getting involved in huge military operations with dozens of belligerent parties.
I'm sure there are dozens. Really.
i got oblivion jutst because icant stop laughing at those ridiculus glitches and bugs but i know that they are no stupid to mess with the old fans and destroy this game...
Okay, but doesn't the first part of your statement contradict the second? You're saying Oblivion is a mess, but then you're saying Bethesda wouldn't mess with fans and mess up the game. Hey?
plus i would appreciate it if people stop mocking me for my english since its no my firrst langunge thank you
I don't care, myself, but your errors are mostly typing errors. I teach people that are learning English, and you are not one of them.
Anyway. Quests mentioned sound interesting, and I have hopes that just running around doing some of them will be reasonably fun (a la some of Oblivion). I'm actually sort of glad there's a lot less humour and wackiness now, because that was the part I was most worried about; Bethesda's writing is even more Biowarian than Bioware, and they tend to be horrible at any dialogue that is not family friendly polite. At least I won't be cringing anymore.