Fallout 1 mod FO1 to FO2 conversion, for real

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SCO said:
It would be pretty great, and it would probably solve those crashes.

I'm assuming you're thinking of a conversion like BGT or something similar? Maybe a 'two fallouts in one' if ssfall does some magic?
SCO, but BGT has same hero(es) and share same universe in more or less same times, and FO and FO2 don't; Sdiubek thinks about something similar to TuTu. ;)


Oh, well; BGT = Baldur's Gate Trilogy = megamodification that brings two BG's with expansion packs and trillions (if you only wish) other mods into one, gargantuan game (my installation has ~10 GB on hard drive). TuTu is simply BG1 ported unto BG2 engine.
Interesting I thought those were both the same engine. Which of the Baldur's Gate engines is Planescape: Torment running?
Does the Pipboy Status Holodisk entries bug still exist in Fo2 engine? (i.e. when you reach something between 13 and 15 entries, really bad shit starts happening)
NovaRain said:
I remember it got fixed in sfall.
That is excellent news! I am really looking forward to this Fallout 2 Fallout 1. Very good times will be had by all.


EDIT: Looks like it's lower number of disks than I thought. Just found this in my "To Do.txt" for FIXT:
max entries in holidisk part of PipBoy is 11 - after 12 starts causing weird issues.
Sduibek said:
NovaRain said:
I remember it got fixed in sfall.
That is excellent news! I am really looking forward to this Fallout 2 Fallout 1. Very good times will be had by all.


EDIT: Looks like it's lower number of disks than I thought. Just found this in my "To Do.txt" for FIXT:
max entries in holidisk part of PipBoy is 11 - after 12 starts causing weird issues.

Well, that's not good. I better update the wiki then.
I can not see Vault 15 in world map

;Change the initial starting location and world map viewport
;Leave at -1 for default
Sdiubek said:
Which of the Baldur's Gate engines is Planescape: Torment running?

Ok, maybe I used a mental shortcut - of course all BG's, Torment, Icewinds up to 2 are based on same Infinity Engine, but it's get better with each additional game. :P
gvx said:
I can not see Vault 15 in world map

;Change the initial starting location and world map viewport
;Leave at -1 for default
Really? Displays just fine for me. Did you modify some of the files? That's the only reason I can think of that it would dissapear.
You see
Fallout 1

The location probably just isn't marked as "visible" via script yet. That's easy to fix.
If you are talking about the very beginning of the game, Lexx is correct. Remember this is basically like a pre-Alpha, don't expect anything to work properly. It's just a global variable not getting set is all. I have that listed in the "current issues" post -- many (if not all) of the global variables will need to be changed, because Jordan started them at 1000 instead of 1 (because of how Fallout 2 works I guess) meaning the variable references in all the scripts would need to be changed as well.
Sduibek said:
Yeah wow, this (Fallout 2 engine version of FIXT) is definitely becoming my only focus going forward (once Alpha 5 is released). Screw the Fallout 1 engine.
Right decision, Mr. Sduibek :clap:
Sduibek, I changed things around so the mod conversion will now use fallout 1 master.dat and critter.dat.

So extract critter.dat and master.dat into write-protected folders with the same name, and put them in a new folder.
Add the music folder (I activated a couple just to test).
Then extract these files into the folder and that should be it.

Could you please check it out to see if you think it's of any use?
Darek said:
Sduibek, I changed things around so the mod conversion will now use fallout 1 master.dat and critter.dat.

So extract critter.dat and master.dat into write-protected folders with the same name, and put them in a new folder.
Add the music folder (I activated a couple just to test).
Then extract these files into the folder and that should be it.

Could you please check it out to see if you think it's of any use?
Oh thank you very much. See this is why I asked for help, I knew someone would come through for us :clap: 8-)

EDIT: Nice, it's working fine from what I can tell. Started a new game and entered each location on the world map. Spoke with Cabet, Lieutenant, Seth, went to radscorpion caves. The only issue I saw was that the spawn point for some maps is all messed up. I believe these examples are done via scripting, so it could be that it's just reading a scripting command differently.




Those of you familiar with Fallout 2 modding: Regarding the list of current issues, how hard are these?:

Creating the text file table of random encounters [all info for these is in the script files at the moment] Or can we just use the script files from Fallout, using a pointer to the file or something?
Creating the text file table of special encounters (NOTE: Fallout 1 has no script files for these!)
Setting up elevators and ladders for all maps. Only a fraction of them work at the moment.

Also, if there a more-or-less universally recognized "best" way to script for Fallout 2? I have had a good experience working with sslc_f1 and int2ssl tools for Fallout 1, but these must be fully abandoned if I'm to convert the scripts to "Fallout 2 format."
I'm going to want an app that can compile scripts without too much fuss (for example with my current setup all I do is run a batch file). F rom my current knowledge my assumption is to use FSE...

