Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

I've found a couple of potential bugs in 1.14, though could be left over from 1.13.

Freeing kinsmen from the mines in Flagstaff, when leaving the mine they just stand at the entrance. I thought a convo would be forced. As it is you can walk out and they just stand there waiting for you to return.

After rescuing them (and killing the rat king) Faber has no response for me other than 'What do you say?', and my only option is to end the convo.

Anyone else experience something like this?
did You talk to those two after they've reached the cave's entrance?

You must talk to them prior to leaving the cave..

and Faber expects not purging the mine but fixing the machinery in the mines. the Rat quest is given by the mine administrator in a building next to the entrance, the same one you have 10 or so minutes to deliver a meal from the bar.

oh btw so you don't fuck up..
the rat gives 2 teeth on death. one of them is used as a proof for the andministrator, and the other is for the barman, as a hunting trophy for his bar gallery.
I just tested this in a fresh Russian install.

It seems that if your character is an idiot (1 intelligence), the quest breaks. Faber sends the idiot to kill the rat king. I recovered the teeth and talked to the two villagers before leaving the mine. When I return to Faber his dialogue is stuck as mentioned, and there is now way forward.

Perhaps this is a Fallout 2 CE issue...
I just tested this in a fresh Russian install.

It seems that if your character is an idiot (1 intelligence), the quest breaks. Faber sends the idiot to kill the rat king. I recovered the teeth and talked to the two villagers before leaving the mine. When I return to Faber his dialogue is stuck as mentioned, and there is now way forward.

Perhaps this is a Fallout 2 CE issue...

Hard to say.. Since Fo learned me to never play an dimwit in classic Fo engine games i never do :p
Hmm...encountered a couple of new bugs. Not sure where to report these or what...

But, this thread is as good a place as any for now, I suppose.

Went on the hunt for the wild Brahmin at Garage City, found it, tried to negotiate with the herders, deal went south, started fighting, finished them all off with assistance from the scavengers, then when I talked to the scavengers they were acting like we were still sneaking up on the herders and the brahmin. They didn't register that the Brahmin was caught.

Anyone else have this issue?
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Hmm...encountered a couple of new bugs. Not sure where to report these or what...

But, this thread is as good a place as any for now, I suppose.

Went on the hunt for the wild Brahmin at Garage City, found it, tried to negotiate with the herders, deal went south, started fighting, finished them all off with assistance from the scavengers, then when I talked to the scavengers they were acting like we were still sneaking up on the herders and the brahmin. They didn't register that the Brahmin was caught.

Anyone else have this issue?
You need to move the brahmin to the starting area, it isn't enough to just kill tribals.
Hmm, that seems like a bug then. It was a conversation with the herder that led to the fight, so one would assume that the script with be coded to acknowledge that. There are previous options when talking with the scavenger to just go straight to battle.
It's not a bug it's about convincing large hunk of meat to follow you so they don't kill it in the middle of nowwhere where they can't carry all the meat to garage city.. the idea is to lead the brahmin to garage city kill it there and butcher the meat properly. Even the final dialogue with scavengers mentiones something like this as far as i remember...
The brahmin works on a leash of sorts, you run too far away from it, then it looses focus on you, and you have to start the shaman ritual or feeding it agin for it to follow you agin. You literally need to bring the brahmin almost to exit grid, and talk to scavengers afterwards.. it's a bit glitchy but not bugged
Well, there are at least 3 ways to solve the quest, and one is not triggering correctly, or a little messily. The three ways are to 1. lead the Brahmin away, 2. negotiate with the herders and convince them to give up the brahmin, or 3. fight the herders and take the brahmin by force. There are several dialogues involved. The last of the 3 ways is not triggering correctly. At at least two points in two different dialogues combat with the tribals is triggered. This leads to a new set of dialogues which are the response or consequence of that combat. However, the trigger from negotiations with the tribal does not seem to fire, or there is no trigger.

Looking at the scripts it seems a local variable was to be set when negotiations with the tribals breaks down. It is commented out, the name perhaps unfinished. Likely it was meant to called when the negotiations break down and combat starts, to match the local variable called when the attack commences from the scavengers script.

