Here is a designer, it can collect different versions of the mod.
Current Fashion
Russian version translated 1C
Russian version translated fargus
German version
Polish version
French version
English version
Now that would gather mod run:
Before the assembly need to compile scripts, that's a start build_scripts.bat
Russian version translated 1C - build_russian_1c.bat
Russian version translated fargus - build_russian_fargus.bat
German version - build_german.bat
Polish version - build_polish.bat
French version - build_french.bat
The English version - build_english.bat
Then the folder will be created F1ToF2Conversion_Russian_Fargus the folder you want to move \ copy the game folder, then go to the folder and run patcher.exe
All you can now play.
In the folder will also be the source of scripts and configured mapper2.exe, if one desire to finish a mod, then all you need is in the archive.
Good luck.