Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

I don't think those Russian psy-ops are particularly effective if the best they got is some no-name with less than 50k subs making videos about old RPGs and mods on Youtube.

No entiendo porque tanta disputa, este trabajo esta hecho con cariño y eso se nota al jugarlo. me cuesta comprender como la gente por el simple hecho de armar controversia tira basura al trabajo de otros en lugar de alegrarse, en todo caso en LATAM estan muchos fans hispanos de fallout enterados del progreso de F:Yesterday y esperan con ansias poder jugarlo
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First a virus ravages the planet, then people argue online while some countries threaten war and dropping the nukes. It does feel like a real life Van Buren.

Indeed it does..

As for that PrinceDuke guy.. I'm done feeding that troll.. 45 fucking years of persecutions, suffering murders, living in extreme poverty and fear of tommorow in my country, all caused by Russian occupation until 1990 and one damn asshole calls me rusophobic.. well perhaps I am.. but it's my and my felow countrymen's life experience that led too those kind of opinions... so.. rightfully earned reputation.. Let Him search for historical knowledge beyond Russian boarders then He may know what exactly happened between 1945-1990 in ex soviet teritories perhaps then He'll change His mind, this is kind of knowledge they don't teach in public schools, and maybe He'll find some self-regret in Himself..
Ok guys just shut the fuck up about politics and talk about Fallout then. Russia and the United States both suck and should be nuked off the face of the planet. There.

Any other debate related to this will be vatted.
Why links doesn't work?

The public beta downloads were removed. I guess someone can share R4.2 with you or the latest version if they have access to it.


No entiendo porque tanta disputa, este trabajo esta hecho con cariño y eso se nota al jugarlo. me cuesta comprender como la gente por el simple hecho de armar contriversia tira basura al trabajo de otros en lugar de alegrarse, en todo caso en LATAM estan muchos fans hispanos de fallout enterados del progreso de F:Yesterday y esperan con ansias poder jugarlo

Gracias, amigo!
Ok guys just shut the fuck up about politics and talk about Fallout then [....]
Any other debate related to this will be vatted.
Fine with me..

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By the way I sure do hope that by "hardcore dedicated fans only" doesn't mean "patreons on paetronite only", but if so than tough luck, gonna w8 for the final release
Fine with me..

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By the way I sure do hope that by "hardcore dedicated fans only" doesn't mean "patreons on paetronite only", but if so than tough luck, gonna w8 for the final release

Yeah but you're a nice guy so if you're really itching to play it at some point we'll send you the latest version. But do note that the amount of WIP stuff and placeholders increased considerably now since we're no longer under pressure to have more stable releases.
Thank you..

If for some reason You'd wanted it to have something tested by a broader audience few points in time in the future, then perhaps, however no rush.. once everything gets more script attention, and less placeholders, then perhaps will be the time to test.. getting stuck in towns with no exit grid, ain't exactly encouraging, but when some things are nessecary to be done, one has to grit teeth and go through when needed. So when You think something is required to test and You'll have nobody else at hand at the moment you can PM me, and I'll see what I can do if I'll have some spare time at that moment..

Good Luck

Oh.. Yeah.. when requested to test don't hesitate to say on what to focus the most, I don't mind all the spoilers you can give me, as they might actually speed the testing process.. my memory has loose berrings so to speak, so I'll quickly forget things like sophisticated plot stuff or detailed quest info.. this is kind of fun when barely after one or two years I replay a game and it's like a brand new fresh experience, when i rediscover everything anew :D
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w8 was that google translate? or are there Poles here behind every corner?! as Far as I remember Your nationality is somwhere Balkan related... right?
I will wait until the first release, and after watching the video it looks very promising, you did a lot of cool things with this one and you should be proud of yourself. Can't wait to play the full release, I wish you all the best mate.
w8 was that google translate? or are there Poles here behind every corner?! as Far as I remember Your nationality is somwhere Balkan related... right?

Hehe that was Google Translate :monocle: Nah, I was born in Yugoslavia 38 years ago but we moved far away. Don't want anything to do with them anymore. Can't stand them :violent: When I was a kid, my 17 year old cousin was murdered there just because of his first and last name. He was an angel

I will wait until the first release, and after watching the video it looks very promising, you did a lot of cool things with this one and you should be proud of yourself. Can't wait to play the full release, I wish you all the best mate.

Yeah.. this rings a bell.. I just remembered beeing in a conversation about this matter few years ago (or was it less time), Sorry for summoning those painfull memories.. well, war never changes as they say, it's always a horror, those roman writers who write warfare books poems know literaly nothing about it. war is hell on earth and dehumanizes people taking part in it, some recover but some of them never do.
Looks like I missed all the fun. Please let's not bring politics and conspiracy theories into this.

