Fallout's 10th anniversary: Bethesda 'design a perk' contest

Sorrow said:
Childkiller isn't a perk.
In Fallout 3, it is.

"This is the wasteland. Life is cheap and violence is all that there is. You're going to make people remember that, including those pesky invulnerable children, who seem to have forgotten."

I think I'll actually submit that, why the heck not.
Wow! If I make up a perk, I could win a contest?! And my perk could then actually be in Bethesda's version of the game?! Woot! Thanks, Pete! All is forgiven! I'll spend all my free time making up perks, and forget that my fave game of all time is being raped by you guys! Maybe I'll submit a childkiller perk!
Love the fan interaction ol' Beth is offering; and I love the idea of Child-Killing grass-roots perks, I think mine will be..

Perk: Literacy
Effect: Looking at an object or person gives you a detailed description. Usually Snarky.

Perk: Bigger is better
Effect: After months of working out with your Wastelands Penis Pump you've reached a new maximum size. Can be taken 3 times. Male characters only

Perk: Fucking Halirious
Effect: Children explode when you try to talk to them in slow-motion. With eyes bouncing around like pong balls! Violence done well is Fucking Halirious. [Must have Bloody Mess and Child-Killer to get this perk]

Perk: Next-Gen Nuke-a-boy (or girl)
Effect: All weapons trigger a Nuclear Blast. If one Nuke is cool a thousand will be 1000x as cool!
[Requires l33t D00dz perk and Int < 4 to obtain]

And to :falloutonline:

Perk: Shades of gray
Effect: Your karma is muted, NPC's have 1/2 the recation modifier from good and bad karma.

Perk: Shades of Grey
Effect: A Nightkin appears during fights and battles by your side.
Perk Name: Mad Max
Description: You are a fan of old holodisk movies, Mad Max is your GOD, u learn a lot of how to survive in the wastelands from him.
You gain 5% on Melee Weapons, Small Arms and your karma is doubled if u do good things..... GEEK!!


My problem... my english sucks.......... :cry:
Out of Body Experience
You can see yourself from a top down view and a wierd supernatural pointer guides your path - suddenly everything seems to make sense and the world seems to be divided into hexes and time moves in turns.

seriously this is a pervasive move by beth

Name: PR Man

Perk description:
You definitely are person who loves talks in public. Everyone "loves" when you talk, and everyone listen, and pretend to understand you. Or even tries to.

You gain new dialogue options - all full of nonsense, but all will help you to convince others that you do the right things.


(PS. Some NPCs could be resistant to it)
(PS2. Chance to success is greater when there is bigger audiency).


I chose this picture: http://fallout.bethsoft.com/images/contest/perks/vaultboy11.gif

I know that there was more appropriate one, but this actually resembles Pete somehow - I saw similar photo somewhere;)
Someone should submit the rock collector image i saw in NMA. :lol:

Cracks me up everytime i read again!
NMA-er: You remember the days of Fallout 1 and 2 and as such, were misled to believe there are other styles of play besides combat. + 100% all non-combat skills, -100% all combat skills.

(Warning: These skills are completely useless)

Or we could do:

Fallout Fan: You're favorite series has been raped, killed, and then lifted from the dead to be raped again. Maybe you should just give up? Luck = 0.
Perk name: Expert Hacker

Description: Allows you to bypass the hacking minigame and makes hacking based on a skill check only.
This is going to be VERY interesting...

Allowing the fans to get involved will turn out great both in the sense that some NMA member could actually make something for the game and also get some free one-of-a-kind goodies as goodwill from Bethesda. However it could turn out horrible for them if they add a perk that has no flavor made by some console fanboy and end up snubbing us fans.

I'm not sure about using this as a protest thing. That would be an awesome show of support, but I doubt it would change anything. I don't know what would be better for our fanbase...using this to protest and probably getting nothing or using this to establish some small friendly connection with them, but only to get some prize.

The Vault Dweller


I don't know if they could fit it into their model of the game, but I'd love to see the "Explorer" perk again that lets you find special encounters more often.
i find it rather hard to design a meaningful perk without knowing the exact implementation or weight of certain stats and skill (outside the obvious "fun" stuff like Kama Sutra Master, Empathy, etc). how can you make a meaningful suggestion for perks like Sniper, Living Anatomy and so on if you dont know those things?

maybe i should just enter this:

Perk name: Mole eyes
Description: Years of living in the Vault has significantly affected your eyesight, but on the other hand your hearing has improved. You are unused to the natural light and should wear sunglasses during daytime.
Effect: BLOOM ON EVERY OBJECT (during daytime), but you're also more likely to succeed perception checks on enemies not in the line of sight.