Atomic Postman
Vault Archives Overseer
i never played a kojima game before. so what is it he would do?
Kojima writing would have equal cringe but actually great moments and an overall theme, so no.
i never played a kojima game before. so what is it he would do?
Even though several TTW team members taught them how to optimize stuff, they never listened and now this project is horribly optimized... The game will run out of memory because of the games's technical limitations and how unoptimized this is.
I checked, and the first thing I found out is that they have a 4K legion flag, with a 4K env mask...They also have parallax in most of the kit pieces... I won't even look into the rest of the assets.
I'm roleplaying one of my characters from FNV and avoided the NCR quest by taking that girl on the 1st mission to the bar. So far It seems ok. I'm working for a bar owner trying to get his wife back and the atmosphere seems really good. What the mod lacks in storytelling I'm trying to add with my diaries. In case anyone is interested, here's the link:
And here are I thought that my 50 plugins are responsible for the project being unstable. Thanks Risewild.
Side quests are probably one of the better parts of the Frontier. Finding them? Now that's the hard part.
Might as well be a bought model.Also the lizard people are stolen unity assets too.
i don't hate all new vegas quest mods but unlike say with the baldurs gate series i'm alot more picky.
alot are either to silly, to dark, don't fit the setting, or try to place dc elements/characters into the new vegas area when it makes no sense for them to be there.
the only time i was fine with that last one was in eliza by th3overseer as it was explained in a reasonable way. dude just went on a caravan. this isnt like death's last whisper where a talking deathclaw, a former enclave scientist , and a half human half deathclaw hybrid somehow got from dc to nevada with out getting noticed.
First I've heard of TTW. Is this made to make mods "transferable" between the two games, or just so they feel like one whole game?
First I've heard of TTW.
Lurked semi constantly since '09-'10 around when NV was announced. Was too intimated by everyone at that age though and had never used online platforms to chat, only texted. Got bored at work one day and signed up.Sometimes I seriously wonder how you came to this website