//cn:0x2E3AC en:0x2EE7C
//cn:0x2E44C en:0x2EE1C
//cn:0x2e280 en:0x2ED5C
#define ButtonDestinationsOffset 0x2E3AC
#define ButtonsCountOffset 0x2E44C
#define ElevatorImageOffset 0x2e280

Enable PipBoy 495DC1 0861C1 1 0x75 →[EB]
REmove City Limit 4BE06B 0AE46B 1 0x74 →(EB)
Male Start AppEarance 5102D4 0FB8D4 6 hmwarr
Female Start AppEarance 5102DC 0FB8DC 6 hfprim
Male Default AppEarance 5102C4 0FB8C4 6 hmjmps
Female Default AppEarance 5102CC 0FB8CC 6 hfjmps
Starting Map 5292B8 1148B8 12 artemple.map
DAT Name 5123B8 0FD9B8 13 patch%03d.dat
Mod Name (Main Menu) 51E8B0 109EB0 19 FALLOUT II %D. %02D
Fallout2.cFg 5127F0 0FDDF0 11 Fallout2.cfg
Start Year 4A206C 09246C 2 C108 [7108]
Start Month 4A2082 092482 1 06 [0B]
Start Day 4A2056 092456 1 18 [04]
Disable Movies 44DDE0 03E1E0 1 53(C3)
No Dream 4A240F 09280F 3 0F8594(E99500)
4A2414 092814 1 00(90)
4A24B7 0928B7 1 75(EB)
Start city X 4BB8B8 0ABCB8 1 AD[2103]
Y 4BB8BD 0ABCBD 1 7A[32]
Dead city X 4BB640 0ABA40 1 AD[2103]
Y 4BB645 0ABA45 1 7A[32]
World Viewport X 52DC1C 11921C 2 0000[3702]
World Viewport Y 52DC20 119220 2 0000
just a question:it seems that all the lift doesn't work after patch.
What else makes F1 maps incompatible with F2?
So, if we add those F1 map files, (other than Shady Sands, V13, V15) and had a worldmap large enough to fit them into, then we could see them in F2?
Sorry I am ignorant of so much, just trying to understand what might be possible.
Jordan said:Lexx
Hmm I can't download one of the versions. I only get a 0kb big file.
Russian version
English version
German version
Amazing mod! Is it possible to get video and heads back or is this still being worked on? I tried extracting the data from my Fallout 1 master.dat (as you showed in your sample 1.bat) and putting it in the data folder, but it did not work.