Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

Mr.Wolna said:
Timeslip you need a german translation? Or did i am something miss understand^^
I'm wasn't planning to provide translations with sfall, I just added in the option for other people to do so when JaW asked for it.

I suppose it wouldn't hurt to include a few different languages, if you want to translate them.

fuzzi said:
what is latest version of sfall which still support Fallout 1 + link. thanks guys
sfall has never supported fallout 1. Sure there was a download for fallout 1 that I gave the same name because it was easier than thinking up a new one, but it didn't do 1% of what sfall does. It did nothing more than fix the black screen bug, (which can now be done more easily with the resolution mod,) let you speed up gameplay and use the mouse wheel.

It's still available from a couple of places if you're one of those adhd types that can't play fallout at below 500% normal speed. I don't have any links offhand sorry.

I ditched it when I moved to sourceforge because I no longer have the source for it, and because of compatibility issues with the res patch, (it didn't have the real sfall's gpublt option.) . I'll probably make a new and improved version when the fo1 restoration project comes out, and gives me an excuse to play fo1 again. (Because I'm also one of those who can't stand fallout at normal speed. :P)
Timeslip said:
Mr.Wolna said:
I suppose it wouldn't hurt to include a few different languages, if you want to translate them.

think also.

Here the German translation if someone need.

SaveInCombat=Momentan kein speichern möglich.
KarmaGain=Du gewinnst %d Karma.
KarmaLoss=Du verlierst %d karma.
Update1=Eine neuere Version von sfall steht zur Verfügung:: %d.%d.%d
Update2=Besuchen Sie %s zum Download.

@Two last lines. Do not know if i wrong, but i think in the last line you forgot the =

the second one i do not know what fallout says in the original (if it says) but i would to translate the two las lines maybe with.

Mr.Wolna said:
@Two last lines. Do not know if i wrong, but i think in the last line you forgot the =
You're looking at the copy in the modders pack? Yes I did. Or rather, I missed the = from the last but one line. The last line I managed to miss out entirely... The appearance mod section should have looked like the one I posted a few posts back.

yes i had this from the modder pack.

so here the hole german ini for those who interested.

SaveInCombat=Momentan kein speichern möglich.
KarmaGain=Du gewinnst %d Karma.
KarmaLoss=Du verlierst %d karma.
Update1=Eine neuere Version von sfall steht zur Verfügung:: %d.%d.%d
Update2=Besuchen Sie %s zum Download.

StyleText= Stil
Russian ini file.

SaveInCombat=В данный момент сохранение невозможно
KarmaGain=Вы получили %d кармы.
KarmaLoss=Вы потеряли %d кармы.
Update1=Доступна новая версия sfall: %d.%d.%d
Update2=Посетите %s для загрузки


Thanks Ray.
Polish version:

SaveInCombat=Nie możesz teraz zapisać gry. 
KarmaGain=Twoja Karma wzrosła o %d. 
KarmaLoss=Twoja Karma spadła o %d. 
Update1=Dostępna nowsza wersja sfall: %d.%d.%d 
Update2=Przejdź do %s, aby pobrać. 


And in French (if there are some native speakers, please correct if necessary):

SaveInCombat=Tu ne peux pas sauvegarder en ce moment. 
KarmaGain=Tu gagnes %d Karma. 
KarmaLoss=Tu perds %d Karma. 
Update1=Une version plus récente du sfall est disponible: %d.%d.%d 
Update2=Aller sur %s pour télécharger. 

Timeslip said:
(Actually, I'd advise against visiting the character screen while controlling something else. It may cause bits of the pc to rub off onto the npc.)

Hmm. I have started a new game and my PC leveled up, with a party of 5. I didn't get a message that any NPCs had leveled, but whenever it is Sulik's turn, I get the "Level" notification, and sure enough if I view his char sheet it goes away. Is that because Sulik really leveled up?
Ravager69 said:
Hey there Timesip, I wanted to ask one thing - is there a command in sfall that would unequip armor only? Something like /inven_unwield(dude_obj);/?
Looks like I forgot to reply to this one...

I probably could do it, but it sounds like the sort of thing that could be done with vanilla scripting. Tried using critter_inven_obj/add_obj_to_inven, possibly with a move_to between?

Edit: guess I spoke too soon... Getting a critter to unequip their armour is easy. Doing it in such a way that the players fid gets updated is not.

Michi said:
Hmm. I have started a new game and my PC leveled up, with a party of 5. I didn't get a message that any NPCs had leveled, but whenever it is Sulik's turn, I get the "Level" notification, and sure enough if I view his char sheet it goes away. Is that because Sulik really leveled up?
I've noticed vic displaying that level up tag. I'm not sure where it's coming from, so I just included it under the heading of random graphics glitches.
2.2 is up.

