Of course, I have to clarify that there's a certain level of double standard for me. By this I mean, I am a lot more creeped out by male-male couples adopting and raising children, while I am less creeped out by lesbian couples doing likewise. Possibly a result of all the propaganda that men raising or just being with children must be sex predators.
Yeah, there's a fair bit of that going around. Basically, all you need to know is that it's more important for children to be in a functional family unit, than have a specific gender make up within it. It follows: You don't need role models, you need
True, I don't think having two fathers or mothers is bad for a child or detrimental to their mental health in any way.
But if they are old enough to understand what homosexuality is, it might at times get a little..... weird. Not to mention that children are cruel. If other kids at school found out you had two dads, they would belittle and bully you relentlessly for it.
lmao there's a lot of history to marriage which has quite clearly missed your notice
And so has the majority of America, apparently. Going off statistics, your average person that will ever get married, will most likely be doing it more than once. And it especially doesn't help that the people/stars Americans idolize and are supposed to look up to, treat marriage like it's a high-school crush relationship.
Marriage is supposed to be until the grave, at least according to traditional Western and Abrahamic religion traditions.
Frankly, I feel that marriage should only exist as a religious institution. The only thing its presence in legislation does is allow one partner to steal property from the other if he/she feels entitled to it.
Whereas I think it should be equally balanced in it's dealings with civil service and spirituality. For example, you don't have to come from a certain religion, or any religion at all for that matter, in order to get married.
I've always seen marriage as two people proposing a bond between themselves, because of their love for eachother. Because they love eachother so much, they are willing to propose a bond which, no matter what obstacles might be in the way or what troubles may be ahead, they will always be companions.
Truthfully, there's nothing/doesn't have to be anything religious about it. It's simply two people declaring to eachother that they wish to enjoin in life-long companionship. Whether that companionship is based off monogamy or not doesn't matter so long as both parties agree to the terms of their companionship.
Partially, these ideals were given to me by fiance Kate. If any of you remember, I had a brief separation from her because I was struggling with addiction (and she didn't want to see me "kill myself" - her words), but I ended up getting back together with her (only for her to pass away a little over a year later) and reuniting our marriage proposal. She had strong marriage beliefs. While she was raised by a Christian mother, and embodies many Christian ideals and values, she isn't nor does she call herself, a Christian. She does believe however, that marriage should be a very, very sacred bond between two people, religious ceremony or no. When you get down to your basics, marriage is simply that, declaring a bond and life of companionship to another. She strongly influenced my own ideals about marriage.
On top of that, the world today (Western society mainly) shits all over the institution of marriage. For the most part, most religions agree in at least one thing; that marriage is sacred, and usually lasts until the grave. But despite the religious history and influences in marriage, whether your religious, atheist, or agnostic, marriage should still be considered a sacred thing. If not sacred before the eyes of your God/religion, then it should be sacred before the eyes of the society and people that are declaring their love and companionship for eachother. Something doesn't necessarily have to be religious to be sacred per se, though we may use a different term for it.
Anyways, I'm rambling. Bottom line: if you get divorced without good reason (abusive/manipulative/cheating husband or wife), you shouldn't be allowed to engage in multiple marriages one after the other.
Marriage should not be a fucking temporary relationship. Marriage should be the ultimate level of companionship, bonding, trust, and romantic love between two people. If you're not 100% sure that you'd rather have your current partner as your companion over everyone else which may or may not come in the future, then
don't get fucking married.