Fat kid goes MMA on a Bully

As Atomkilla said, guys like that (bullies) are mostly results of so-called "stressless parenting" (bezstresowe wychowanie). It is, simply put, parenting by saying "Billy, don't beat that kid, you'll sweat and catch a cold". I'm not saying that beating the shit out of a kid for avery minor screw-up is right (it isn't guys :<), but spanking kid for something big (like a bullying) is most cerainly right.
Kilus said:
Every news article I have seen has said the fat one is 16 and the other one is 12.

Sydney Morning Herald

Oh... didn't catch that.
In that case, the fat one needs to get out more. He looks like a little, nice WoW freak.
But, still, he's the Jedi in this.

@ DarthBartus

Exactly like that.
I didn't get beaten up by my parents, or anything, but when I did make some shit happen, such as leaving my younger sister alone on the playground and forgetting to bring her home later because I wandered off with my friends, I got a decent slap and was grounded.
As brutal that may sound for some people, it is the best way for children upbringing, because they really learn what's good and what's bad.
I regard myself to be a good and pacifistic persona, not some fucked-up bully, and I am thankful for those slaps I got because they were worth that.
Regular beatings make for better children. If your kid doesn't flinch when you walk by, you are a horrible parent.

I'm positive kilus' parents never spanked him.
I will go out on a limb and agree the fattie was making an active decision to not cause severe trauma. He could have easily driven skinnys skull into the ground, looking at the video, you almost can see the decision he makes, which is to let the rest of the kid fall to the ground before his head takes 100% of the impact. If he was clear headed enough (very important in a fight) to take the first 2 blows without even retaliating, I doubt "blind rage" made him aware enough not to paralize skinny.
Spanking kids is not about making them fear a parent. It's about making them fear CONSEQUENCES of being a shithead.
DarthBartus said:
Spanking kids is not about making them fear a parent. It's about making them fear CONSEQUENCES of being a shithead.

Of course. Did I forget to use the right emoticons again?


Spankings lead to better kids if you do it correctly. If you do it right, you won't have to do it often.

I haven't had to spank any of mine after the age of ten. As a result, they are well mannered well behaved responsible kids who do well in school and don't start fights or bully people.

The other side of the coin is kilus and alec... :wink:
DB, this is the first time I agree completely with you (sort of - I don't want to put my nose in the whole Kilus & alec thing). :salute:
(Did I use the proper emoticon?)
DammitBoy said:
I haven't had to spank any of mine after the age of ten. As a result, they are well mannered well behaved responsible kids who do well in school and don't start fights or bully people.

Or haven't been caught. Or maybe they have been caught and spun a lie that you believed. I mean the parents of that 12 year old probably say the same thing. What you think your kids do and what they actually do can be vastly different.

ps. I'm not the one posting cat stomping videos, did your parents spank you?
Atomkilla said:
I don't want to put my nose in the whole Kilus & alec thing

Yes keep your nose well away from their things...you don't know when they last washed them.

Bullying is a reflection of low self-esteem, and ultimately the result of shitty parenting - the solution - the parents of both boys must do 3 rounds in a steel cage.

Kilus said:
Or haven't been caught. Or maybe they have been caught and spun a lie that you believed. I mean the parents of that 12 year old probably say the same thing. What you think your kids do and what they actually do can be vastly different.

ps. I'm not the one posting cat stomping videos, did your parents spank you?

I'm positive my parents did not beat me enough. So, unless you want your kids... (fuck that, kilus please do not reproduce)!


You actually bring up a great point (surprisingly). As I said, it's how you discipline your kids, not just what punishment you mete out.

1st - set ground rules, explain the rules, and explain the consequences.

2nd - don't waffle or waiver from the rules. No 2nd chances or pardons or reprieves. Punishment should be swift, fair and consistent.

3rd - a part of punishment is explaining why they are being punished and what further punishment will be given for further disobedience. You should always say that you love them and wish you didn't have to punish them.

4th - stay involved and informed about your kids behavior that takes place when you are not there. Be involved in their sports, their school, and their after school activities to see how they interact with others.


This is completely different than how I was raised. I was told not to get caught doing something if I wanted to avoid punishment. Imho - the dumbest thing any parent could ever say.
it is not so much about the physical punishment but explaining the situation. Bullies many times cant symphatise with their victim either because they never learned it from their parents or the enviroment never teached them anything else. You can have very good parents but that is still no guarantee.

One way of trying to reach violant/criminal teenagers is to give them a feeling what it is like to be in the situation of the victim which yields very good results. Though that only works till a certain age. The more they grow up the more difficult it is to change criminal habits.
Crni Vuk said:
it is not so much about the physical punishment but explaining the situation.

How do you explain to an infant not to take another childs toy or be agressive with other toddlers?

Until they can think, reason, and understand what you're saying - a swat on the butt is required.

Good parenting starts right away.
who said I was talking about "toddlers" in particular. You have to choose the words appropriate to the situation. No reason to get in to metaphysics each time it is doing something like that.

Until they can think, reason, and understand what you're saying

You underestimate children. The point is that physical pain alone will not inherently mean the child learned the lession all you do at that point is eventually conditioning but a child is not a pavlovs dog (or at least we should not see them that way) if they cant really understand the situation then I have my doubts any physical action will change it here for the future. But that is not aimed at you. It is a general statement. Mind you I am not talking here about something like a smack. But even if the children are very young explaining the situation is never wrong. You can even slap the child if it is always doing it again but you still have to "try" to explain your actions so it doesnt look like it's high-handed.
children have no concept of consequences mostly because they do not fully conceptualize time as most adults do.

unless the consequences for an action are immediate, then they lose understanding of why they are being punished, even if you explain it to them.

spanking them gives them a lasting impression and they begin to associate the consequences with the action a lot faster. plus it gives them an understanding of physical pain.

chances are if they are bullying people and physically assaulting them, they were not spanked as a kid. so while the parents are partially to blame for not spanking their kids, its also societies fault for saying its not ok to spank their kids.

it worked for a very long time with mostly positive results. there must be a reason.
DammitBoy said:
I've raised children successfully
I ve never said that you would be a "bad" father. We just have a discussion. You have your indidivual experience. But that is not what I am talking about.

TheWesDude said:
children have no concept of consequences mostly because they do not fully conceptualize time as most adults do.
And yet even at very young age children are highly accessible for changes in their enviroment beeing a divorce of their parents or even just trouble between them.

What I see as dangerous is how "spanking" is seen like some kind of cure-all practise as it would suddenly mean those kidz will be inherently better people in the end which is a falacy. Particularly when it concers a situation like bullying. Often enough the concept of what is correct or wrong with children is a complex topic.

It has been shown many times that both bullyies and criminals lack sympathy for their victims. And that cant be simply teached by "spanking".

Now I am not saying that all kind of physical punishment is completely useless. If kidz do something wrong and you give them a smack on their bottom they might learn something for the future. But that is only CONDITIONING. Not "teaching". They just know eventually they did something wrong. Not WHY it is wrong. And that is a very important aspect of education. The punishment is only ONE part of it.

Children can very well understand the concepts of "bad" and "good" if their parents take their time.

Kilus said:
In your opinion.
Very well said.