Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

When i go to Raiders location im getting black screen other locations all work, im playin 1.10b version and the polish transtlation of the mod game is very hard
well, on paper yeah, in reality I don't know.. haven't contactded them in a long while, and I'm a little worried how the mass recruitment to the warfront, have impacted the translation.. currently I'm too ocuppied with both real life and certain obligments on the web, to tackle the translation, after all I have like 4 months of internet life to catch-up cause of the damn heat problems during the summer..
Heh got a question for Russian Fo:Sonora players, or anybody else that plays in whatever language for that matter..

Did any of You manage to succesfully enable Control Combat Mode != 0 ? I mean I tried all Modes 1,2,3 and neither did work. Natively the game nas no files for this but I've found latest version of sfall5 and managed to download the nessecary files "gl_z_partycontrol.int" gl_z_sfall-mods.int" "gl_highlight.int" "sfall-mods.ini" , configured sfall-mods.ini put them all where they belong and it doesn't work. On the contrary "npcarmor.int" and an adapted "npcarmor.ini" work as intended. I now have four party NPCs all in combat armor graphics. 3 men and one woman.

So anyone got any tips how to get Combat Control Mode=2 *or* Mode=3 to work in Fo:Sonora?
Translation files are not complete, and are currently under NDA. Some npcs are not translated at all, some have dialogue lines missing (the infamous "Error") and some have format errors within the .msg files that crash the game. So no.. You can't have it yet. overall the quality of the translation varies form exellent, through medicore, poorly implemented, to meh right now, it varies form file to file. so it really isn't a product ready to release yet. I actually could finish the game mainly because i understand Russian somewhat, and have the translated files cause i joined the translation team.

As for the questions I had in my previous post, they were solved by Mr.Stalin on his sfall5 gitflic page. the extended interface and party control do work as intended, it's just some files were not updated, and Foxx made a little mess in his release, offloading ddraw.ini into sfall.ini which caused sfall-mods.ini to cease to work. I deleted sfall.ini updated sfall.dat and sfall_ru.dat in my setup and everything runs fine.
well except that trinket slot that seposedly appeared in Fo:Nevada for that cheyenee amulet. but it might be a feature "in development" so to speak, and it is not ready yet for public rlease.

Regarding Party NPCs. party.txt gives a total of eight possible party members as far asI remember of which i encountered 5 and only 4 of them level up and the fifth one is only temporary ( there are actually more tempray party members but they are short termed, unlisted in party.txt and are simply meh) I managed to recruit all four of the party members with level ups at the same time ( however one of them had to be recruited first) so the rumor of possibly recruiting only 2 max party members ever is only partially true, due to one of them having wonky attitude towards player's charisma. ( although I play with fo2tweaks charisma limitation removal, though I haven't specify party member PIDs i the .ini so it shouldn't matter), the only ever 1 party member limitation rumor is agin partially true, due to personal vehicle only allowing to transport 1 party member alongside the player's char, so i ditched the vehicle and traveled on foot. I still stand by my theory that charisma limit for party members haven't been toyed with and is the same CH/2 limit we have in Fo2. With the exception of one party member who when beeing re-recruited as the last of four declined to join, I had to disband party, and re-recruit him first, then all the rest joined without complaining, I had CH10 when doing my playthrough and 10 in all the rest of the SPECIAL too, as i do on a first run of any classic fallout mod.
Update from Black Designer on Dayglow progress, not much left.

The main reason why I still haven't completed the add-on is that it turns out some kind of nonsense.

In my head, everything is more or less clear. Ideas - a whole bunch. The images are overwhelming. But in the implementation it all looks like zilch.

Partly due to the fact that Fallout for such a concept turned out to be too "cramped", in every sense. For example, due to the lack of ghoul sprites (there are only three of them), the lack of terrain tiles, etc.

San Diego deserves a separate game at the FNV level. (Give this to Tim Cain, please) I'm bursting with excitement when I imagine The Dayglow like this. What potential is eluding realization!

But I will still try, gritting my teeth, to finish this material. Not much is left there.
Partly due to the fact that Fallout for such a concept turned out to be too "cramped", in every sense. For example, due to the lack of ghoul sprites (there are only three of them), the lack of terrain tiles, etc.
This poor person needs to find some sprite artists to help with the project.
This poor person needs to find some sprite artists to help with the project.
Red888guns did a lot of work on Fallout: Sonora, but he might be too wrapped up in that new project from New Blood Interactive to work on Sonora now.

