Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

Hello Timeslip

You can add 3 functions

1.AttackOn - Enable Attack
2.AttackOff - Turn off the possibility of attack
3.AttackSheck - Check the Flag Attack On / Off
Jordan said:
Hello Timeslip

You can add 3 functions

1.AttackOn - Enable Attack
2.AttackOff - Turn off the possibility of attack
3.AttackSheck - Check the Flag Attack On / Off

Just curious...why these things?
to Jordan:

1) Always enabled
2) Use global scripts to capture the moment of "set on" of combat mode
3) Use function game_mode to check if in combat

...or I just not completely understood your question.
Does hs_combatdamage actually give me access to the weapon being used? hookscript.txt tells me it should be argument 7.

critter arg1 - The target
critter arg2 - The attacker
int     arg3 - The amount of damage to the target
int     arg4 - The amount of damage to the attacker
int     arg5 - The special effect flags for the target
int     arg6 - The special effect flags for the attacker
int     arg7 - The weapon used in the attack
int     arg8 - The bodypart that was struck

However, I'm not seeing a valid weapon pid. I'm seeing something that looks more like a critter or scenery pid. The above description just says "weapon used" whereas with hs_deathanim1 the description says "the pid of the weapon performing the attack". I do get a valid weapon pid with hs_deathanim1 but a totally different value with hs_combatdamage

Am I just being dense here?
Out of curiosity: Is Timeslip still active regarding this? I didn't saw him here since a long time nor did I saw any updates, so I am wondering if someone knows if he moved to New Vegas and this mod manager-thingy totally.

Also the urls to his website in the first post of this thread are dead.
Lexx said:
Out of curiosity: Is Timeslip still active regarding this? I didn't saw him here since a long time nor did I saw any updates, so I am wondering if someone knows if he moved to New Vegas and this mod manager-thingy totally.
Which mod manager thingy? Kaburke maintains fomm now, and I've never touched new vegas. I'm working on something non-fallout related (and probably completely uninteresting to anyone who doesn't play muds) at the moment. (Edit: Oh, and the thief 2 source code leak obviously provided me with a bit of a distraction too. Wish that would happen with fallout. :P)

There's certainly still a few things left that I want to do with sfall, so I'll be back eventually. Probably around March.

Lexx said:
Also the urls to his website in the first post of this thread are dead.
Chorrol had a big dns failure, and never got around to fixing my site afterwards, so I moved it to sourceforge. You can also check this page to see which (if any) projects on sourceforge I'm messing with at any particular time.
Thief source code leaked with SystemShock2 source some time ago. It's quite a funny story.

Also glad that Timeslip is still around. :p I thought you would work on the FNV mod manager, as I feel that I've read your name in the credits. So I assumed you work on it active too. ;)
Lexx said:
Thief source code leaked with SystemShock2 source some time ago. It's quite a funny story.
The funniest part of which was Eidos's community manager, after 6 months of responding to all enquiries about releasing the source code about how 'we're working on it and it's in the hands of the legal department', commenting on the news of the leak and questions about why they didn't release it themselves when they had the chance with 'I'm not aware of any source code package that we've been given.'

Nice to know that my ingrained cynicism against pretty much every major game publisher is so often correct. :P On the plus side, the leaked code wasn't just a copy of what eidos had already been given, but was a much newer version found on a second hand dreamcast sdk. It not only had thief 1+2 and SS2, but had bits of the new game they were working on too. It's just missing a few libraries, so can't be compiled as is.

Lexx said:
I thought you would work on the FNV mod manager, as I feel that I've read your name in the credits. So I assumed you work on it active too. ;)
It probably is; the new vegas mod manager was based off fomm, so there's a lot of my code still in there.
2.13 is up. There no new features from me, but Mash's appearance mod improvements and Haenlomal's fast shot fix have already been sitting in svn for months, and I don't really want to leave them hanging around indefinitely.

Fixed a virtual file system bug
Hero apperence mod fixes and improvements (From Mash)
Two alternate fixes to the interaction between H2H attacks and the fast shot trait (One from Haenlomal)
In regard to the Hero App Mod:
I've added the ability to save appearance settings to character ".gcd" files. One use for this could be to change the default look of the premade characters, for instance setting Mingan as the bald dude.
The other thing I did was make it possible to store appearances in ".dat" files. Not sure how useful that will be but the options there.
And now 2.13b is up, because apparently Mash broke something. Makes a change; normally that's my job. :P
Good to see you again, and sfall not died. However I do my things in Fonline now, but Fallout 1/2 is still on top 10 games in my computer :) Maybe i come back to finsh my ... unfinished mods for FO1/2 ;]

Thanks to Mash and Timeslip!
Graveworm said:
where was
;Prevents you from using 0 to escape from dialogue at any time.
The ability to toggle that is still there. Just add back that line. The most recent versions of sfall have it set in the background and not through the ini file.