If someone is willing to let me know what tools will be needed for all of these things, that'd be great. :mrgreen:
I'll guess you can do it with the generic scripts. In worst case, Sfall will help. Other than that... all Fallout 2 encounters are already in files (worldmap.txt, etc). So technically you can try to translate the Fo1 encounters to the Fo2 tables.

/Edit: Timeslips Script Editor can compile lots of scripts in one go. ;) You can tell the tool to compile all open scripts or all scripts in a certain folder. Though, compiling a certain folder always gave me script errors of some kind... but opening the scripts first and then compiling all opened ones works fine.

I personally use FSE for writing scripts (I am just more comfortable with that GUI) and Timeslips script editor later for debugging + mass compiling. It is useful to masscompile all your scripts every once in a while, because of header file changes, etc. Had some shitty bugs because of that already a few times in the long gone past...

You won't need to use some extra batch file for compiling.

/Edit: Better download the Sfall modding stuff right away.
Cool, sounds good. I realize we talked about that earlier but I didn't remember where so I was lazy and asked again :roll:

So... okay, FSE and Sfall tools/pack, and I asked Cubik2k about his worldmap thing. And of course all Cubik's usual tools as well, and the BIS mapper. I suppose that's about it for tools?
Sduibek said:
Nice, it's working fine from what I can tell. Started a new game and entered each location on the world map. Spoke with Cabet, Lieutenant, Seth, went to radscorpion caves. The only issue I saw was that the spawn point for some maps is all messed up:
I didn't really check it out that much and I'm not all that familiar with the game to instantly noticing everything anyway. Any ideas what it could be? I stripped out the maps that where in the original mod as I figured they would be identical to the ones in the master.dat. Perhaps I was wrong, you could try and add them back.
Also, I didn't bother with adding the frames for the different punches and kicks (from interface folder). I seem to remember they where different in fallout 1. Figured it could be added as needed.
Darek said:
Sduibek said:
Nice, it's working fine from what I can tell. Started a new game and entered each location on the world map. Spoke with Cabet, Lieutenant, Seth, went to radscorpion caves. The only issue I saw was that the spawn point for some maps is all messed up:
I didn't really check it out that much and I'm not all that familiar with the game to instantly noticing everything anyway. Any ideas what it could be? I stripped out the maps that where in the original mod as I figured they would be identical to the ones in the master.dat. Perhaps I was wrong, you could try and add them back.
Also, I didn't bother with adding the frames for the different punches and kicks (from interface folder). I seem to remember they where different in fallout 1. Figured it could be added as needed.
Okay, cool.

Yeah on the starting point(s) it's not a big deal, either a map or script issue but both can be changed easily.

This is going to be so awesome when it's playable.

Should I assume all the extra Sfall stuff will work? I am of the udnerstanding that the newest Sfall adds a ridiculous huge list of awesome features. I don't know enough about .exe patchers and the like to know how this fallout.exe differs from the actual fallout2.exe. Not much is changed if you view in a hex program (I used HexCmp), just a chunk and then a small group later on:

Different between:
First file: "C:\fallout2\F1toF2\fallout.exe"
Second file: "C:\fallout2\F1toF2\_old\fallout2.exe"
Shift: 0

First file: "C:\fallout2\F1toF2\fallout.exe"
Second file: "C:\fallout2\F1toF2\_old\fallout2.exe"
Shift: 0
Shift: 0

