Mildly Dipped

In Resurrection they can wear PA =)Can ghouls wear armor? I thought they were to frail.
In Resurrection they can wear PA =)Can ghouls wear armor? I thought they were to frail.
What is this? https://m.vk.com/wall-105393279_30729
Oh wow, a DLC for a Total Conversion Mod? DANG! I've never heard of such a thing, that's pretty cool!!!Time to practice Your Russian language skills @Proletären :p
it simply advertises DLC called "dayglow" for Fallout:Sonora that is to be released after patch 1.11. some of it's assets are already ingame. too bad the translation team is probably not going to make it before 1.11 with 1.10c translation.. this will set us back for another few months back probably. Although who knows, i might be wrong.
Although there were rumors of few DLC's to be released for Sonora, it's the first firm statement that the first DLC is to be released after 1.11 patch.
Frankly nobody at the translation discord mentioned this since the last time i was there ( like yesterday or so)..
Read my mind ! on that one.Oh wow, a DLC for a Total Conversion Mod? DANG! I've never heard of such a thing, that's pretty cool!!!
Oh wow, a DLC for a Total Conversion Mod? DANG! I've never heard of such a thing, that's pretty cool!!!
you must be fun at partiesAs I recall DLC stands for Down-Loadable-Content what's so suprising for a free game to have them?
I mean it's recent buisness model of big corp, that DLC/ expansion packs to games are paid for content, it wasn't always like that. I think Nevada Band leans more towards this beeing actually an expansion pack in classic sense of the word, in meaning for an additional stuff you can just download for a free game. I have no idea if it's paid content however i suspect it's not.
So I don't get what's all the fuss about..
Nah, not really.you must be fun at parties
Will the english release include the DLC when it's done? I understand why it's taking so long for the english translation. I can't blame the translators given the circumstances.the link informs of a modified version a.k.a Foxx's release hence few days of delay..
I've checked Sonora Translation discord and ppl say there that main Nevada Band release was out since like 25.07....
Will the english release include the DLC when it's done? I understand why it's taking so long for the english translation. I can't blame the translators given the circumstances.
Can't chat GPT help speed up the translation process or at least release what they have done even if it's incomplete? It's the dialogue that matters because we can deduce the other things easy enough even if we don't speak russian. The first Nevada transaltion was not 100% complete and i finished the game with no problems even if it had some russian text here and there.
Any indications of that?or Nevada Band makes a translation themselves.
Any indications of that?
Dang this stinks, well anyways thanks for the update on the progress for the English Translation!ok folks it's taking so long as project manager went M.I.A or so everyone thinks, when He was about to take the most important and time consuming task of grouping and putting everything 2g4, he was suddenly loaded with real life issues, since then there was a lot of inproductive time, so the most devoted translators seeked out other projects, and involved themselfs into them. Since then someone doecided to make a list of files that remained to be translated, but the rtranslated files for it haven't been uploaded so i think nobody did them, few guys ar seposedly in contact with the project manager, and decided to take over the work, but the progress is veeery slow.. at this pace I think the translatio will be out either when Sonora ceases to recive updates, and translation will have it's final version dveloped, or Nevada Band makes a translation themselves.
As for me I'm happy as fuck, that the heat finally turned down a little, and that i can actually use mu PC since a day or two, so i decided to take my time and play some games :p .