Timeslip said:
Josan12 said:
Even stranger, if i go into targeted attack, it has 95% chance of hitting any body part except the torso, which it has 17% chance!? this makes no sense to me
Again I ask, which version of sfall are you using?
>Fixed issues with negative hit chances wrapping around to 95%

It appears i've been using 1.35b, which is pre thrown and wrap around fixes. You know i would never doubt you, don't you Timestamp .... i mean Timeslip?
I'll get the latest version and confirm my problems are solved.
@ Cubik: thanks for the screenies and explanation on the presumptions the engine makes about weapon types. I understand it much better now.
But unfortunately my problem remains. Let me explain: ever noticed how none of the melee weapons cause death animations, even if they cause non-normal damage? (such as the cattleprod which causes electrical damage)
I figured out this is set by the swing/thrust attack type that all melee weapons use. If you set a weapon to swing or thrust, it appears it will never cause death animations. So, in my quest to create a melee weapon that causes death animations, i created a weapon that uses the 'single' (shot) attack, laser damage, but has range 1, no ammo and has no projectile. It works. I have a 'melee' weapon that causes death animations (though of course, it's really just an ultra short-ranged gun) But the problem is the laser damage makes the engine think it's an energy weapon. Now, that's not the end of the world, but it's not ideal.
@ Timeslip: is this something you could remedy? It would also sort out the cattleprod, which i was always very dissapointed with as i wanted to see the Brahmin go ZAAP! and fry when i hit them with it.
EDIT: confirmed: the newest version of Sfall (1.37 i think) solves the thrown weapon crash problem. it seems to solve the hit-chance wrap-around problem (according to the numbers anyway) but my range 1 gun still has to-hit-chance-issues. The % displays correctly (about 20% for a lvl. 1 Narg using an energy weapon) but the attack ALWAYS hits. Even stranger, if i give the weapon range 2, it seems to hit correctly at 1 hex, but then hits 100% of the time at 2 hex's! It seems likely to me the engine screws up when giving a gun range 1. Has anyone else had this problem?