots in rapid succession. Only one struck, vaporizing a cazadore on contact. The other six moved with such swiftness, such alarming speed, that Arianna decided fleeing was the better part of valor.
She turned and ran. She stumbled towards the hill to the east, as fast as her boots and dark skirt would allow, which was surprisingly quick. Still, the Cazadore's were much faster, not having to deal with rocks and sand dunes. They quickly closed the distance, and Arianna wasn't halfway up the hill when something large and ugly darted past her head, missing the back of her neck by inches.
The humming was deafening. The fear, nearly unsurmountable. All Enclave initiates, scientist or soldier, are forced to undergo basic training--bootcamp, in other words. Instinct drilled into her by her Sergeants took over, and she flung herself to the side, crashing to the ground; and just in time too. Three cazadores had flown behind her, stingers ready and dripping with venom. All 3 of them plunged their deadly appendages not into Ari's back, but into the sandy hill.
Climbing swiftly to her feet, Ari took advantage of their momentary loss of mobility to rush up the hill as fast as her feet could carry her. 1 flying menace dead, 3 temporarily immobile...that left 3 more to contend with, and they were swarming around her, trying their best to sting her. Pulling her sidearm, a plasma pistol, from her hip, she fired seven shots with amazing speed; the gun was much faster than her rifle, and she managed to singe the wings of the nearest cazadore, causing it to spiral to the ground with an angry buzz.
Not pausing for an instant, Arianna ran down the hill, lost her balance, and began rolling--kicking up dirt and dust as she went. She didn't see the large group of people in the desert several yards away, but she did hear them. Not caring at this point if they were raiders, Brotherhood of Steel, NCR, or even Enclave soldiers come to execute her for treason, Arianna Lahar flung herself to the side dodging a Cazadore's sting, leapt to her feet, and waved her arms in the air trying to be noticed.
"Help me!!!" She screamed in a shrill voice that echoed across the desert.
"Please, somebody help me! These...THINGS are attacking me, I need help!"
Arianna began to run towards the group as fast as she could, long golden hair flapping in the wind behind her. She was nearly out of breath, praying she could make it to the group of people ahead--and was that a Mr. Gutsy??!!! She nearly stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of a robot all the way out here, but remembered she was being chased by what seemed to be the legions of hell itself. The group of people she'd stumbled across were her only hope--and she prayed they would help her.
OOC: Yeah, I changed from nightstalkers to Cazadores...figured it would make more sence for her to have trouble with them instead of something as easy to hit as a Nighstalker.