Favorite Quote

favorite quote of a stupid pc:

farmer: "Go away you retard"
Chosen one: "Hey im not a reta... i mean ugh"

favorite of a smart pc:
"its nice to know that no matter how low you get, you cant loose something you never had" pc to greeter of klamath

that quote sounds like something from a movie, but i cant remember which one.
I liked the easter egg conversation with the Vault Dweller head in FO2. I can't seem to recall how it went exactly though, if anyone wants to post it be my guest.
Ozrat said:
I am not sure what you are referring to, can you please elaborate?

I think he means the special encounter with the stone talking head.
I can't remember exactly how it went either, but it was something like:
"You: I'm the chosen one!
Talking head: No, you're not!
You: Yes I am!
It was something like that yeah.

Per's guide doesn't mention it, unfortunately.
You meet a big talking stone head that's supposed to be the Vault Dweller, you tell it you're the Chosen One, it starts to laugh then you both go "Uh-huh" for 20 hours, then it tells you something like "Enough of this shit! You've proven yourself, you *are* the Chosen One!", then it gives you a weird rock that temporarily raises some of your stats.
Dove said:
Per's guide doesn't mention it, unfortunately.

How can you think such a thing? :(

De guide said:
A giant stone head (10): (Talking Head) You find a big monument head, talking to itself. It's actually the Sacred Head of the Vault Dweller. Listen to it for a while if you like, then use the hand icon to initiate dialogue and listen to what's being said. After a while, you'll have gained a Monument Chunk which, when used, gives you ST +3, AG +3 and Damage Resistance +50. Temporarily, of course. This is exactly the kind of item you end up never using at all. You can skip to the end of the conversation by resting 12 hours with your Pipboy.
My favorite quotes are in the talk with Harold, including the mentioned before "thingie" and "midnight piss", and such pearls like:

"-Is that a tree growing from your head?
-Jealous? His name's Herbert. I talk to him when i get lonely...Heh Heh. Just kiddin'...His name's Bob."

"-The people i got running it mean well, but...well, they are not the sharpest tools in the shed. If you know what I mean.
-What do you mean?
-Need a little time on the whetstone yourself, huh?"

"-That woulda caused a meltdown that would make the Grand Canyon look like a pig wallow"

...and the best of em all:
"They shoot ghouls on sight. Makes conversation a bit tricky."
Has anyone suggested Cassidy's "I'm gonna beat you like a Red-headed step-child" yet? :D

Also, If memory serves, In the Den, after you give Flick the trader shit about his Speech impediment, and he says "you think i'm here for your amusement?", the possible response "Yeah, that's right, shithead, and nothing's going to amuse me more than your Death-throes!"
Thanks though I should of said where did it enter popular culture, as expressions, phrases can be around in a certain area for ages then someone will use it in a tv show, film, game etc and it will suddenly take off. I wonder if it was a beavis & butthead reference in Fallout?
i dont remember the exact verbage, but i couldnt stop laughing when in vault city after you access the main computer and if you have a high perception you notice the pipboy slot, and after a bit of dialoge the pipboy on the screen starts shaking his finger at you in a scolding manner and one of the options is something like:

give the little bastard the finger right back!