Fat kid goes MMA on a Bully

At first I was feeling indignant*, seeing the bullying. But after that Zangief moment, I felt all warm and fuzzy :mrgreen:

* I hope this is really the right word, as I had to use a translator for it. Could use revolted in it's place, but 'indignado' suits the feeling better.
.Pixote. said:
For the skinny brat - time to hit the gym... :P

Is Rob Liefeld making operations now?
I would have prefered a GODHAND parody. I am gonna see if I lose enough lazyness right now to edit the video, but probably not.
PainlessDocM said:
Atomkilla said:
If I was a father of that kid, I'd beat the shit in it for behaving like that.

Yeah that would definitely turn him into a better person...

It would.
Because he wasn't learned to behave properly when he was younger, he's like this.
skinny could have won that fight without working out by just being a real american and bringing a gun to school and shooting the fat kid.
mobucks said:
skinny could have won that fight without working out by just being a real american and bringing a gun to school and shooting the fat kid.

Just be happy this video wasn't made in europe - all we'd have is a video of a group hug.
That depends.
In some parts of Europe, you get a group hug.
And in other parts, you get a knife fight accompanied by a barrage of Molotov cocktails.
Yeah, Europe kids are vicious knife-wielding monsters. Not at all like the American prudes. Guns are for sissies.
It's kinda sissy to shoot someone in the back from 200m away, without the dude even knowing you are there.
Real chivalry comes from getting drunk & stoned, and killing each other with fists, knives, dildos etc.
Alas, even some terrible massacres were caused in an european schools. Don't be fooled, DammitBoy, it's the same misery all around the globe.
I like that big kid, reminds me of my own time in school. I spent as much time in the principals and school nurses office as in class.

Fucking bullies.
These kids are aussies. When the movie was first posted on youtube, guy who was actually filming it said that fat dude was suspended for this action(And yeah, he was bullied for a long time already). Where's the justice on this level?
Funny thing is that same scenario applies to every country on the world. When I was a youngster we had similiar little slim fellow in our school. He was lame as hell but still he used to pick on fat/nerdy kids.
SmartCheetah said:
When the movie was first posted on youtube, guy who was actually filming it said that fat dude was suspended for this action(And yeah, he was bullied for a long time already). Where's the justice on this level?
Uh, he pulled what could easily be a lethal move on a kid half his weight. Not about 'justice', but he should sure be taught that that was not acceptable. This definitely shouldn't be one of those, "Yey! He stood up to the bully well done, all is forgiven!"

Nonetheless, the skinny kid should get the same punishment and see a psychiatrist/someone who'd teach him not to fucking bully people.
Atomkilla said:
It's kinda sissy to shoot someone in the back from 200m away, without the dude even knowing you are there.

It is not when you shoot with big-ass .50 BGM Beretta rifle :D
AskWazzup said:
Firstly, he's a kid who can't assess the situation as properly as a grown up would
Yeah, that's why he needs to learn how to do so. Lesson one, attempting to drop someone head-first onto concrete will result in trouble.

AskWazzup said:
secondly, this was in a heat of moment. I know the feeling of absolutely losing it, in that situation you just don't think.
Again, he needs to learn how to control that, not how to release Hulk-like rage whenever trouble's afoot.

AskWazzup said:
Also, this is not as bad as it looks
You have absolutely no basis for saying that.

AskWazzup said:
i was thrown to the concrete in a similar fashion once - it's not as bad when you only weigh a couple of kilos...

I'm not saying he shouldn't have fought back. Hell, that was probably the best way to teach the bully to fuck off (and a hilarious video on top of that). But I don't agree with this "Aw, he was bullied, so he shouldn't get suspended" attitude.