Favorite weapon(s)

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Fo:1-alien blaster
Fo:2-uranium nugget
Fo:T-The mighty thompson with its super range and power(if u get it before the reavers u can slaughter them all.)too bad u only get about three thousand 45 caliber rounds in the game =(
Fo:turbo plasma rifle, gatling laser (fast shot, bonus rate of fire)
Fo2:turbo plasma rifle, Vindicator Minigun, Bozar, Rocket launcher
FoT:Vindicator Minigun, Browning, Gauss Minigun, Pancor Jackhammer
Fallout: Red Ryder LE BB Gun (custom .223 pistol, awesome!)
Fallout 2: I used many-uh plant spike in my Fallout 2 days (seriously)
Fallout - Tactics: well, since there is no awesome non-Gauss sniper-rifle (like a 50 cal) then I'll pick the innovative(?) Grenade Launcher.

edit: forgot to explain my, edit: did some eq research and changed my listings
Corran said:
Fallout 2: Red Ryder LE BB Gun (it was in 2, right?)
Yep, you could find it at Buster's shop (the midget in the NCR courtyard) or in the Sierra Army Depot (the soldier (Private Dobbs) in cryo-storage has it in his inventory, just take it off him when he melts. :twisted:
Early in the game---.223 pistol/hunting riffle
endgame--------------Turbo plasma/Alien blaster

Early on----------------.223 pistol (took out 3 tough deathclaws, 1 big 2 small at level 5 with that gun once) P90 burst mode
Later in the game----Gauss weaponry/Bozor

M2 .50 cal browning.
anything guass
Fallout 1: Turbo Plasma Rifle, and the assault rifle

Fallout 2: Vindicator minigun, H&K G11, Bozar, and the P90

although the G11 isnt that great of a gun, I thought it was cool that they included it even though its not that well known
FO: Super Sledge, Alien gun, Rocket Launcher
FO II: Unarmed, Gauss Rifle
FOT: That machine gun thing that shoots depleted uranium bullets, Gauss Anything
Didn't play much tactics, but I loved the .223 pistol, the supersledge, the turbo plasma rifle and the flamer. In FO2, the G11E and the .44 magnum revolver.

I know some of those aren't the most powerful weapons, but i choose them because of some undefined "coolness" factor, or else i'd be posting the same as 99% of the people.
Macaco said:
Didn't play much tactics, but I loved the .223 pistol, the supersledge, the turbo plasma rifle and the flamer. In FO2, the G11E and the .44 magnum revolver.

I know some of those aren't the most powerful weapons, but i choose them because of some undefined "coolness" factor, or else i'd be posting the same as 99% of the people.

well, sometimes the coolest (your favorite) weapons just are the strongest... Bozar ownz :twisted:

on a sidenote, if you like the G11/G11E, here is some info on it (people that are not into guns or dont like the G11, just skip this post): it really shouldnt be a SMG, it's an very advanced assaultrifle developed for germany (as a replacement for the G3). they spend a shitload of cash on it and then when it was finally finished they said 'to expensive, make me something else'. Only 1000 G11 rifles were ordered and paid for. Another reason for the cancelation was that NATO was trying to put general standards on guns and ammo (all the same type of magazine and such, so that ammo could easily be swapped in between models) Heckler & Koch panicked and developed the G36 assualt rifle instead (which is in fact an heavily modded design of the M16/M4 series, but it had normal ammo, a 1.5x integrated scope (instead of 1x on the G11) and was cheaper to manufacture so germany was happy...).

want even more info? ok here we go: the G11 is the prototype, G11K2 (cant be found in fallout) is the finished gun ready for mass production (but looks like the G11 found in fallout). the G11E model in fallout is obviously a fake as it is an optimisation made in the wasteland.
SuAside said:
Heckler & Koch panicked and developed the G36 assualt rifle instead (which is in fact an heavily modded design of the M16/M4 series..)

G3, sonny. Modified version of the G3, not M16. Linky Pic
Wooz69 said:
G3, sonny. Modified version of the G3, not M16. Linky Pic

actually we are both right, 'kid'

read what you just linked... yes the 'looks' and external design does resemble the G3 and i wont say i doesnt, but most of the firing mechanism and internal architecture comes from the AR-18, which is, *surprise surprise* the earliest version of what later would become an M16 or even later an M4

(so it seems for you looks and ergonomics are important but i'll go for the architecture and what's inside)
SuAside said:
<snip> from the AR-18, which is, *surprise surprise* the earliest version of what later would become an M16 or even later an M4 <snip>

Actually, the M16 (AKA AR-15) was the earliest version as it came before the AR-18.
Blackwing said:
Actually, the M16 (AKA AR-15) was the earliest version as it came before the AR-18.

true, you got me there

the AR18 was the more simple and more efficient AR15/M16-design (or at least it tried to be. eventually it didnt get the attention it shouldve had because the US had already adopted the little younger but less efficient AR15)
Fallout: Turbo Plasma Rifle, Minigun, Rocket Launcher
Fallout2: Gauss Pistol, YK32 Pistol, Bozar

I thought the G11 was disappointing, but then I was generally disappointed with automatic guns in Fallout 2.
Regarding the G11, The Fallout 2 designers probably did their shopping from a book I've got called "The World's Great Small Arms", because it mentions a whole pile of weapons found in the game. The G11, the Light Support Weapon, the M60, the Desert Eagle, The Thompson, the M3A1 'Grease Gun', The H&K CAWS (Close Assault Weapons System) and the Pancor Jackhammer (Which, surprisingly, is a real gun!) For those of you, who, like me, are Bozar fans, I hate to dissapoint, but neither the above volume, nor its companion, "The World's Great Machine Guns", have anything at all that looks like a Bozar. Both volumes, of course, discuss common arms like the FN FAL, etc.

Anyway, my personal favorites are as follows...
FO1: Turbo Plasma Rifle, Alien Blaster
FO2: Pancor Jackhammer, Bozar, or anything else big an ammo-hungry.
In both games I liked using the 9mm Mauser, it's a shame you never got it early in FO2 as it was worlds better than the crappy 10mm pistol. Much rather do one point less damage on average in exchange for 20% more accuracy, which would help a lot in the early game, and 1ap faster shooting. Basically mean some characters would be able to shoot twice instead of once.
FO1 & 2: Desert Eagle XIX.... it absolutely rocked. I remember actually taking out Super Mutants and Deathclaws with that gun and an Aimed shot to the 'nads.
Any Magnum to a sensitive area is a good weapon. In Per's guide, he mentions taking on Enclave squads with a .44 Magnum. The best Magnum is the .44 revolver with the speed load. It's faster, you see. For some bizarre reason, the speed load ads to the range, so it helps with both of the weapons's weaknesses. (those being short range and small magazine capacity.) I do like the big Desert Eagle, though, it's fun to have such a huge pistol.
Yes there's something about a huge phallic handgun that says "What do you mean overcompensating? Mine's bigger than yours, and if it isn't I'll take yours down a few sizes."