That depends upon the task, and the intended experience. RT is superior to TB in cases where options are few, and the decisions must be quick, but it's unplayable when the options are many, and when the player is tasked with choosing the best action for their character.
Consider a martial arts game where the [expert] PC has 20 attack moves that each work best in specific situations, but are not great in others. How do you select one in real time?—How to even know which one to select? The strength of a turn based approach is that the player has time to evaluate a situation carefully before deciding what action to take, (though it presumably takes just an instant in the PC's mind; that PC who is an expert with decades of HtH experience).
This is the flip-side of roleplaying, that the player can roleplay a character who is far more skilled at a task than they are (or far less skilled). This is akin to 'Street Fighter' where one player —knows— the undocumented moves and patterns from experience, while another player only mashes punch & kick, while being constantly surprised. Now imagine the skilled player fighting AI opponents under the direction of the novice; doing only what the novice tells them. Would they not want the novice to be informed of all their options before choosing? If they don't know their options they just shout punch & kick.
RT is superior yes [for some games], but not for the intended Fallout experience. Understand that during the development of Fallout, Diablo [1] was released, and the Interplay dev team were highly pressured by management to make the combat realtime; interestingly... Diablo was originally turn based until late in development, when they suddenly changed the type of game they were making.
These two games play very differently... and are not doing the same experience with combat. Even years later, the devs at Obsidian stated that Fallout 3 (had they made it) would have always been turn based... and this is years after 14°East had made Fallout:Tactics.
RT is not intended for fallout originally, but fonline (cvet) did a truly great job implementing it. It's a lot better than what fallout tactics did. And yes, fonline still has locations and modes where you can only have turn-based. And turn-based player events are a thing as well. I'm not a big lover of those since they're slow as hell and there's little to think about really.
Anyhow, my point is, a single player fonline-based game could force tb everywhere for a more authentic experience, or it could soft-force tb by still letting player to switch to rt if they want to kill many easier enemies. Again, the engine is very powerful. It allows incredible level of core changes. And it's open source, so no need to disassemble stuff or work with odd third-party editors, which is what I imagine working with the ft2 engine is like.
Not saying TB is always better than RT, but your example is shit. He is hiding behind a corner and blasting everything with an (in this situation) OP weapon. Hardly what I would call quality gameplay.

If your game needs you to cheese like this, it's crap design.
Well, I need to tell the truth then... In that video, bloodcat was proving that a level30 character can do the raider's cave after they've added the three 3k hp m60 dudes. I was whining that it was undoable by noobs. Bloodcat didn't have a lvl30 character book, only lvl120, but at the beginning he shows his perks and stats to prove that his character is equivalent to a lvl30 character (char hp stops growing after lvl30). Hence the cheesing. Also, m60 is not OP, it's his brd+brd+mrd perk synergy that adds more damage per bullet. I think every brd is +2, and mrd is +3, there you get +7 dmg per bullet and if you have all three, that's +3 more, so +10 dmg per bullet. An m60 burst is 10 bullets (I believe), so + 100 dmg per 1-hex burst. It doesn't feel so OP if you try bursting a combat armor from a distance

The other side of that, is that your character is not tanky enough to easily survive more than one 1-hex burst from an m60, so first you hide to get them come closer, but then you go back and forth to not let them 1-hex you. And if you get all three of them trying to 1-hex you...
Great! Now would you kindly tell me where I place that command for FOnline 2? I don't play FOnline 3.
You can ask in fonline 2 support discord, but that command should be server-agnostic... Well, maybe except AOP cuz they changed the game way too much. you just put it in your chat and in console, you should see a message that your default combat type is now turn-based. But if you want the experience that is the closest to ft2, you wanna play on Reloaded. I believe Reloaded has most single player content and its pace is organic to what the continuation of ft2 would be. Not too fast.
It's been years since I looked at FOnline, but I think there was a property for combat mode in the location definitions. You can easily force the whole game to only run in TB.
That said, for the online experience, TB was always garbage.
exactly. Also, the original engine is... Well... it's outdated. It was forked now many times and forks are trully amazing, content-wise, balance-wise and such. Most of the forks are not open, but they get leaked every so often, hehe. in case you want to explore, I would suggest the leaked Reloaded s3, or the leaked Fonline 3 s3 (although this one misses compiled "balance" libraries, so content only).
Also, about cvet's fonline repo... you're not supposed to use it. It's outdated as hell. Cvet tried taking care of it recently, but he gave up. There are waaaay better forks of it now. The original is completely abandoned.