First Mothership Zeta pic at extreme low quality!

you know, i love the:

perfectly reflective surfaces
how shiny everything is
the non-retro styling of everything (doesnt that thing in the middle look straight out of i robot? )

srsly people, this just screams 50s post-apoc setting!
Heh, always find it funny how they have the PC dressed in a Vault suit for these DLC screens. For this one, I'd think PA or something more rugged would make sense - but then how would one know it was Fallout
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
next DLC will be a monster movie type DLC, I guarantee it.

It Came From The Wasteland.

Hey look, you fixed Project Liberty with all of those cameras and sensor modules you brought us, now it can take on Godzilla!

I'd like the aliens to win in this one, to nuke the planet. So that the next one would be about a planet full of ghouls and alien-mutants.

I liked the Godzilla idea.

Hey, maybe you can see New Vegas through that glass floor.
simdude said:
I'd like the aliens to win in this one, to nuke the planet. So that the next one would be about a planet full of ghouls and alien-mutants.

I liked the Godzilla idea.

Hey, maybe you can see New Vegas through that glass floor.

The way it's going, I'd rather have the aliens euthanize it all than see another hideous inbred mutant like Fallout 3.
Why, whenever I read about some new add-on in this game, I have instant free association of two words: whoring and idiocracy? And I'm not mean, I don't care that much to be mean; I really got those words without any real conscious effort. They just pop up in my mind. I know it's business and, as always, some will like it, but it would be very painful if I'd care more about this which I don't. Only thing that I'm left with, is a pure curiosity about how system works and how far someone, who have the rights, will change something that I liked once.
Needless to say, this is so wrong to me that I have no words.
That picture reminded me something of a Pray game went wrong.

Bethesda’s approach one more time shows how far from the core ideas they are.

The funny thing is they think they’re doing a fine job, in fact the best possible to the franchise.
Personally, I don’t give an F anymore. I’ve lost interest to FO3 along time ago.

I’m just very curious to see, how much more damage Beth are capable of doing to the series.

We’ve seen already battles on earth and in space.
The whole game has transitioned into a huge battlefield.

So what’s next?

Captain Nemo’s adventures under irradiated waters, with gigantic mutated squids and the monstrous Kraken.

Plus bonus, the super duper Watergun.

Hell yeah, that would be fun!!
mountaingoat said:
That picture reminded me something of a Pray game went wrong.

Bethesda’s approach one more time shows how far from the core ideas they are.
What I see as a realy serious issue regarding Fallout at least. Particularly now as they outsourced some of it to Obsidian (Fallout New Vegas).

I mean if what they throw out now are reather meaningless DLCs that somewhat tourn the game now completely in a shooter and many even do not feature any kind of meaningfull roleplaying or characters even (see anchorage DLC) and it still sells like crazy what does it mean for a future development?

Less "RPG" inside? Less dialogues and even more plot holes? And it still all gets sold as "RPG" only cause you offer them a big square as map to explore with lots of holes one can crawl inside to get out again with bottle caps and a new minigun.

I mean how it seems they had a lot of serious issues with Fallout 3 that even for a usual RPG would not work in my eyes at least, like a damn stupid plot (you have to agree even if you like the game that the Story was sure not the best part ...). With a lot of holes and rather boring setting with not correctly thought out villages and locations. And yet it still wins awards for "writting", and "best RPG of something". So even with a minimum of effort you can achieve a great success. One would be stupid if he would try to improve on that and not just throw more money at the marketing and less on development as that is what costs a lot. Skill is always expensive.

I would not be surprised if some Fallout 4 would be set now completley in a space setting for example cause it just "fits" what they think is cool at the moment and some movie got out that was a great success with a sci fi space setting or cause they think "hey we have a post apoc 50s game. But no one yet did a 50s, post apoc in space-fighting-on-the-moon game!"
The most stupid thing about this is NOT the fact there will be aliens.

It's why the player at all actually is onboard the spacecraft.

Yeah the classical light beam probably... But if they want to experiment on a human, they should maybe have considered not bringing up TEH FUKKEN VAULT Do0DE!

But then again... If they didn't there would have been any explosions, and the world wouldn't be saved.

Sadly, this will sell many, many copies.

I work at my local EB Games (ugh... that's another story) and all day long I hear about how "great" FO3 is, and all the DLC.

Teens eat this stuff up, so Beth will continue to print money.
Whenever i see fallout 3 stuff anymore, a little piece inside of me dies.

Can we even call this game "fallout" anymore?
Jubal Quintus said:
Maybe you can sleep with an alien in this dlc.

You give the alien some money, then it just lies down on an autopsy table, then you're left standing there feeling like you've been hoaxed.

Blackened said:
I'll have to play this!?

What? No. Unless you're a games reviewer by trade or something.
Blackened said:
I'll have to play this!? Damn it.

You mean that I am going to have to play this, in order to write a review for you all in which I describe the game and the consequential headache.
Well I could do it. I mean it can't be that hard to claw your own eyeballs out while banging your head against the screen.