Alternatively, the setting of the tribal to hostile could be removed, removing the result of 'negotiations breakdown' resulting in combat.

This issue is not really that the Brahmin isn't 'caught', but rather that the scavengers keep talking about attacking the herders, while standing around their dead bodies.

I fixed this in the script, going with alternative 2, as it was cleaner. Testing now.
Whelp, that got a little more in depth than I had hoped. Had to add a lot of conditionals, but ended up with an encounter that is a lot more robust, handles conversations mid way through events, in a 'makes sense' way, and still allows for all the original outcomes, and uses no new lines/dialogue. Just a new script.

Still...Not the path I want to go down now. Just want to get through the translation.
Finally finished Sonora+Dayglow.

Was playing with english translation. It went relatively bug free. Some early part of game are in very broken english but starting from like Flagstaff translation is fine. As for game itself my biggest absolute pain in the butt was no car. In my playthrough I never found a bike, moving through the map was nightmare. Started with typical SG>Speech>Lockpicking character with a lot of agility. Soon after I realized that I also need big guns. Combat was challenging but not crazy hard, as usual main problem was ammo. I liked big fights when you get a lot of allies (Vault Riding and fight in Brahmin Town), the biggest problem for me was that AI enemies tend to constantly steal stimpaks from bodies of already killed enemies.

Story was fine. I decided to join Rangers and destroy ship but was a bit dissapointed by story finish. I returned to Ranger HQ heard that everything is fine, got sent to Villia, one last dialoque and game was over, In my mind I was already expecting some plot twist at Villia just like in Nevada, some real final boss.

Dayglow itself was a mess. I had no idea that you can get a rope and go around bridge of death. The pole to mount rope was barely visible and game didn't give enough pointers about that. I felt super hardlocked. I couldn't find Old Town as well, moving through a network of locations was confusing and time eating. Especiallly frustrating was one special zone that you unlock after repairing train line. There was bunch of weak floor rooms that could toss you back into floor, except their activation hexes were crazy big and I ended up falling over and over again getting more and more annoyed. Final questline of DLC was interesting and reward felt good but resolution of that questline felt unfinished. We never got to know who is calling us and why. Was it some kind of overseer? Ending to DLC felt rushed and whole location was confusing.

I think my favorite part of the mod was probably Flaggstaff and Phoenix, those areas were challenging but also offered best progression. First good experience for quests, first good weapons and so on. Mod felt welldone - music was as good as in original Fallouts, 2d graphic elements were fine. Some critters felt out of place but overral Sonora looks good.

As always for free fan expansion Sonora is very impressive.

TL;DR Mod is fine, traveling withouth motobike sucks.

Edit: I attached endgame safe file just few seconds after triggering missiles on the boat. My version was 11.09.23 Rebuild by Foxx, Sonorra 1.13+DLC


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Small 'bug' in Flagstaff.

Came up to the Starman pinball machine. Noticed it was broken. Fixed it. Feedback sent me over to the bartender. However, at this point rather than being able to tell the barman that I fixed Starman, I can only tell him that it is broken. I go through the whole 'it's broken/Could you fix' it dialogue, and at the end a new option appears, letting me tell the bartender that the pinball machine is broken.

Obviously, not having to go through the 'it's broken/Could you fix' it dialogue when you have actually already just fixed it would be ideal.
I fixed this in the script. A small fix, makes the conversation make more sense. You can now approach the machine, discover it is broken, fix it, then go to the bartender and tell him that, and he rewards you 50 caps and the quest is done.

There is still one tiny issue with the script, but I don't think I will fix it. You can refuse to accept the 'fix the Starman pinball machine quest' in which you are offered 50 caps. However, if you actually fix it, and complete the quest, you still get 50 caps. It would seem more in line with the wasteland that you might NOT get the 50 caps if you had not agreed to the deal. The bartender could just be, like...'thanks bro, here's a brewski on the house'.

However, I think we can survive without this.

