Fallout 1 mod FO1 to FO2 conversion, for real

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Darek said:
Actually, be careful with adding the org mod maps. At least the Shady Sands one crashes.

As for sfall, I would assume it works... until it doesn't. :)
Define "original mod"

If I can decompile my script .int files with FSE or Sfall that will actually be the fastest way to get them in Fallout 2 format.
Continuum said:
Sduibek said:
Yeah wow, this (Fallout 2 engine version of FIXT) is definitely becoming my only focus going forward (once Alpha 5 is released). Screw the Fallout 1 engine.
Right decision, Mr. Sduibek :clap:

I approve of this clap... :mrgreen:

I love this project, full steam ahead. :clap:
.Pixote. said:
Continuum said:
Sduibek said:
Yeah wow, this (Fallout 2 engine version of FIXT) is definitely becoming my only focus going forward (once Alpha 5 is released). Screw the Fallout 1 engine.
Right decision, Mr. Sduibek :clap:

I approve of this clap... :mrgreen:

I love this project, full steam ahead. :clap:
Yeah I'm pretty excited. Once this is working fully I'll be able to do so much more for the mod! Even beyond any of my original plans.
Sduibek said:
Darek said:
Actually, be careful with adding the org mod maps. At least the Shady Sands one crashes.

As for sfall, I would assume it works... until it doesn't. :)
Define "original mod"
This conversion mod. As in Jordan's files, not yours. There were some problems with the protos from Fallout 2 and the Shady Sands map so he must have altered the map that he included somehow. I don't know about the other maps, but I removed them anyway.

About fallout.exe, by swapping it with the fallout2.exe from the RP, I could see two things that has been modified. First it's the starting year, and then the disabling of elevators. Could potentially be a problem with sfall's elevators?
Anyway I tried to use sfall elevators but was not successful (first time I've tried so I might not be doing it right).

If I use the RP fallout2.exe, the vault13 elevators work but is hardcoded to go to map040 which in fallout 1 is the HUBOLDTN.MAP
I suppose you could switch some of the map numbers if nothing else works.
In the elevators.ini example that came with the sfall modderspack, it says something about "Override elevator", but it didn't work out for me (again not sure I was doing it right).

Also, newer versions of sfall have a CRC check and won't run with the modified Fallout.exe. There was some way to ignore that with a "extracrc" line but that got removed (should still be available for debugging, but I didn't get it to work).
Ugh I hate CRC checks.

As far as I know, elevators should be able to be coded into the maps, I think there's a tutorial somewhere. I'll track ir down.
Are special encounters hard-coded in Fallout 2? It seems like pretty much everything in this game can be done via text files.
Nope, all set in worldmap.txt file.

enc_18=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) <1> 9) And If(Global(611) <1> 5) And If(Global(612) <1> 7) And If(Global(613) <1> 9) And If(Global(614) <1> 5) And If(Global(615) <1> 5) And If(Global(620) <1> 5) And If(Global(616) < 1)
Lexx said:
Nope, all set in worldmap.txt file.

enc_18=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) <1> 9) And If(Global(611) <1> 5) And If(Global(612) <1> 7) And If(Global(613) <1> 9) And If(Global(614) <1> 5) And If(Global(615) <1> 5) And If(Global(620) <1> 5) And If(Global(616) < 1)
I'd like to find whomever at Black Isle had the idea to (on purpose or incidentally) make Fallout 2 modder-friendly, and give them many hugs.
I think it was done because they though of potential after-release content. Addons or such and not really for modders (there wasn't any modder around at that time). Though, I can't remember where I've read this.
Lexx said:
I think it was done because they though of potential after-release content. Addons or such and not really for modders (there wasn't any modder around at that time). Though, I can't remember where I've read this.
Yeah. It makes for happy employees as well as modders I'm sure 8-)

Today I'm working on decompiling my .int files with FSE. I'm crossing my fingers that doing this I'll only have to fix a few scripts, versus going through them all and manually changing the syntax.

After I get them into at least a "converted" state (never mind testing them, yet. That's the easy part) I'm going to take a look at the Encounters table. I get the feeling it's going to kind of suck, BUT, the good news is that Fallout 1 doesn't really have that many encounter types. You have 13 encounter zones, and 6 encounter types for zone (only 4 of which were usually used in Vanilla, by the way). If I include all of them, that's 78 which I don't think is that many really.

Man, this means I gotta do all the extra compiling garbage that F2 scripting requires. Booooo. Well at least we have tools like Sfall and FSE to help.