0002ED68 |             00          | 0002ED68 |             90          |
0002ED70 |             00          | 0002ED70 |             90          |
0002ED78 | FF          00          | 0002ED78 | 91          92          |
0002ED80 |             00          | 0002ED80 |             92          |
0002ED88 | FF                      | 0002ED88 | 93                      |
0002ED98 |             95          | 0002ED98 |             94          |
0002EDA0 |             00          | 0002EDA0 |             92          |
0002EDA8 |             00          | 0002EDA8 |             92          |
0002EDB8 | 98          00          | 0002EDB8 | 93          84          |
0002EDC0 |             00          | 0002EDC0 |             8F          |
0002EDC8 | FF          00          | 0002EDC8 | 96          94          |
0002EDD0 |             00          | 0002EDD0 |             94          |
0002EDD8 |             00          | 0002EDD8 |             94          |
0002EDE0 |             00          | 0002EDE0 |             8F          |
0002EDE8 | FF          00          | 0002EDE8 | 96          8F          |
0002EDF0 | FF          00          | 0002EDF0 | 96          8F          |
0002EDF8 | FF          00          | 0002EDF8 | 96          8F          |
0002EE00 | FF          00          | 0002EE00 | 96          8F          |
0002EE08 | FF          00          | 0002EE08 | 96          8F          |
0002EE10 | FF          00          | 0002EE10 | 96          8F          |
0002EE18 | FF                      | 0002EE18 | 96                      |
0002EE20 |             00          | 0002EE20 |             03          |
0002EE28 | 00          00          | 0002EE28 | 02          03          |
0002EE30 | 00                      | 0002EE30 | 02                      |
0002EE40 | 00          00          | 0002EE40 | 03          03          |
0002EE48 | 03          00          | 0002EE48 | 02          04          |
0002EE50 | 00          00          | 0002EE50 | 02          03          |
0002EE58 | 00          00          | 0002EE58 | 03          03          |
0002EE60 | 00          00          | 0002EE60 | 02          02          |
0002EE68 | 00          00          | 0002EE68 | 02          02          |
0002EE70 | 00          00          | 0002EE70 | 02          02          |
0002EE78 | 00                      | 0002EE78 | 02                      |
0002EEC8 |             00 00 00 00 | 0002EEC8 |             FF FF FF FF |
0002EED8 | 00 00 00 00 00          | 0002EED8 | FF FF FF FF 21          |
0002EEE0 |             00 00       | 0002EEE0 |             D2 30       |
0002EEE8 | 00          00          | 0002EEE8 | 21          01          |
0002EEF0 | 00 00       00          | 0002EEF0 | 7E 4E       22          |
0002EEF8 |             00 00       | 0002EEF8 |             A0 43       |
0002EF08 | 00 00 00 00 00          | 0002EF08 | FF FF FF FF 22          |
0002EF10 |             00 00       | 0002EF10 |             0C 3F       |
0002EF18 | 00          00          | 0002EF18 | 22          01          |
0002EF20 | 00 00                   | 0002EF20 | 0C 3F                   |
0002EF28 |             00 00 00 00 | 0002EF28 |             FF FF FF FF |
0002EF38 | 00 00 00 00 00          | 0002EF38 | FF FF FF FF 31          |
0002EF40 |             00 00       | 0002EF40 |             48 3A       |
0002EF48 | 00          00          | 0002EF48 | 31          01          |
0002EF50 | 00 00       00          | 0002EF50 | 10 3B       32          |
0002EF58 |             00 00       | 0002EF58 |             90 32       |
0002EF68 | 00 00 00 00 00          | 0002EF68 | FF FF FF FF 32          |
0002EF70 |             00 00       | 0002EF70 |             C8 5F       |
0002EF78 | 00          00          | 0002EF78 | 32          01          |
0002EF80 | 00 00                   | 0002EF80 | E4 62                   |
0002EF88 |             00 00 00 00 | 0002EF88 |             FF FF FF FF |
0002EF98 | 00 00 00 00             | 0002EF98 | FF FF FF FF             |
0002EFC8 | 00 00 00 00             | 0002EFC8 | FF FF FF FF             |
0002EFF8 | 00 00 00 00 06          | 0002EFF8 | FF FF FF FF 28          |
0002F008 | 06                      | 0002F008 | 28                      |
0002F010 |             06          | 0002F010 |             28          |
0002F028 | 00 00 00 00 00          | 0002F028 | FF FF FF FF 09          |
0002F030 |             00 00       | 0002F030 |             88 35       |
0002F038 | 00          00          | 0002F038 | 09          01          |
0002F040 | 00 00       00          | 0002F040 | 06 5B       09          |
0002F048 | 00          00 00       | 0002F048 | 02          9C 43       |
0002F058 | 00 00 00 00 00          | 0002F058 | FF FF FF FF 1C          |
0002F060 |             00 00       | 0002F060 |             64 4B       |
0002F068 | 00          00          | 0002F068 | 1C          01          |
0002F070 | 00 00       00          | 0002F070 | 64 4B       1C          |
0002F078 | 00          00 00       | 0002F078 | 02          8E 4E       |
0002F088 | 00 00 00 00 2B          | 0002F088 | FF FF FF FF 1C          |
0002F090 | 00          32 37       | 0002F090 | 02          96 4E       |
