Bakura said:
Starseeker said:
Meanwhile, I probably have 50 + manga series that I am following, but this isn't a place with a lot of interest in that. Maybe I should do a Post Apocalyptic manga thread some time, since it's popular given the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown right now.

My hats off to you sir. I can barly keep track of 2 mangas, let alone 50. In other news, I am going to re-read
Mad Maudlin by Rosmary Edghill.
Huh? Thanks?

It's not that hard to keep track of them all. If the scanlator group is good and does their job properly, their releases usually follows about 2-3 days after releases in Japan. Japanese releases follows a few basic rules, weeklies, bi-monthlies, monthlies, with some stuff that only comes out every 2 or 3 months. Of course, Tokebons releases make things much easier since you can read all of it in one shot. I can't read original any more since my hiragana and katagana ain't as good as it used to be. I also dislike a lot of simplified Chinese releases which are faster but a lot more sloppy and full of trojan ware.
Anyway, a weekly is only 10-25 pages long, which can be read in 10 mins or less. Any other type of chapter releases are usually no longer than 40-60, unless you are counting one shots. One shots are a whole another can of worms which won't be discussed here.
A lot of reader sites also allows some sort of follow this manga feature, but I would be careful with that, since quite a few of them uses free scanlator efforts (without permission) as a way to mine information and get ads revenue.
However I have been reading for too long to bother with that, since I can recognize a lot of mangas I read with only a name or a drawing reference. They say people who study Asian languages have good visual memories, so I guess it's that. As for stories, and characters, since there are archetypes and plot patterns to any media genre, it's not hard to remember them.
As for whether or not you will enjoy or like a popular or famous series, that's a tough one. Various circumstances make a series popular or critically acclaimed, often out of control of the creators. EVA was not popular until the entire series was finally available commercially. Most of the time, the guy in charge was so out of budget that he screwed around just because. Of course, there is also a generation and cultural aspects at play there.
As for me, after more than 1500+ series, I found out that I can't even name my top 10 properly. I don't mind recommending some stuff though.