Fallout TV Series Begins Production

  • Thread starter Thread starter TorontoReign
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I am going to go out on a limb and say all the people that don't wanna watch this show will still follow every single scrap of news and video released.
I'm not going to watch it because i don't give a shit about a Fallout TV series. I'd rather actually play a game about it over watching a bunch of actors acting it out.

I am going to watch Bethesda fans lose their shit if the show starts deviating from the precious Bethesda lore. That's gonna be hilarious.
I am going to watch Bethesda fans lose their shit if the show starts deviating from the precious Bethesda lore. That's gonna be hilarious.
Good news about that is it seems none of showrunners in Hollywood paid that much attention to source material they adapted. They want to make their own mark. Like Witcher series, there might be 3 separate alternative continuity.

Finger crossed that in this Show the props and CGI are actually good.
Good news about that is it seems none of showrunners in Hollywood paid that much attention to source material they adapted.
Can't wait for the 10 hours videos called "Fallout TV series is bad and here's why" or "Fallout TV series is worse than you think".
I am looking forward to "That thing you like is dead and was not dead before this date" or something.
I am looking forward to "That thing you like is dead and was not dead before this date" or something.
I dunno, i stopped taking fallout seriously after finally playing the first 2 games. I did not like fallout 2. I thought the antagonists sucked.
Good news about that is it seems none of showrunners in Hollywood paid that much attention to source material they adapted. They want to make their own mark. Like Witcher series, there might be 3 separate alternative continuity.
But it has to be considered that a new licencee might not have the rights to —everything— in an IP; often HAS to make it their own because not all of it is owned by the licencor. For instance Netflix probably has no rights to anything in from the Witcher video games—just the books. So they couldn't copy the design of the medallion from the Witcher games... so it's different.

Normally (and it's not normal), I'd think that they couldn't copy anything from FO3, or that Obsidian created for New Vegas... except that in this case Microsoft owns the IP and both game studios... so they could include it all in the packaged rights.
When I stop and think about it, New Vegas actually has a decent cast of characters for a TV show, if it was done well, but these days I shut off and walk the other way the moment a franchise spin-off/remake/whatever of any kind is announced. Best outcome is some nerd's overproduced fanfic, and I could go read that online, if I ever cared to.
But it has to be considered that a new licencee might not have the rights to —everything— in an IP; often HAS to make it their own because not all of it is owned by the licencor. For instance Netflix probably has no rights to anything in from the Witcher video games—just the books. So they couldn't copy the design of the medallion from the Witcher games... so it's different.
Perhaps....Yet it doesn't stop from someone like Henry Carvill, who often lobbied for pro-fans detail during shooting process, ejected out from portraying Gerald starting from season 3 or 4.

In the end, you got ballsack armor for Nilfgaardian soldiers in Season 1 to generic 15th century plate armor (which is okay, but not woaah! giving impression inducing) in Season 2. Compare that to absolutely gorgeous design of 16th century/early modern plate armor from CDPR's. Then you have Northern Realm soldiers having this outdated, 14th century armor (for knights) and 13th century armor (for footmen). And you got this description.


You can sense the struggle, the inevitability, the disparity here. I was never intimidated at all by that ballsack armor. Like seriously they also have poorest portrayal of battle tactic shown.

Wether or not they got the rights, they basically produce inferior alternative depiction here.
A flex? what?
Pointing out the themes of the series?
Where you under the impression that Fallout was about how conservatism was great all this time? Or that it was somehow about how having a non white woman as a protagonist being a bad thing? I seriously don't get a lot of modern nerd whinning, they are basically demanding to be thought of as sad losers now, I thought that was the thing nerds wanted to avoid before?

You know what I was saying. And you know exactly what was meant by the "non white woman protagonist" part, that specifically not being the issue. You've still not outgrown the phase of the internet where you act like a twat, twisting the clear point of someone's comment to seem clever but who seriously gives a shit.

I'll just say again what I was saying. Even though I have little hope for this show, would be nice if it wasn't wokenized like everything else for me personally. I hope that's ok whoever was involved in making the original games.

I don't know if the creators behind John Wick are gay or trans or what their race is either. I hope the next one is not going to be about queen latifah proving men that she is just as brave. Even if queen latifah IS the creator of the original movies. I hope that's ok too.

Don't even want to get into the "are you under the impression" bullshit btw. Explain what fallout means on the bethesda forums.
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Whoa whoa, leave Queen Latifah out of this. She's been quietly out of the spotlight for years!
I hope every single tv show stars a non white woman only from now on.

Positive discrimination is ultra liberal illusionism. No more token black people in British TV ads. They have 2 black people and some mixed race kids.
Then they get sent to Rwanda or back to Jamaica. Fake af.

for real? no bullshit? what? seriously? i sent this to some BoSFags and they're seething about it already lmao
Honestly doesn’t sound like a bad idea for a setting, ignoring how it could fit into the timeline. And all these adaption shows take place in different canons anyway.

Sorta sounds like it would make Vault City into the good guys? Which is not a great look, imo, but also wouldn't surprise me. [if it were real]
I’d rather have a 80s/90s Saturday morning style Fallout cartoon. Make it based on Fallout 2 because it’s already goofy as fuck and Goris would be the cute comic relief creature.