Fallout's Future per Critical Gamer

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Seemingly oblivious to the existence of Fallout: New Vegas and FOOL, Critical Gamer editorializes on the future of Fallout, discussing "yow-gui" and "salvation of parts".<blockquote>Imagine a city in the Fallout world that’s dominated by people online, where you could acquire a stall to set up shop and sell your custom made weaponry or spare parts. I don’t know about you, but I’m a hoarder! My Megaton house is stuffed full of junk, and the only reason I don’t sell it for caps is because I have too many caps already! So, a place to buy and sell could be good for those just starting out, those who need quick-fix armour or a decent weapon would benefit from this as well. Veterans could off-load their ‘junk’ for caps to buy rarer weapons, items or even aesthetics for their house or armour. As PSN Home expands with different locations for people to meet and chat, you could effectively cut out the middle man and have this marketplace for socialising too. If you end up in a conversation about something you spotted in the wastelands, instead of just talking about it you could both jump into one of your rides and go there instead. A seamless, co-op game-play/socialising affair is far more palatable than going through umpteen loading screens or switching servers.

User created content could also be a good way of expanding Fallout’s already massive world. Weapons such as the Railway Rifle are a stroke of genius in my eyes, and a brilliant way of giving people reason to loot stuff from broken homes. Imagine having more custom made weaponry available to you, built and sold by other people around the world. Customisation and personalisation is the best way to set yourself apart from the crowd in an online world, and being able to take junk from the wastes and apply it to costumes or armour seems one of the better ways of doing this. Being able to sell or buy these weapons and armour would not only bring about reputation, but would also inspire competition within the community. This kind of thinking is obvious when we look at games such as LBP. So instead of getting a schematic for a whole weapon, there could be schematics for magazine-loaders, barrels, sights, hilts, handles and other little parts that make up a weapon. Depending on condition of parts and which parts used, each schematic would mean different strengths. Putting these together any way you see fit would result in a unique weapon that could then be sold in the marketplace to strangers or friends. Just imagine what we could see; weapons that fire homing ‘drills’ that lock on to specific creature’s heads (remember the Cerebral Bore from Turok 2?). Maybe a large gun that fires wine bottles only (you could call it ‘The Connoisseur Cannon’), or a high pressure, cryogenic gun that instantly freezes foes! Okay, maybe I’m being a little over enthusiastic with the ice-ray, but improving on already fantastic weaponry couldn’t be a bad thing surely?</blockquote>Spotted on GameBanshee.
I can see it now, Bethesda reads that and hires him to be the lead designer for their own MMORPG
More "I want MMO" bullcrap. Also note the lame "uber-weapons" ideas that accompany it. Shows the mindset of such players.

The Vault Dweller

Whoever wrote that article represents exactly the Bethesda fanbase.

When will those kind of people realize that Bethesda's games are not good and inmersive at all.

Just because you add first person, explosions and lots of blood doesn't mean that your game is any good specially when you are trying to pass it as an RPG (where good writing and gameplay is more important than "cool shit").

And let's not even mention the total disregard for the setting and canon that the previous games in the franchise established.
"So, a place to buy and sell could be good for those just starting out, those who need quick-fix armour or a decent weapon would benefit from this as well. Veterans could off-load their ‘junk’ for caps to buy rarer weapons, items or even aesthetics for their house or armour."

Inter-player commerce, what a wonderful and novel idea.
Only those that have just started rarely have an amount of money that would be meaningful to a veteran, generally speaking in MMOs, I would assume from my somewhat limited experience...

Also, isn't there already a game, called The Sims, for adding aesthetics to your imaginary doll-house?
Naissus said:
I can see it now, Bethesda reads that and hires him to be the lead designer for their own MMORPG

What would he know about designing games? Has he even gotten a cup of coffee for anyone in his entire life?
I think it is pretty obvious to everyone who has a brain and loves Fallout (the original, not Bethesda's) how stupid those weapon ideas are.

None of the new fans have ever played the original games, realizing that outside the inclusion of energy weapons there was none of this 'fantastic weaponry' crap like baseball ball mini guns or explosive fart cushions.

It was all weaponry inspired by real guns.

Having stupid weapons now isn't funny, its as the concept says, just stupid.
IMHO this shows once again that any Fallout MMO aimed at making money will sooner or later cater to these "opinions" (whether originally or by means of additional contents) and end up being a much, much worse mega-shitty canon/setting rape fest than FO3 itself.
R.Furie said:
Just imagine what we could see; weapons that fire homing ‘drills’ that lock on to specific creature’s heads ...Maybe a large gun that fires wine bottles only (you could call it ‘The Connoisseur Cannon’),

Is he talking about something even remotely related to fallout? A large gun... that fires wine bottles only... :facepalm:

I guess anything goes in bethesdaland though, so I'm not surprised that the children of mediocrity hurls out gold nuggets like these. And more will come...

R.Furie said:
...or a high pressure, cryogenic gun that instantly freezes foes!

Holy originality, "critical" "gamer"!
Imagine a city in the Fallout world that’s dominated by people online, where you could acquire a stall to set up shop and sell your custom made weaponry or spare parts. I don’t know about you, but I’m a hoarder!

I've always wondered about people who are attracted to things like this. Their lives must be really exciting. They must be jumping from ledge to ledge, parachuting from crashing airplanes, saving damsels, slaying dragons, fighting terrorists...

Then they go "Man, that was TOO exciting. Now I want to play a game where I get to do what I never get to do in real life - mundane, repetitive, and utterly boring tasks".
Deadman87 said:
R.Furie said:
Just imagine what we could see; weapons that fire homing ‘drills’ that lock on to specific creature’s heads ...Maybe a large gun that fires wine bottles only (you could call it ‘The Connoisseur Cannon’),

Is he talking about something even remotely related to fallout? A large gun... that fires wine bottles only... :facepalm:

I guess anything goes in bethesdaland though, so I'm not surprised that the children of mediocrity hurls out gold nuggets like these. And more will come...
Reminds me to this "drill gun" from Turok, the Cerebral bore


might be fun in Turok. But just ridulous in Fallout.
Ausir said:
Funny given that this one was actually originally going to be in Fallout 3:

I actually thought that a freeze ray could be alright in Fallout, it's very retro-futuristic and not really out of line with lasers and plasma weapons. That said, seeing what Bethesda was going to do for the Cryolator, it needed to be cut because that's all wrong, horribly wrong. They really went completely the wrong way with homemade weapons, way too contrived.
UncannyGarlic said:
Ausir said:
Funny given that this one was actually originally going to be in Fallout 3:

I actually thought that a freeze ray could be alright in Fallout, it's very retro-futuristic and not really out of line with lasers and plasma weapons. That said, seeing what Bethesda was going to do for the Cryolator, it needed to be cut because that's all wrong, horribly wrong. They really went completely the wrong way with homemade weapons, way too contrived.

I agree. A Freeze ray screams SCIENCE! But a Homemade one....not so much.
Hey, what about riding horses? It would be sooo AWESOME!!!1111 Even Bethesda never thought of that, did they?
Crni Vuk said:
[youtube]Turok 2 vid[/youtube]

Might be fun in Turok. But just ridulous in Fallout.
Wow, such a coincidence. I was just thinking about Turok.

I loved that damn gun...