Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday


is there someting I don't get in the Reservation area?

1.at the entrance the guard says inner area is off-limits. Is it because it's undeveloped yet or is it because I play as "human" race?

2.There are some kind of slavers in this town which I can't really interact with. Is there an option to become a freelance slaver or something so that i can catch random encounter NPCs like non hostile tribals or make an evil takeover of slaves from killed slavers with the 'rope' item and bring them to Reservation slavers in exchange for $$$ and karma drop? Is that either: planned? undeveloped yet? Or is it already in the game but simply they aren't talking to normal humans?
The answers to both questions is: yes, but those are not implemented yet. You will have to wait for R4!
Interesting, well I look forward to finding out.

Also, if it isn't too much trouble, do you have a copy of the worldmap (without locations etc on it of course due to spoilers) that you could upload? I'm quite interested in seeing the terrain. No worries if not.

Hi ! I just "finished" R3 and I can only say. You got my mony, sir ;D
I really admire your work and time you put to this project!
A big thanks from Fallout 1 and 2 fan from Poland.
Stay safe and seeya on Patreon.
What about Romance in game ? Can I have some companions who I can romance or do I have quest who charisma will be usefull ?
Just finished playing R3, at least I think I discovered all locations and completed all quests I could. Really enjoyed it.

It's nice how close it is to the original Van Buren design documents. I had a couple of funny moment when I thought "This looks odd, it was clearly invented by the mod's developers", and then I checked Van Buren docs just to discover that in fact the quest/character was implemented exactly as described there :D
I also really like the quality of dialogues, it's way better than in most of fan made games. Of course there are some bugs, typos and missing parts, but I'm talking about the writing in general.

It was good to be able to get a companion NPC already in such an early stage. What are your plans for the Hanged Man? Do you plan to add more character development (like in F:NV) or leave the original more "evil" version?
I first met this character
inside the reactor, after he got rescued by the people who live there (also, their karma-checking devices seem to be broken :D)
. I wonder if it was possible to meet him earlier (while he was still hanged) and I just missed that?

It took me 1 in-game year to discover and visit all (at least I hope so) currently existing locations. For those who are wondering where they are:
BoS bunker - 6 tiles south and 4 tiles west from Tibbets
Reservation - 5 tiles south and 22 tiles east from Tibbets
The Crater - 18 tiles north and 7 tiles east from Reservation
Fort Abandon and Vaccs exact locations can be learned from dialogues.
I'm a bit concerned that 13 in-game years (it's a software limitation, if I'm not mistaken, right?) might not be enough, given that the map is very big and the travel speed is somewhat low. Usually one has to travel between cities multiple times, so with the current speed and the addition of other cities/locations in future versions it could easily take 10+ in-game years to complete everything.
Not really, but you start off as a virgin and can sleep with some characters

This is the part I don't understand (this part of protagonist's background, not the absence of romances), it limits the roleplay. Why would a 40 years old character with 10 Charisma be a virgin? Or, in case the protagonist is female, the description of "Virgin of the Wastes" doesn't make a lot of sense. And how would ghouls and supermutants... No, I don't want to know. Feels a bit like the game forces you to have sex with strangers just to remove this title.
I know you didn't invent it, but maybe the title was removed from the final version of Fallout 2 for a reason.
This is the part I don't understand (this part of protagonist's background, not the absence of romances), it limits the roleplay. Why would a 40 years old character with 10 Charisma be a virgin? Or, in case the protagonist is female, the description of "Virgin of the Wastes" doesn't make a lot of sense. And how would ghouls and supermutants... No, I don't want to know. Feels a bit like the game forces you to have sex with strangers just to remove this title.
I know you didn't invent it, but maybe the title was removed from the final version of Fallout 2 for a reason.
To me personally, the karma "Virgin of the Wasteland" seems funny, I immediately remember the first passage of F2, albeit very unlikely from the point of view of logic.
This is the part I don't understand (this part of protagonist's background, not the absence of romances), it limits the roleplay. Why would a 40 years old character with 10 Charisma be a virgin?
The maximum age a character can have at the start is 35. But your point still stands. :drunk:
Really enjoyed it.

Thank you! :D

the original more "evil" version?

This is the original! Quite different yet similar to the one from FNV.

. I wonder if it was possible to meet him earlier (while he was still hanged) and I just missed that?

He's actually hanging outside, to the right of the FA ramp, but he might be hard to spot.
I still have to implement the player actually getting him down instead of the NCR people. Probably for R4!

Speaking of the 13 year limit, that won't change (engine limitations and no satisfactory workaround) but it should be just enough to get everything done on foot. However, over the course of game you will get access to vehicles so that should help with spending less time getting from point A to point B.

I know you didn't invent it, but maybe the title was removed from the final version of Fallout 2 for a reason.

I left it in due to Fallout 2 legacy. Will move it to the player's dialog choice.

Weren't there two romances scheduled for Van Buren? Xian the Shi scientist from Boulder Dome and another I can't recall

Urgh. None that I know off!
Anyways, not saying yes and not saying no as one of my writers might surprise me. But it must fit with the previous games and not be out of place. From what I recall, Tandi and the VD might have had a crush on each other in FO1 with the VD "running away with her" if he opts to never return her to Shady Sands. Fallout is raw. Not much place for romance with mutants and bullets flying around!
But it must fit with the previous games and not be out of place. From what I recall, Tandi and the VD might have had a crush on each other in FO1 with the VD "running away with her" if he opts to never return her to Shady Sands. Fallout is raw. Not much place for romance with mutants and bullets flying around!
There's always the (literally) shotgun wedding in Fallout 2. Although, that was just a one night stand that got caught by the father. Not really romance per se. :lol:
Any romance/"romance" (or plans) for a 10 CHA and (as much Speech as one can get) smooth silvertongued rascal in Fallout Yesterday? ^^
Previous answer was "not really".

Not even a fangirl? :(

I checked and hexer said its possible to have sex at least. That is pretty much as romantic as Fallout ever got so its fair enough.

I think it would be nice to have some extra options for flirting during dialogue whose success depends on how high ones CHA and/or Speech skill ends up. With super CHA guys getting super successful and low CHA guys getting...far worse lol.

More importantly...any plans for some evil like EVIL options? Like blowing a city with a nuke or enslaving all of your companions or selling their brains? ^^

Extra options depending on how low is the play character's Karma would be nice too.
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