Kilus said:
Or haven't been caught. Or maybe they have been caught and spun a lie that you believed. I mean the parents of that 12 year old probably say the same thing. What you think your kids do and what they actually do can be vastly different.
ps. I'm not the one posting cat stomping videos, did your parents spank you?
I'm positive my parents did not beat me enough. So, unless you want your kids... (fuck that, kilus please do not reproduce)!
You actually bring up a great point (surprisingly). As I said, it's how you discipline your kids, not just what punishment you mete out.
1st - set ground rules, explain the rules, and explain the consequences.
2nd - don't waffle or waiver from the rules. No 2nd chances or pardons or reprieves. Punishment should be swift, fair and consistent.
3rd - a part of punishment is explaining why they are being punished and what further punishment will be given for further disobedience. You should always say that you love them and wish you didn't have to punish them.
4th - stay involved and informed about your kids behavior that takes place when you are not there. Be involved in their sports, their school, and their after school activities to see how they interact with others.
This is completely different than how I was raised. I was told not to get caught doing something if I wanted to avoid punishment. Imho - the dumbest thing any parent could ever say.