Vault Dweller

For some reason, the AP, HP and Skilldex graphics on my UI reverted to Russian. They were working perfectly before, but my computer updated Windows when I wasn't home and the game was paused.
I reapplied the English translation files but the problem persists. All other UI text is still in English.
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?
This is a false positive. Scan for but it also has the trojan apparently.
I could help you, but it will take some time for me to reach Dayglow on my current run. If you willing to wait, I will write you right order for the plant or sent you a savefile after I get there."I tried, but replacing the text files only changed the names of objects, skills, etc. The dialogues were still in Polish. Changing other files caused errors when loading the game. i'm playing on version 1.13 ( by Foxx) btw I saw on YouTube that task without the dialogue option at the transformer."
I would be grateful if someone could send me at least a save of the game from that moment in the English/Russian version.
I have zero knowledge about this kind of stuff, sfall and what not please just help me someway if you can! Tell me what to do!this is because Sfall5 by Mr.Stalin triggers most of the antivirus software...
given that Mr.Stalin is:
#1 Skilled Russian hacker
#2 zealous Putin/ war aginst Ukraine supporter, that "..want all the us soldiers dead.." (an actual quote of his) i highly doubt this is a false positive..on the cotrary the antivirus that you have, had done a pretty good job of deleting an hacker's malware. now instead of doing something stupid and adding sfall5 to your antivirus exceptions i highly advise that you switch to standard sfall branch..
the too many false positives recently in Russian software is a bit too much for coincidence giving the war and all.. I simply don't belive it's false positives anymore...
If you have trouble switching from Mr.Stalin's sfall5 to vanilla sfall branch, state so in this thread. i'll try to make a ddraw.ini from vanilla sfall that's compatible with Sonora, I ass-ume You're not the only one in search of this, and since none of the big names here wants to lend a hand, I'll have to do it myself..