Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

Yeah, I got that bug too in the MM. Happened sometimes when the player was wearing metal armor and asked another character to upgrade it. The metal armor would be removed, but the protections would stay with the player. I never could really fix it. The only thing I could do was force the player to remove the armor first before asking for the upgrade ("I can't upgrade that armor while you are wearing it. Take it off first...", or something like that.) I suppose you might have to do something similar.

@Timeslip: I just sent a pm to you regarding sfall and the MM. Please let me know what you think.
Yeah, that's what I'll have to do. I'dl like to thank for all the advice I received, regardless. Perhaps one day I'll manage to achieve the desired effect, but it won't be anytime soon.
A bit of bad news; my computers just blown up on me. (Not literally alas; that would have been a bit cooler than the rather pathetic phut I got out of it. :() Until I can get it replaced I'm stuck using a netbook that I can't do any programming on, so no more sfall updates for a while.

Time to try and work out what I can afford...
hm, that's bad.

I wish you luck and hope you will get "tune up" as soon as you can.

Thanks agan for the new update (premade chars)
I have a new kind of request. It is regarding the zones near the coast on the worldmap, which lighten up all zones to the left side, if you step into a coast-zone. Until some time ago, I always thought it was done via worldmap file (ocean zone-type), but I was wrong. This zones are somehow hardcodet... Now it would be great to disable this, because for my worldmap, I don't have a coastline on these zones. And it sucks when from one moment to the next, a lot zones are visible for the player. Helios looked at it already a while ago, but I think he couldn't really find something for this.

Is anyone else having problems with the new CRC check? It seems to always fail when you specify the ddraw.ini to use in the command line, e.g.

fallout2.exe -rp.ini
fallout2.exe -f2patch.ini

give different checksums in my case.

Another related question: does sfall ignore the original ddraw.ini completely when fallout2 is started this way? I've always done the "UseCommandLine=1" in all the ini files (and kept the original ini), but would like to know if that was redundant.

Thank you for your excellent work, timeslip.
once again awesome work Timeslip!

my last bug post was actually my script,the massive numbers were caused by negative values,once i put in command to 0 the number if it was negative all of those values stopped,sorry for the mistake.

have a request,because burst value is a constant regardless of what weapon attack mode was used,i need a way to determine what mode was used in the attack,once i learned i could read the proto data with get_proto_data(),i was able to re-write the damage formula with sfall hook scripts and no hacking the exe at all.asaics returning what attack mode was used is the last remaining function needed,again no hurry.

love your work.

Lexx said:
I have a new kind of request. It is regarding the zones near the coast on the worldmap, which lighten up all zones to the left side, if you step into a coast-zone. Until some time ago, I always thought it was done via worldmap file (ocean zone-type), but I was wrong. This zones are somehow hardcodet... Now it would be great to disable this, because for my worldmap, I don't have a coastline on these zones. And it sucks when from one moment to the next, a lot zones are visible for the player. Helios looked at it already a while ago, but I think he couldn't really find something for this.

Uhm, Lexx, in fact these zones ARE described in the worldmap.txt


Below is a line which DOES NOT fill the spaces to the left.

And now, a line which DOES fill several squares to the left (west):

I never tried it, but I believe you can change the direction in which the squares are revealed, by writing e.g.: Fill_E, or Fill_N. The type of terrain (Mountain, Coast, City, etc) doesn't seem to have any influence on the revealing of the map.

Hope that helps :-)
Ardent said:
Lexx said:
I have a new kind of request. It is regarding the zones near the coast on the worldmap, which lighten up all zones to the left side, if you step into a coast-zone. Until some time ago, I always thought it was done via worldmap file (ocean zone-type), but I was wrong. This zones are somehow hardcodet... Now it would be great to disable this, because for my worldmap, I don't have a coastline on these zones. And it sucks when from one moment to the next, a lot zones are visible for the player. Helios looked at it already a while ago, but I think he couldn't really find something for this.

Uhm, Lexx, in fact these zones ARE described in the worldmap.txt


Below is a line which DOES NOT fill the spaces to the left.

And now, a line which DOES fill several squares to the left (west):

I never tried it, but I believe you can change the direction in which the squares are revealed, by writing e.g.: Fill_E, or Fill_N. The type of terrain (Mountain, Coast, City, etc) doesn't seem to have any influence on the revealing of the map.

Hope that helps :-)

Oh gawd, that is true. I always wonderes what the fuck this value is and never figured nor tested this out.

I tested Fill_N and Fill_E, both don't work. Only Fill_W for all zones to the left side.

Man, it was always in front of me and I never saw this... damn.
I tested Fill_S now too- doesn't work. So it's just Fill_W... maybe it would be interesting to get the other directions to work? :p
I had this idea when looking up Sulik's speechfiles. There are a lot of unused speech files for Sulik's floaters. Too bad trying to use speech with floater will crash the game.

Would it be possible to add speech with floater text support for Sfall?
another idea,the city reputations are hardcoded,would it be possible to add aditional cities into a list?that way globals can be set to allow for more cities reputations

Nirran said:
another idea,the city reputations are hardcoded,would it be possible to add aditional cities into a list?that way globals can be set to allow for more cities reputations


Seconded. The city reputations are a real pain in the male donkey.
when the car is in use and an encounter is forced,then on the map the car is disabled,when you leave the map,regardless if it is with or without the car,the engine gives the car to the player,then the next map that is loaded by the engine(not using force encounter) the player wont have the car,possible to fix this?simple function to load worldmap without the car wopuld be perfect

Is it my impression or is this thread about any new engine tweak made here or found elsewhere, not only the one found at beth and posted on page 1?

If that's the case, here is a suggestion: put up an index on page 1, like in the "new animations" thread. It would be easier to locate the stuff.