Blackfyre said:
it wont mach it, fact is old original Fallout games have a legendary status do to their impact at that time and since after a decade thy are rather a classic. Black Isle is gone and that adds even more to the myth so the expectations are sky high and unrealistic as it quiet seen by some on these boards : looking for game deeps that never existed even in the past Fallout games for example
Fallout 3 will most likely create its own fanbase but i doubt it will ever be on the same level as past games even more since its a sequel.
Of course, one has to separate out the myth from the reality - actually, something many of the regulars here are very good at, if you seek out some of the more critical discussions of
Fallouts past (for instance, elements of
Fallout 2 and
Tactics, and pretty much all of
BOS have been criticized in a very much non-reactionary, measured manner).
Still, even in carving its own niche,
Fallout 3 lacks a certain amount of ambition and freshness; many plot elements are rehashed, and there are numerous gameplay compromises which seem to serve no other purpose than broadening the potential appeal via simplification.
Its notional
fanbase appears to be anybody able to turn on a gaming machine - great, but why not just rehash
Tetris... they don't actually care about building - or alienating - a fanbase, just shifting units by any means necessary.
Blackfyre said:
art means niche and niche never sells.
Art sells, but in smaller quantities. That doesn't render it an inviable proposition.
Blackfyre said:
Times where games where made in home garages are quiet over. Thy need to sell well to cover the high development costs and make profits. The broader the playerbase the bigger the salles.
Yes, it ended in or around the mid-90's. Of course sales need to cover cost, but that really doesn't mean all-out prostitution of ones wares.
Blackfyre said:
You hardly can expect beth would include iso and turn based just to please a few old hardcore fans ?
Wait, where did this idea come from? It is a canard to suggest that only older gamers will understand and appreciate those mechanics.
Old fans were
new fans once upon a time. Has there been some sort of international genetic change which makes people allergic to turn-based, isometric games?
It is a canard to suggest that only older gamers will understand and appreciate those mechanics.
Blackfyre said:
After Black Isle, Troika, Looking Glass Studios and many others its quiet obvious that being revolutionary doesnt cover the bills.
Not that i like its just the reality of the software market
Well, it isn't good enough then.
Why should I shrug my shoulders if the entire direction of the gaming industry is toward carbon-copying multimedia, chicken-soup for the mind? homogenization equals blandification, and we should all be bloody upset by it.