Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

I am finally trying Sonora for the first time, but I'm having a small (but a bit annoying) UI problem:


For some reason, the AP, HP and Skilldex graphics on my UI reverted to Russian. They were working perfectly before, but my computer updated Windows when I wasn't home and the game was paused.

I reapplied the English translation files but the problem persists. All other UI text is still in English.

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?

EDIT: Now the game freezes for several seconds in combat during enemy turns. This is making the game pretty unplayable so I am downloading the installer again for a reinstall :violent:.
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After trying to get Fallout Sonora to finally run on Linux, I ran into a big problem. I can't save my game. All I get is error, every time I try to save. This seems to only happen when I install the English patch. When I save in the Russian version, it works fine. Very frustrating.
Are there mods planned like for Nevada Crazy Edition ? Im liking the mod, but kinda disappointed how few weapons are, let alone no weapon upgrades. Would be awesome if someone would just add them into the files of the game since save editior is quite a good tool how to get them on a individual playthrogh.
For some reason, the AP, HP and Skilldex graphics on my UI reverted to Russian. They were working perfectly before, but my computer updated Windows when I wasn't home and the game was paused.

I reapplied the English translation files but the problem persists. All other UI text is still in English.

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?

I had the same issue, and went through all the files and finally camp up with the f2_res.dat being the culprit.

I built two new ones, using graphics pulled from other mods, though they are just lengthened versions of the Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 interface.

I attached both to this message. Give them a shot, they should work.


Is anyone else not receiving a pipboy and vault suit after completing the starter mission (after climbing up the ladder)?

I found this to be the case when using the translation on any of the Foxx rebuild versions. I fixed it by removing the scripts folder from the translation completely. The game is playing fine without it. Was it needed? Are there Russian strings included in scripts themselves? It seems that at the least the inclusion of so many scripts in the translation might be overkill. Or at most unnecessary?
Кто-нибид играете этом мод по-русски? Я хочу помочь мне читать по-русски.
Anyone play the mod in Russian?, I want to help my reading in Russian.

Я тоже писать здесь, чтобы стать лучше.
I also write here to get better.
Is anyone getting combat taunts on the English version of Sonora? I think they are not working.
Hello, I need help with one quest in DLC Dayglow.

I'm playing in polish version of Fallout Sonora, and in the power plant near the transformer, I can't direct the power because everywhere I see "error". Can someone tell me what the correct sequence in this dialog window is, or send screenshots for that epizodes in russian/english lenguage?

I'd like to help but I haven't played that area or Dayglow in general.

You could try grabbing the relevant English/Russian translations folder, drop it next to the Polish fodler, then set the language to 'Russian' in the .cfg file, then boot in, play that section, save, quit the game, and change the .cfg language back to Polish. Just make sure the Russian text folder is in the same folder as the polish one in your data folder.
"I tried, but replacing the text files only changed the names of objects, skills, etc. The dialogues were still in Polish. Changing other files caused errors when loading the game. i'm playing on version 1.13 ( by Foxx) btw I saw on YouTube that task without the dialogue option at the transformer."

I would be grateful if someone could send me at least a save of the game from that moment in the English/Russian version.
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"I tried, but replacing the text files only changed the names of objects, skills, etc. The dialogues were still in Polish. Changing other files caused errors when loading the game. i'm playing on version 1.13 ( by Foxx) btw I saw on YouTube that task without the dialogue option at the transformer."

I would be grateful if someone could send me at least a save of the game from that moment in the English/Russian version.
I could help you, but it will take some time for me to reach Dayglow on my current run. If you willing to wait, I will write you right order for the plant or sent you a savefile after I get there.
Problem solved, author updated files. Thank you for your response and willingness to help!
Can you guys please help me? Yesterday the mod worked just fine but now when I wanted to play this welcomed me. It happened one time befor but a reinstall solved it, now not even that worked. Never encountered anything like this playing any other mod.
Képernyőfelvétel (9).png
this is because Sfall5 by Mr.Stalin triggers most of the antivirus software...
given that Mr.Stalin is:
#1 Skilled Russian hacker
#2 zealous Putin/ war aginst Ukraine supporter, that "..want all the us soldiers dead.." (an actual quote of his) i highly doubt this is a false positive..on the cotrary the antivirus that you have, had done a pretty good job of deleting an hacker's malware. now instead of doing something stupid and adding sfall5 to your antivirus exceptions i highly advise that you switch to standard sfall branch..

the too many false positives recently in Russian software is a bit too much for coincidence giving the war and all.. I simply don't belive it's false positives anymore...

If you have trouble switching from Mr.Stalin's sfall5 to vanilla sfall branch, state so in this thread. i'll try to make a ddraw.ini from vanilla sfall that's compatible with Sonora, I ass-ume You're not the only one in search of this, and since none of the big names here wants to lend a hand, I'll have to do it myself..
this is because Sfall5 by Mr.Stalin triggers most of the antivirus software...
given that Mr.Stalin is:
#1 Skilled Russian hacker
#2 zealous Putin/ war aginst Ukraine supporter, that "..want all the us soldiers dead.." (an actual quote of his) i highly doubt this is a false positive..on the cotrary the antivirus that you have, had done a pretty good job of deleting an hacker's malware. now instead of doing something stupid and adding sfall5 to your antivirus exceptions i highly advise that you switch to standard sfall branch..

the too many false positives recently in Russian software is a bit too much for coincidence giving the war and all.. I simply don't belive it's false positives anymore...

If you have trouble switching from Mr.Stalin's sfall5 to vanilla sfall branch, state so in this thread. i'll try to make a ddraw.ini from vanilla sfall that's compatible with Sonora, I ass-ume You're not the only one in search of this, and since none of the big names here wants to lend a hand, I'll have to do it myself..
I have zero knowledge about this kind of stuff, sfall and what not please just help me someway if you can! Tell me what to do!
I can tell you what happened that FoSonora does not work... Your antivirus software ( and if you didn't install any it was windows defender). just deleted the ddraw.dll from your game folder, if that file is gone and the game is set to run High resolution patch and or dx9 such error occur. the best way to prevent them is to use clean version of sfall a.k.a one without a virus. Luckily vanilla Sfall can be trusted on that, o the contrary to sfall5.

say gimme some time and i'll download latest vanilla sfall, and whip-up a proper ddraw.ini file for it, after that the game should be playable, with some minor drawbacks ( in certain situations you won't be able to tell your companions to holster their weapons or take of armors, though it shouldn't be an issue most of the time..

I'll be back when i'm done.
till later