Since I don't know if I'll be able to play the game before the release (I didn't get who will have access to new releases, selected patrons only?), I'll post my feedback now. As I previously mentioned, I love the game, but I'd like to focus on things that IMO could be improved.
  • Searching for locations on the world map takes really long, it would be good to be able to receive their coordinates from NPCs. If I remember correctly, in F2 Redding is the only city that can be found only by exploring the map. Other locations are either mentioned in dialogues or are directly on the way or next to known locations.
  • There are a lot of containers that don’t have any (useful) items in them (examples: containers in the vault simulation, corpses of NCR rangers in Fort Abandon). Opening them takes time, so ideally all containers should either be not interactable or contain some items.
  • Some dialogue options (sadly I didn't write them down and I can't recall where I encountered them, but it's mostly sex related stuff) are clearly written with a human male protagonist in mind. If you play as a female protagonist, they just look odd.
In Tibbets:
  • There are way too many prison blocks and most of them contain only one interactable NPC per floor. Getting from one block to another and searching for a particular NPC is not fun and takes a lot of time. It might be better to have 1-2 accessible blocks with all the NPCs and make other elevators not interactable. I guess prisoners aren't supposed to be able to access all the blocks anyway.
  • Almost all doors close automatically, please make them stay open. There are so many doors, and opening them over and over again takes time.
  • I didn't like the trial where the protagonist is accused of stealing a car. It assumes that the protagonist has a certain personality. The protagonist doesn’t have to be a criminal, a lot of people in this prison are not. I liked the beginning of this dialogue where the protagonist is accused of working for communists. It would be great if the trial focused on that instead without mentioning the car, because, obviously, this would be a false and ridiculous accusation that doesn’t say anything about the protagonist. It would also be fun to try to prove that you are not a communist.
Maybe he'd be willing to make a second video correcting his mistakes if you contacted him directly?

I proposed that but he didn't answer so I guess it's not happening.

  • Searching for locations on the world map takes really long, it would be good to be able to receive their coordinates from NPCs. If I remember correctly, in F2 Redding is the only city that can be found only by exploring the map. Other locations are either mentioned in dialogues or are directly on the way or next to known locations.

Don't worry, that's coming with the NPC dialogs.

  • There are a lot of containers that don’t have any (useful) items in them (examples: containers in the vault simulation, corpses of NCR rangers in Fort Abandon). Opening them takes time, so ideally all containers should either be not interactable or contain some items.

I'll double check if too many containers in the Vault simulation are empty. The NCR Rangers have nothing on themselves as they were looted by the Legion.

  • Some dialogue options (sadly I didn't write them down and I can't recall where I encountered them, but it's mostly sex related stuff) are clearly written with a human male protagonist in mind. If you play as a female protagonist, they just look odd.

Yes, not every dialog has proper responses based on gender, race, etc. It will be done.

There are way too many prison blocks and most of them contain only one interactable NPC per floor. Getting from one block to another and searching for a particular NPC is not fun and takes a lot of time. It might be better to have 1-2 accessible blocks with all the NPCs and make other elevators not interactable. I guess prisoners aren't supposed to be able to access all the blocks anyway.

Tibbets is shaped like an open type panopticon prison with ODYSSEUS in the middle. I think there are currently over 50 unique NPCs in there which you can talk to. And only 50% of Tibbets is currently accessible. The number of prison cells follows the design doc. BTW, the pen and paper Van Buren game had even more cell blocks than that :nod:

  • Almost all doors close automatically, please make them stay open. There are so many doors, and opening them over and over again takes time.

There's an auto-open door mod which you can drop in your data/scripts folder and it would open unlocked doors automatically. I've attached it for you.

  • I didn't like the trial where the protagonist is accused of stealing a car. It assumes that the protagonist has a certain personality. The protagonist doesn’t have to be a criminal, a lot of people in this prison are not. I liked the beginning of this dialogue where the protagonist is accused of working for communists. It would be great if the trial focused on that instead without mentioning the car, because, obviously, this would be a false and ridiculous accusation that doesn’t say anything about the protagonist. It would also be fun to try to prove that you are not a communist.

I don't want to spoil anything but there's more to it than it seems. Be patient, my young padawan.



Can't interact with npcs in most of the few locations I've found so far, except Tibbett and Fort Abandon. Meaning Circle Junction, Mesa Verde, and Grand Canyon(?). The latter being described as "grand canyon chinatown" on worldmap, and "Tibbett error" in savegame screen. The stairs in church with the Followers robes laying around won't work and the map is completely devoid of any npcs.

Originally tried with the GOG version, then did delete/reinstall w/ both the main FO2 and the mod, based on the 1998 iso. Carried over the old savegame folder, but eventually said fuck it, and started the game over.

Both versions (mod not vanilla) gave an hardware vertex processing error and had the fallout32.exe hang on startup. Eventually got them working in 640x480 by tweaking the cfgs. GOG one had problems with map scrolling and parts of map getting blacked out.

Obviously I'm doing something wrong here, but can't figure out what exactly.