@Darek Just took a look at ColJack's elevators doc. Doesn't look too bad. I'll need to edit each map with a few things, and change the maps.txt but looks like the other stuff -- just requires footwork, nothing new that we haven't done before.
Nah, forget about ColJack's elevators. Do them with Sfall, really. You can't have it more easy. It requires a "Elevators.ini" in which you define each elevator (check out the modders pack for information). Then you add a spatial script with

procedure spatial_p_proc begin
   if (source_obj == dude_obj) then begin
      metarule(15, 24);

and done. That's all the Sfall elevator magic.

/Edit: Elevator.ini example from my mod:

Elevator interface graphic
elevation for map1
spawn hex for map1
elevation for map2
spawn hex for map2
Nice. Thanks.

Something I thought of today re: http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_1_and_Fallout_2_scripting_-_commands,_reference,_tutorials

I am a little bit unsure how to go with it.... should I keep updating the scripting doc on wikia with Fallout 1 information if I'm switching to Fallout 2 engine? On one hand, I'd be happy to share what I've learned (since Fo1 scripting is different in a few important ways, and I'm of the impression that it scares people).

On the other hand, I can't see anyone actually wanting to mod Fallout 1 once we get it working in the Fallout 2 engine.

:shrug: :scratch:

I want to keep that page alive regardless, and I'll continue to update it while I work on FIXT, but I'm just not sure if putting Fallout 1 info on there is worth it at this point.
Well, I know for sure that at least I won't do any modding with the Fo1 engine. :p
Lexx said:
Well, I know for sure that at least I won't do any modding with the Fo1 engine. :p

Eeuuurg. If I decompile my F1 scripts into SSL using int2ssl without the -1 (Fallout 1 script) flag, they stay in Fallout 1 format. If I decompile using Noid's decompile.exe, they come out in F2 format which is what we want, but all the commenting is stripped from them.

Is there a way to decompile them into F2 format without losing the commenting? That really is not okay, I need those comments. There's probably a thousand lines of "code" that are comments.
I thought I wouldn't need a new spatial scrips as the old elevator already had one. Oh well.

Did you get master.dat repacked yet? If not you can easily do it with this. Just put the two files into the folder with your extracted F1 Master.dat and run master.bat.

Also, I think I forgot to add text\english\game\quests.msg earlier. It's needed for the buttons in the pipboy to work correctly. Just take the one from Fallout 2 and add it.
Darek said:
I thought I wouldn't need a new spatial scrips as the old elevator already had one. Oh well.

Did you get master.dat repacked yet? If not you can easily do it with this. Just put the two files into the folder with your extracted F1 Master.dat and run master.bat.

Also, I think I forgot to add text\english\game\quests.msg earlier. It's needed for the buttons in the pipboy to work correctly. Just take the one from Fallout 2 and add it.
Awesome, thanks again. Your work is much appreciated :)

I'm kind of depressed about the scripting right now. Looks like it's going to be way more complex and time-consuming than I anticipated. I may need to manually change each script individually, which is insane. My best course of action at this point may be to just copy my changes into the scripts Jordan provided. I don't know. I'm done for the day, I'll look at it again later and see what I can figure out.
Sduibek said:
My best course of action at this point may be to just copy my changes into the scripts Jordan provided. I don't know. I'm done for the day, I'll look at it again later and see what I can figure out.
On the plus side, wouldn't that allow for a 'clean' version with only bug fixes as well? Or is that too much extra work?
Yeah, I personally would be a fan of a "clean + only bugfixes" version myself. And then everything else only optional, if possible... FIXT itself became too many features which I don't really want in my Fo1 playthrough, so this would be a good moment to think about adding stuff optionally. :>
Im not sure if the subject wasnt under the debate here already... but I need to ask:

Why not converting FO1 into FOnline engine ?
Which seems to be a lot easier to deal with, pretty flexible and offering nice possibilites ?
Dont have in vivo experiance on playing with FO1 engine so correct me if Im wrong.
It would require someone who can write a tool that can port Fallout scripts to AngelScript. Also it will require advanced knowledge of AngelScript to do the additional interface work (missing menu screens, dialog screen with talking head, etc). But other than that... yeah, it allows pretty much everything you can imagine. Even Fallout 1 coop- a coop mode, now that would be nice, wouldn't it?

When my Fo2 mod is done, I am planning to port it to the FOnline engine with some additional features (coop for 2 to 4 players). So at latest in this very moment, I will seriously hunt for someone who can port my scripts to AS. I even thought about coop related issues already, like with the dialog options, death of party members, etc. That stuff is quite easy to deal with.
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