>Added the ability to control premade characters, and add additional ones
>Switched to using a crc check to make sure that sfall is being used with the correct fallout exe
>The multiplayer server is now functional, and the client is included
>New script function: get_light_level
>Two new hook scripts: HS_AdjustSkill and HS_AdjustStat
>Included german and french translations (From Mr.Wolna and Ardent)
I didn't think the translations thing through properly; I stuck it into a seperate ini file so that I could make that file unicode, but of course I can't magically make the fallout console messages etc unicode to match it, so the polish/russian translations are broken. :( (Edit: Here they are anyway.What happens if the default code page isn't english?)

Until now, sfall had been checking it was being used with the correct version of the fallout exe by doing a few checks of the original values of bits of memory that it was overwritting. Given that sfall now effects huge swaths of the exe, and that I haven't been adding in new checks for every new feature, I've replaced all the scattered checks with a single crc check on the whole exe. That's going to catch every little change that people make, so if you've got an exe that you know works with sfall let me know the crc of it and what the change is with respect to the normal 1.02 US one and I'll add it to the safe list. (atm, only the original exe and a res patched one will be accepted.)
Timeslip said:
Edit: guess I spoke too soon... Getting a critter to unequip their armour is easy. Doing it in such a way that the players fid gets updated is not.

Precisly. I tried diffrent combinations, but to no avail so far. I was thinking of removing the armor, destroying it, removing the whole inventory of the PC to a generic box and then give it back to him. Removing whole inventory always seemed to update the player's fid. I ought to give it a try, though I'd rather not write another script just to unequip an armor :D I'd appreciate any advice.
Ravager69 said:
Precisly. I tried diffrent combinations, but to no avail so far. I was thinking of removing the armor, destroying it, removing the whole inventory of the PC to a generic box and then give it back to him. Removing whole inventory always seemed to update the player's fid. I ought to give it a try, though I'd rather not write another script just to unequip an armor :D I'd appreciate any advice.

What's the problem exactly? I've used rm_obj_from_inven and add_obj_to_inven to unequip PC's armor without any apparent issue.
pelicano said:
What's the problem exactly? I've used rm_obj_from_inven and add_obj_to_inven to unequip PC's armor without any apparent issue.

In my case the PC still had the model with armor equipped. I had to either change the map or open invetory for the FID to update to unarmored one.
Does anything happen if you add a fade out for a period of time? I'm just guessing here, but maybe it will update the map...
Where are you calling to the code that removes the armor? maybe the engine is busy in that moment and doesn't refresh the screen for that. I tested my code in a global script and worked fine. It's pretty similar to the code used in the game when the PC has sex with Miria and removes his/her armor(seraph's code from unofficial patch):

temp := critter_inven_obj(dude_obj, 0); 
if(temp)then begin				 
  rm_obj_from_inven(dude_obj, temp); 
  add_obj_to_inven(dude_obj, temp); 

Have you tried forcing an anim refresh? something like this:

  reg_anim_animate (dude_obj, ANIM_stand, -1); 

As a last resort I suppose you can always update manually the fid with metarule3(107, ...).
Yes, I got your message. I just didn't know what else to offer after Timeslip's comments. But, is there a way to call the map_update procedure from the code you want to add? I really am clutching at straws here...

Edit: I tried that metarule feature one time on the player character. Got this really weird rolling effect, as if the character was just gliding across the screen (from top to bottom) even if he was supposed to be standing there idle. Hopefully the other codes would work. (I completely forgot about the situation to handle Miria.)
I tried it with pretty interesting (and extremely funny) results. Contrary to what I thought at first, the engine doesn't lock up or do funny stuff when you mess around changing the PC appearance with the metarule3(107, ..). It even let me walk around and attack while in the shape of a brahmin.

As soon as you enter the inventory screen the PC avatar gets updated according to the armor worn. Changing maps (random encounters) didn't have any effect though.
I remember getting it to work right with some things, like when I wanted the player character to display the animation for smoking a cigarette. And I got it working to change a male character to a female character (I have an idea for a disguise kit, to offer to male players to disguise themselves as a woman in order to complete certain quests). But, that weird graphics glitch happened when I tried another test. It has been so long ago, though, that I don't remember what exactly it was that I was trying to do.
I tried the lines you gave me Pelicano, but they didn't work. Still the PC has the armored model.

Anyway, I noticed a curious bug, I don't think it happened before, but I could have just overlooked it. Now, after the whole unarmoring is done, the PC retains the AC bonus. What's more, if he puts the armor on again, it increases a second time.

I'm testing it in the mapper right now, since my last savegame broke, but as I recall the results were usually similar.