It's what I find even worse ... so much time and work spend on it and then the story is as lame as it gets. :p What a waste.
I went with naivety in regards of Frontier, this is how I can sum up 5 hours of gameplay without spoiling story.
Technical aspects look great. Map design, weapons and the vehicles look top notch for an NV mod.
Shit, is it really that bad? I was excited for it. Guess I will just go back to waiting for the Sonora translation
The CoD inspiration is in story and structure. The gameplay is still New Vegas combat.If it is inspired by cod in terms of fps gunplay then I would say its a good thing.
Lol alright then nevermind. If the car drives like the warthog I will play it just for that.The CoD inspiration is in story and structure. The gameplay is still New Vegas combat.
Jesus Christ, I just played a mission where you need to get going through the streets of post apocalyptic Portland, defending a tank from anti tank fire. If the tank gets too much damaged and it is destroyed, you fail. They give you something for you to fix the tank when it gets damaged.
Ok, typical CoD nonsense right? Yes but it gets even better. The tank actually is very resistant and can kill all enemies fine on its own, independent of your input, actually trying to help is really discouraged because the tank is a bigger threat to you than the enemies as his big gun hits have a big area of effect and you have zero control over what it is aiming. It gets even better, loads of enemies with area of effect guns and while the tank blocks hit, it doesnt block the AoE they cause, so when you go fix the tank, you blow up.
It gets even better, on the begining of the game, you have the options of choosing a weapon, if you dont choose a rifle, you are fucked until you find one as pretty much most enemies on this scripted sequence have AoE guns and are firing from high ground, outside your guns range and if you didnt pick a rifle, you will only have access to peashooters that do nothing and trying to shoot the enemies will only get you killed.
It gets even better, there are plenty of places on the streets where you dont even have cover to flank and do something, after you finally reach the end, then, plot twist, the legion attacks and you are captured.
It gets even better, the levels of tardation keep going until reaching a climax, not even Fallout 3 manage that but I will get there, the legion captures you and everybody on the legion knows you are the legendary courier just by looking at you on a world where there are no cameras pratically everywhere. The retardation keeps getting better, the legion head honcho himself comes to torture you.
It gets even better, they didnt include the Enclave because it is a "facist fantasy" but the legion leader pretty much tortures you with a hammer and cut the arm and leg of some random NCR NPC with an axe and then just cut his head later, making the Enclave look like hippies in comparison. The legion leader looks like some comic book villain and decide to crucify you after you fail to give him any info about the NCR goals and how are you supposedly to know that when you were just recruited. Wouldnt be smarter he trying to recruit you into being a double agent?
But no, oh no, they are commited into showing how retardly evil the dude is, you are crucified.
Then, the retardation reaches it climax, some band of NCR deserters, have more Vertibirds than the entire NCR had on Hoover Dam and mount a complicated rescuing opperation behind enemy lines to... rescue you, yeah, just you, the legendary Courier that everyone and his mother knows about. I mean, woah... it is a pity because you see they actually tried hard to script all this bullshit, it is a pity that despite their work, it is still bullshit.
The over-emphasis on that was to point out how retarded the whole thing was, and it's actually not uncommon to do that when you point out how something just gets worse and worse. That poster is actually one of more prestigious on the forum."It gets even better" ad infinitum.
Someones vocabulary needs to get better.![]()
Motherfucking lol. From a post on the RPG Codex.
That really sounds like something Kojima would do if he would be director for Fallout, no joke.
I guess they were not lying from having inspirations from Kojima.