Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

OK, thanks I'll try this, but just wondering: is this the only way to reach BOS and other locations, or should I've been able to get them through some other way than just wandering through the world map?
I'm not really sure, the last time I played as a low int character so almost none of the dialogues were open to me.
But if there isn't a breadcrumb line somewhere in one of the main characters yet, there probably will be in the next couple of releases.
Made it to the Brotherhood of steel bunker, I have a few questions and bugs (the same ones that Kitsuneamy already mentioned:

* I have 100+ repair skill and the water chips, but cannot repair the water tanks
* where is the broken computer on level 2?
* where is the other item on level 2 that needs fixing?
* I’ve seen the surveillance footage, but the trashcan is empty
* using the holotapes cause the game to crash
* how can you enter level 3 to see the elder?
* are the other locations (reservation, vaccs & crater) only accessible through finding them at the world map (not via quests?)

I like it that drawers, boxes and desk stay open after inspecting them. More npc styles makes for more diversity and is nice as well. English is as it should (not like Nevada for example). I haven’t used the ‘crafting option’ yet, it’s a bit similar to Nevada but with the added sense of reality of not needing workbenches to craft something , although it seems less intuitive or a little more complicated to use.
* I have 100+ repair skill and the water chips, but cannot repair the water tanks

That's a very hard skill check. I wouldn't attempt it before getting my Repair to at least 120.

* where is the broken computer on level 2?

The tall black one in the room with scribes.

* where is the other item on level 2 that needs fixing?

Broken memory banks are close to the broken computer. The tape reels aren't spinning.

* I’ve seen the surveillance footage, but the trashcan is empty

Not sure which trashcan did you search. The one you need is in the southern part of the large elevator corridor.

* using the holotapes cause the game to crash

Yeah, sorry about that! I fixed that for R4. A workaround is to place them in your inventory slot and use them from the main interface, not from inside the inventory.

* how can you enter level 3 to see the elder?

You can sneak but good luck with that. Or you can find who's the poisoner first.

* are the other locations (reservation, vaccs & crater) only accessible through finding them at the world map (not via quests?)

VACCS can only be located after speaking to Orrin inside the hologram. The Reservation and the Crater can be accessed without any special requirements.

I like it that drawers, boxes and desk stay open after inspecting them. More npc styles makes for more diversity and is nice as well. English is as it should (not like Nevada for example). I haven’t used the ‘crafting option’ yet, it’s a bit similar to Nevada but with the added sense of reality of not needing workbenches to craft something , although it seems less intuitive or a little more complicated to use.

Thanks for the kind words! English could certainly be improved, but that's a task for our future proofreader position. For now, you'll have to tolerate grammar slips :)

I actually intend to add some workbenches but not as a requirement, more as a something that provides a bonus.
Not sure which trashcan did you search. The one you need is in the southern part of the large elevator corridor.

Argh stupid me, this is what happened: I already took the stim out of the trashcan before seeing the footage or knowing about the quest, and didn't even notice it was a special stim.

Thanks for the kind words! English could certainly be improved, but that's a task for our future proofreader position. For now, you'll have to tolerate grammar slips :)

hah, I'm not a native english speaker so I didn't notice any errors!

I'm currently at the circle of steel, the world map is huge indeed!
Question, If the R4 gets released, do I have to start a new game after instaling, or can I use the saves from R3? Any estimated time of R4 release? Also other question - I have GOG Fallout 2 version, while F2SE character editor works for it, It doesn't for F:Y - could you add some compatibility? It would be helpfull in testing the game, to not need starting again and again, to check builds of gameplay as Ghoul or Mutant etc.
Hello there. I tried playing your mod but when I went about the installation process I realized there was no file called "patch000.dat" in my Fallout 2 folder. I tried running the modded game without it but I got a blue screen. Then I moved a file named "patch0001.dat" into the modded game folder to see if that would work, and I again got a blue screen. The same thing happened when I erased the "1" in the file name. Now, I do have the mib88 megamod installed in my main Fallout 2 game folder. Is this causing the issue, or is it some sort of Windows error? I'm totally confused
Hello there. I tried playing your mod but when I went about the installation process I realized there was no file called "patch000.dat" in my Fallout 2 folder. I tried running the modded game without it but I got a blue screen. Then I moved a file named "patch0001.dat" into the modded game folder to see if that would work, and I again got a blue screen. The same thing happened when I erased the "1" in the file name. Now, I do have the mib88 megamod installed in my main Fallout 2 game folder. Is this causing the issue, or is it some sort of Windows error? I'm totally confused

There is patch000.dat file, at least should have been in your gamefolder. Better to make a seperate clean instalation of game, then copy files.

Use an up to date version of F12SE, not the OLD F2SE, and also change the config accordingly for the config/path
Would love to know how to remove Ghoul race there - any idea guys? - EDIT, managed to change it
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Bug report - I'm looking for BoS poisoner,
asked prison guard to let me in, but earlier stole the key, now when I got permision, I pick up the key from floor which I droped but as soon as I get back to her, she calls alarm and starts atacking. Also have no clue how to find traitor since prisoner David doesnt speek much. Any clue?
Question, If the R4 gets released, do I have to start a new game after instaling, or can I use the saves from R3?