....I went ahead and fixed this too. Now, if you fix it after refusing the quest, the quest ends, and you get a thanks, but no cash.
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But that's how it initlally worked.. you originally got a "brewski" after fixing the machine Btw cool name for slavic beer XD, also You could play the machine, and after exceeding 1000 points or so You'd beat the game, and get a second "brewski" from the bartender to "clear your head after such a struggle".
I hope this wasn't messed up by Your patch ...

the bartender is sort of a scrooge when it goes for money, he'd rather pay you with a beer for a favour than handing out any money..
He does pay with beer on a couple of ocassions..

If You beat the shit out of a slaver barparton, after fixing the pinball machine and after beating the record at the pinball machine..

on other ocassions:
You get 100 caps for the second "king rat" tooth
Ancient Artifact: Mexican Flag after turning it in to the bartender yealds .44 Magnum winchester rifle
and you can barter for mother's golden pendant once You know it's been taken from her and that it's been sold to the bartender.. buying it back & returning the locket ( Dude's mother gives it to him which yelads perma +1Lk )

I could probably list what to to with the most of the ancient artifacts found in the game, but let's not spoil the fun for everyone shall we..
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That still happens. He still gives you a beer for completing the quest. Only if your reputation is sufficient though. Otherwise just the 50 caps. And now, if you never agreed to the 'quest' in the first place, just a thank you.

The logic is just fixed now. If you fix the Starball machine before getting the quest you can let the bartender know this right away. The original 'bug' was that you couldn't tell him, and had to actually go through the sequence of activating the quest by telling him that the machine IS broken, evern though you just fixed it. So it flows much better now.

Though my script are just sitting in a folder on my computer. Perhaps I will release them later as patch, once I have finished the game.
Found another irksome, though not quite buggy point.

The dealer in Phoenix, after your first conversation with him, no matter what you say, will greet you the next time you meet with a series of random greetings. Some of those greeting indicate that you are a previous or frequent customer looking to score another hit, such as "It's my main customer! Back for another hit?". This doesn't sit well if it's been a while since you first spoke to him, or initially blew him off. In fact, it completely threw me off and had me wondering whether there was a bug.

Looking at the code, they may have had a different plan originally, that would let you push through the first dialogue straight to the second and start buying drugs. However, it has been commented out. I wonder whether the second dialogue greetings were updated to reflect this. I thought to fix this code, but am now opting to tweak the random greetings to be less specific, and more general 'drug pusher greeting a 'customer' he may or may not recognize'. This will mean a second meeting with the pusher will not be jarring for someone who never purchased anything from him, or blew him off because he is drug pusher. He will just seem like a pushy dealer, who doesn't care who you are, trying to make a sale.
Slight 'bug' or logic issue in the scripting at the Sonora Express in Phoenix.

When you are looking to deliver a letter to Steve, if you haven't found him yet you can return to the office and get a dialogue asking 'Where was I supposed to deliver this letter again?' or something like that.

However, after you find and deliver it, then return to the Sonora post office, you get a new dialogue, stating that the letter is delivered, but the 'Where was I supposed to deliver this letter again?' dialogue option is still there, which makes no sense, as this option and the other should be mutually exclusive.

I have fixed this in code.
Found a small logic/quest flow in the Phoenix cathedral,

*spoiler alert*

While looking for the 'spy' in the cathedral you can discover that he has been checking out the acolytes routines. He is the only one checking out the routines.

You can then go to Mattias and confront him over this. You can threaten to tell Aaron of your suspicions.

However, when you go to Aaron, there are no dialogue options.

This is weird, as you claimed you were going to try and convince Aaron that Mattias is the spy. You should at least have the option to raise your suspicions with Aaron.

So I have added in quest logic and dialogue chains to have an intermediary stage where you take your suspicions to Aaron, and he shuts you down, as your evidence is insufficient.

This in no way effects the results of the original quest, but just makes for a more logical, smoother, intermediary stage.

This code and other 'bug fixes' will likely make their way to some kind of release after the translation is finalized.
Hey guys, am having issues with a quest at the ranger dam. The one where you go with the cadet to kill the rats in the cave, then a bandit shows up and holds the farmers hostage. My game goes to a black screen with audio after exiting the map no matter if I kill or spare the bandit. Does anyone know what the issue is? Attached are my savegame files in zip form, there's three saves, one just after killing the big rat, one after the hostages are freed, and one after the bandit's been killed. Thanks!