I could have sworn that someone on here had made more ghoul sprites and that they ended up in the Megamod or something. Not sure if BlackDesigner has been to this part of NMA, but he should take a look at some of the work on here.
Did any of You manage to succesfully enable Control Combat Mode
Didn't check, but... try to take the scripts from sfall 4.3.x and rename them.
Or use sfall 4.3.x
Perhaps I have old information, but only one character was originally planned to be a full participant in the party. The rest joined temporarily.

We really need this translation m8
Everyone wants to, but it's work that's done in their spare time.

Red888guns did a lot of work on Fallout: Sonora, but he might be too wrapped up in that new project from New Blood Interactive to work on Sonora now.

I could have sworn that someone on here had made more ghoul sprites and that they ended up in the Megamod or something. Not sure if BlackDesigner has been to this part of NMA, but he should take a look at some of the work on here.
Could you send links to such animation packs or email BlackDesigner personally?
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I always would have liked to have seen Ghoul sprites of Ghouls in Fallout 1 and 2 wearing leather armor, metal armor, and combat armor.

Or more differences in the weapons sprites characters are holding with to better reflect the weapons they are equipped with.
Didn't check, but... try to take the scripts from sfall 4.3.x and rename them.
Or use sfall 4.3.x
got it sorted out with Mr.Stalin on gitflic turns out Foxx release of 1.10b was screwed a bit, Foxx used sfall.ini config along ddraw.ini sfall.ini was overlapping ddraw.ini and prevented the usage of sfall-mods.ini at the same time, so all mods related to item pickup, party control, party perks, was not working.
I got the missing files from sfall5 release somewhere from the web.. ( don't remember where exactly), long story short i got it working)
all four of them can be kept throughout the game if you don't follow with their quest lines:
Carrington i wasted Arron and overseer in church vault underground before recruiting carrington. after i brought carrington to Phoneix he only leaves for two days, and you can enlist him later
Barkley i didn't return dog tags to him ( didn't pick that dialogue option), and he stayed with me
Diana just don't let her go at casa nueva ( don't pick that dialogue line), and she follows you around.
Jack after reporting to BoS with him in party he says something about settling in villa would be ok, but i never let him, so he stayed in party.

the only issue with having big party is you can't use the vehicle, as it has only fit two travellers on it player and one companion, onterwise there are charisma limitations i think, and yes if ever droping party members, you have to enlist them in specific order ( carrington first i belive) otherwise some may complain it's overcrowded even with cha10, but otherwise i've kept them to the endgame joining the BoS and getting BoS combat armor helps too. a nice upgrade to standard combat armor they sell. Power armor is nice, however the mexicali PA is crap, oh and Senior Asistante is cool as well, although this one is past endgame i belive, same way as mexicali PA.
got it sorted out with Mr.Stalin on gitflic turns out Foxx release of 1.10b was screwed a bit, Foxx used sfall.ini config along ddraw.ini sfall.ini was overlapping ddraw.ini and prevented the usage of sfall-mods.ini at the same time, so all mods related to item pickup, party control, party perks, was not working.
I got the missing files from sfall5 release somewhere from the web.. ( don't remember where exactly), long story short i got it working)
You need to upgrade to version 1.10c and sfall
I'll take the time to make a mod version for Fallout 2.
You need to upgrade to version 1.10c and sfall
I'll take the time to make a mod version for Fallout 2.
I've checked the changelog with Foxx's release 1.10c is foxx release it only upgrades sfall5 I've already done so with 1.10b and upped sfall5 to, wasn't released back then yet, and by saying that 1.10c is foxx release only i mean official nevada band site still hosts 1.10b as their release. Foxx released 1.10c and listed only two things in changelog, one of them beeing sfall uptade. that means no script updates by developers were made.
the mod version for fo2 can be thought of when actual translation comes out. There's no point in doing that earlier, since nobody in Rusian speaking world would care, and western folks rarely understand Cyrylic writings, hence without translation the western antypiracy laws would be preserved by language barier :p, Me on the other hand living in between west and east, have things sorted, I tink I'm alowed to download mod contet according to local law as long as 1. own original copy of the original game 2. i don't reupload the download anywhere nor share it with anyone. that includes any share to peers in p2p clients. so far my share ratio is 0,00% and upload is 0.00kB so i guess I'll be ok