Fallout: Sonora, a new project by the developers of Fallout: Nevada

It's a hiring dialog:

"Good God... Well, I'm quite good in handling laser and plasma weapons, but shooting firearms, let alone fighting bare-handed, are the things I'm horrible at. Are you OK with that?
  • Sure, that will be enough.
  • In other words, it would be like traveling with a cactus, got it.
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I guess there's no ETA yet?
Aleksandr Poshelyuzhin:

"While some people are celebrating May Day, I have something to celebrate, too. I finished another location and assembled a new build of Sonora, the 20th in a row. Three more locations ahead, one of them is half-ready. Now I just have to finish the project for Fallout birthday!"


Fallout birthday is the 30th of September.
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I am really interested in hearing some more details about this game's content, especially the factions and locations but also if companions are handled better than in Fallout Nevada as that was one of the gripes I had with that game.

I also hope that Sonora is a bit more generous with equipment and supplies this time as I hated having to scrounge by most of the time or carrying stuff that had absolutely no purpose.
I don't think they want to talk about locations and factions to keep it surprising and to not spoil the experience when playing the game.
Do you Know when this expected to be lunch in Russian

I would say around the start of the afternoon but why would the developers want to eat their own code?

In all seriousness, from what was posted earlier somewhere at the end of September, start October.
Suprised no one posted this before, some fat hint from Nobody's Nail Machine, the original Nevada composer.

I guess he's in after all.
Fantastic. Loved the music for Nevada. I was really hoping they would get him back and was disappointed when the developers said they would only use the old music this time.
Developer keeps it a secret. Expect even more pendejo mexican shit than in 1.5 Resurrection, as mods name suggests.
Looks like nobody's nail machine is officially back.

translated by Zer0wing on RPG Codex.

"Phoenix... City of the sun. An oasis in the middle of desert that gave life to millions of people. But nuclear war has incinerated this once huge metropolis. To this day its ruins are slowly smolder, covering with ashes many miles around. People continue to live here in these charred ruins hoping that one day the city will rise again like a bird from the Old World legends."

you have to have a account on VK though to listen to the song. Thankfully you can just listen to it on bandcamp instead.

Fallout Sonora - entry to the Casa Nuevo location

"Attention, stranger! Alcohol, drugs, and open carrying of weapons are prohibited here. For stealing the crops there's the death penalty. A curfew is in place at night."

Char: "Strict rules"

@dozen please tell me that you are translating this mod.
I'll probably join up the team when it's formed... unless the pal who did the Nevada translation is in charge again. He had personal issues with me so I had to leave.