Yes, you will have to start again.
Unfortunately, the way Fallout engine creates save games makes them incompatible with updates made to maps, etc. in future releases.

Any estimated time of R4 release?

It's a big update, as big as all the updates released so far. It will take some time.

Bug report - I'm looking for BoS poisoner,
asked prison guard to let me in, but earlier stole the key, now when I got permision, I pick up the key from floor which I droped but as soon as I get back to her, she calls alarm and starts atacking. Also have no clue how to find traitor since prisoner David doesnt speek much. Any clue?

That's not a bug.
She was actually waiting for the thief to come out of the prison to see who it is. She knows she never gave you the key. She even yells: "Guards! This is the one that broke inside the brig. Neutralize the threat immediately."

Davis can give you access code to the surveillance computer where you need to watch the feeds. Or you can hack that computer. Also, what you need to do is find the poisoned stimpak in the trashcan and scan it at the doctor's terminal.
I'm currently after scaning stimpack for cure and for ID - my problem is now that I can't confront the poisoner about his ID, nor tell Elder on lvl 3 who it is. Also BUG - I fixed stuff for ED, got quests objectives marked off, yet Ed doesnt respond to it - maybe he doesnt have any line for it?

You mentioned watching the cam's feed - all I had seen is guy "scribe" in storage, then trash can and thats it - I guess there is nothing more
I'm currently after scaning stimpack for cure and for ID - my problem is now that I can't confront the poisoner about his ID, nor tell Elder on lvl 3 who it is. Also BUG - I fixed stuff for ED, got quests objectives marked off, yet Ed doesnt respond to it - maybe he doesnt have any line for it?

Not a bug as there is no reward from him. As a Brotherhood member you don't need to be "rewarded" for working :) Although it would be OK for him to say that he'll put in a good word for you with the Elders.

You mentioned watching the cam's feed - all I had seen is guy "scribe" in storage, then trash can and thats it - I guess there is nothing more

If you know stimpak belonged to Devon and you've seen him on the camera, go and confront him.
Ok I wasn;t clear enough - Devon doesnt have any line where he confess that he is the poisoner, so I can't force him to do anything, and starting combat alarms entire BoS bunkier... So I'm stuck here, maybe some script didn't progress?
Conditions for confronting Devon are:

  1. Found the poisoned stimpak and ID'd it in the medical terminal
  2. Seen the surveillance video
  3. Have the actual quest to find the poisoner in your Pip-Boy
  4. Have Intelligence 4 or more
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Conditions for confronting Devon are:

  1. Found the poisoned stimpak and ID'd it in the medical terminal
  2. Seen the surveillance video
  3. Have the actual quest to find the poisoner in your Pip-Boy
  4. Have Intelligence 4 or more
Did each of 4 points - had notification first time I did point 1 in pipboy from medical terminal. Sending the save file - I have High Res mod also.


OK, I see what's happening. You're in the dialog branch where he's warning you not to enter the Armory.
I've updated his code. Just unzip this file to data/Scripts and you're good to go!


You'll have to forgive me if this question has already been answered - but are you adapting Jericho, or New Canaan for Fallout: Yesterday?
I'd love to give an answer but... spoilers! Don't worry about it is all I can say for now :D

Interesting, well I look forward to finding out.

Also, if it isn't too much trouble, do you have a copy of the worldmap (without locations etc on it of course due to spoilers) that you could upload? I'm quite interested in seeing the terrain. No worries if not.
There is patch000.dat file, at least should have been in your gamefolder. Better to make a seperate clean instalation of game, then copy files

I actually did manage to find the file after a lengthy search, and started a game. I still can't believe the file was over a gigabyte to download. After about an hour or two wandering around the prison, I gave up. Every cell block is nearly identical, most of those elevators should be either removed or set to broken status due to the sheer redundancy of it all. Who thought it was a good idea to put them all in there in the first place? And why do I have to click through forty dialogues about being convicted of grand theft auto? It was mildly funny at first, but do we really need to hear a whole fucking trial? I came back earlier today to it and managed to find a red keycard that let me get down onto the next floor of that place with the old guy that murders you for making jokes. That doctor that gives you roofies didn't try to stop me, nor any robots. Since every goddamned container and door is locked I just set my game to easy mode and used hotkeys to get through it. Everybody I talk to wants to sell me drugs so I don't even bother opening dialogue any longer. At long last, I found a way out! A tram... which led to a completely broken area of the game. invisible walls, locked doors and containers that have no keys and can't be picked, incomplete textures, black hexes taking up half the map... this mod is bullshit. Either I'm missing something or it was released for the five minutes of fame before it will ultimately be abandoned. Oh, and thanks for the orientation film on atomic energy.