0002F098 | 2B          01          | 0002F098 | 1D          00          |
0002F0A0 | 32 37       2B          | 0002F0A0 | CE 54       00          |
0002F0A8 | 02          32 37 00 00 | 0002F0A8 | 00          FF FF FF FF |
0002F0B8 | 00 00 00 00 00          | 0002F0B8 | FF FF FF FF 1C          |
0002F0C0 |             00 00       | 0002F0C0 |             9A 4E       |
0002F0C8 | 00          00          | 0002F0C8 | 1C          01          |
0002F0D0 | 00 00       00          | 0002F0D0 | 9C 4E       1C          |
0002F0D8 | 00          00 00       | 0002F0D8 | 02          CC 51       |
0002F0E0 | 00                      | 0002F0E0 | 1D                      |
0002F0E8 | 00 00       00          | 0002F0E8 | 0C 58       0C          |
0002F0F0 | 00          00 00       | 0002F0F0 | 01          B4 3E       |
0002F0F8 | 00          00          | 0002F0F8 | 0C          02          |
0002F100 | 00 00                   | 0002F100 | 90 38                   |
0002F108 |             00 00 00 00 | 0002F108 |             FF FF FF FF |
0002F118 | 00 00 00 00 00          | 0002F118 | FF FF FF FF 06          |
0002F120 |             00 00       | 0002F120 |             18 37       |
0002F128 | 00          00          | 0002F128 | 06          01          |
0002F130 | 00 00       00          | 0002F130 | E8 57       06          |
0002F138 | 00          00 00       | 0002F138 | 02          A0 43       |
0002F148 | 00 00 00 00 00          | 0002F148 | FF FF FF FF 1E          |
0002F150 |             00 00       | 0002F150 |             18 37       |
0002F158 | 00          00          | 0002F158 | 1E          01          |
0002F160 | 00 00       00          | 0002F160 | E8 57       1E          |
0002F168 | 00          00 00       | 0002F168 | 02          A0 43       |
0002F178 | 00 00 00 00 00          | 0002F178 | FF FF FF FF 24          |
0002F180 |             00 00       | 0002F180 |             88 35       |
0002F188 | 00          00          | 0002F188 | 24          01          |
0002F190 | 00 00       00          | 0002F190 | 06 5B       24          |
0002F198 | 00          00 00       | 0002F198 | 02          9C 43       |
0002F1A8 | 00 00 00 00 00          | 0002F1A8 | FF FF FF FF 27          |
0002F1B0 |             00 00       | 0002F1B0 |             85 43       |
0002F1B8 | 00                      | 0002F1B8 | 24                      |
0002F1C0 | 00 00                   | 0002F1C0 | 10 4C                   |
0002F1C8 |             00 00 00 00 | 0002F1C8 |             FF FF FF FF |
0002F1D8 | 00 00 00 00 00          | 0002F1D8 | FF FF FF FF 6D          |
0002F1E0 | 00          00 00       | 0002F1E0 | 02          CD 29       |
0002F1E8 | 00          00          | 0002F1E8 | 6D          01          |
0002F1F0 | 00 00                   | 0002F1F0 | D1 29                   |
0002F1F8 |             00 00 00 00 | 0002F1F8 |             FF FF FF FF |
0002F208 | 00 00 00 00 00          | 0002F208 | FF FF FF FF 6D          |
0002F210 | 00          00 00       | 0002F210 | 02          69 39       |
0002F218 | 00          00          | 0002F218 | 6D          01          |
0002F220 | 00 00                   | 0002F220 | FB 3A                   |
0002F228 |             00 00 00 00 | 0002F228 |             FF FF FF FF |
0002F238 | 00 00 00 00 00          | 0002F238 | FF FF FF FF 6D          |
0002F240 | 00          00 00       | 0002F240 | 02          45 5D       |
0002F248 | 00          00          | 0002F248 | 6D          01          |
0002F250 | 00 00                   | 0002F250 | 89 63                   |
0002F258 |             00 00 00 00 | 0002F258 |             FF FF FF FF |
0002F268 | 00 00 00 00 00          | 0002F268 | FF FF FF FF 6D          |
0002F270 | 00          00 00       | 0002F270 | 02          12 66       |
0002F278 | 00          00          | 0002F278 | 6D          01          |
0002F280 | 00 00                   | 0002F280 | 91 60                   |
0002F288 |             00 00 00 00 | 0002F288 |             FF FF FF FF |
0002F298 | 00 00 00 00 00          | 0002F298 | FF FF FF FF 89          |
0002F2A0 |             00 00       | 0002F2A0 |             91 5D       |
0002F2A8 | 00          00          | 0002F2A8 | 94          01          |
0002F2B0 | 00 00                   | 0002F2B0 | 8E 40                   |
0002F2B8 |             00 00 00 00 | 0002F2B8 |             FF FF FF FF |
0002F2C8 | 00 00 00 00 00          | 0002F2C8 | FF FF FF FF 3E          |
0002F2D0 |             00 00       | 0002F2D0 |             4D 36       |
0002F2D8 | 00          00          | 0002F2D8 | 3F          01          |
0002F2E0 | 00 00                   | 0002F2E0 | 03 46                   |
0002F2E8 |             00 00 00 00 | 0002F2E8 |             FF FF FF FF |
0002F2F8 | 00 00 00 00 00          | 0002F2F8 | FF FF FF FF 31          |
00093B08 |                      E9 | 00093B08 |                      0F |
00093B10 | 95 00       90          | 00093B10 | 85 94       00          |
00093BB0 |                      EB | 00093BB0 |                      75 |
Actually, be careful with adding the org mod maps. At least the Shady Sands one crashes.

As for sfall, I would assume it works... until it doesn't. :)
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