Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

It always kind of interested me to see fallout having a more randomized loot mechanica. Also based for example on outdoorsman and luck. In a ballanced way ofcourse. No bazookad in klamath for example. I did believe it was also planned by dudeobj (modder). Anyway, not the topic for it.
thb its the least one I look forward too. Yesterday as my heart.
While the unity one looks nice, I dont see it getting far honestly.
If the vegas one got a whole team, I guess they can make it work. Modding vegas is relative easy.
Hexer, seems you project got linked in PCgamer albeit a bit on a side, its still nice! :)


didnt know about the new vegas van buren actually, lol

That's pretty cool actually. Thanks to the author :D

Fallout - Yesterday on the other hand seems to be getting the most progress done when it comes to actually implementing the design docs.

I can't speak for everybody, but yes, we are doing very well there :ok:
You need to descent to the lower floor and investigate. Try crafting some support planks.
I did, and I am trying to place them somewhere, but I keep clicking around on everything, nothing seems to help. Is there a specific pixel I'm supposed to hit or what?
You need to craft 4 planks and either break or unlock the door to the room where the pit is.
Hey Hexer, Can we get some sort of non-patreon short summary of whats going on around the project? For those who can't afford to help with money :oops:
Hey Hexer, Can we get some sort of non-patreon short summary of whats going on around the project? For those who can't afford to help with money :oops:
You're serious?
what do you work for, that you can't afford few USD a month?!
Congian dollars?
If so then let me give you a pro tip:
bananas from your country are worth *A LOT* more in the western world than your money, so how about starting your own buisness and sell bananas to the western world. You'll make enaugh money to pay for what's behind the paywall in no time....

Anyways @hexer
I'm anxiously waiting for R4 same as for other ongoing TC projects on Fo2 Engine.
Best of Luck

As for the patreon.. I'm not that interested in "behind the scenes" stuff, and I'm paranoid about security when it goes for banking, so stuff like patreon is out of the question for me. However If You'll consider some additional donation route, that for example accepts something like paysafecards, I might pour some dough your way from time to time ( when I'd remeber), nothig big, as I'm in no way a Rockefeler, but at least a way of saying 'thank you' for the time already spent on this title.
You're serious?
what do you work for, that you can't afford few USD a month?
I'm not Polpro, but I definitely can't spare a few USD a month.
I have to follow a strict budget or otherwise the alternative is becoming homeless. I already don't eat breakfast, and sometimes I have to skip lunch or dinner too :shrug:.

Each person has their own set of circumstances. Maybe Polpro's in a very different life situation than most other people.
Hah, if it weren't for Patreon and people's donations, I wouldn't even be writing updates. I prefer working on the game much more.
But since you asked, why not answer... R4 is cca 60% complete! We're on track with everything and ahead of schedule with some stuff but the bottleneck is coding all that in as I am the only one doing that. Nowadays, Fallout 2 programmers are like Bigfoots. You might see or hear about one, but you won't be able to catch him :D
Hah, if it weren't for Patreon and people's donations, I wouldn't even be writing updates. I prefer working on the game much more.
But since you asked, why not answer... R4 is cca 60% complete! We're on track with everything and ahead of schedule with some stuff but the bottleneck is coding all that in as I am the only one doing that. Nowadays, Fallout 2 programmers are like Bigfoots. You might see or hear about one, but you won't be able to catch him :D
We are all believe you are busy to improving game! :dance:
I'm not Polpro, but I definitely can't spare a few USD a month.
I have to follow a strict budget or otherwise the alternative is becoming homeless. I already don't eat breakfast, and sometimes I have to skip lunch or dinner too :shrug:.
Each person has their own set of circumstances. Maybe Polpro's in a very different life situation than most other people.
Thank you, for defending/understanding me while I wasn't here. Won't go to personal details here.

Hah, if it weren't for Patreon and people's donations, I wouldn't even be writing updates. I prefer working on the game much more.
But since you asked, why not answer... R4 is cca 60% complete! We're on track with everything and ahead of schedule with some stuff but the bottleneck is coding all that in as I am the only one doing that. Nowadays, Fallout 2 programmers are like Bigfoots. You might see or hear about one, but you won't be able to catch him :D

Thank you Hexer for an update, good luck to you and your crewmates.
Hey I used the computer in the prison to do a flashback and now I'm stuck in the vault, was there a cirtain way to do this? or just skip?
Hey I used the computer in the prison to do a flashback and now I'm stuck in the vault, was there a cirtain way to do this? or just skip?

I had this problem too, the solution isn't very intuitive. You need to turn on the radio on the second (? can't recall) floor and listen to it (just stand next to it for a few seconds), this will end the simulation. I'm not sure if I had to turn the radio off, I don't think so.