Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

Ew, solved my second issue. :) The reason why I couldn't use the go-up-ladders was, because the armor I used didn't got these frames. No wonder that it made problems, as the game couldn't play the animation.....

So... as my first issue hasn't anything to do with my second, the first doesn't make any real problems as well. It's strange that the order changes, I have no clue why this happens at all, but so far it doesn't have any negative effect on the game. So...
hi, Im at last enjoying killaps restored FO2 and its great ofcourse.

One thing though, ive heard about shaders and filters that can be used. Just like on many emulators, turn on SuperEagle and its like a painting, 2xSal - even better.
So why it doesnt work? I put global.fx to its place, changed ddraw.ini numbers and restarted game milion times with no effect and this made me very angry :/

pls tell me why its not working for me because i couldnt find an answer to this problem.

hmm i dont know, maybe its working but i dont see any major diffrence. Just like i said, on emulators this diffrence is clearly visible between the modes. Forget it, it seems i expected diffrent things.
this code compiles with script editor and manualy

procedure start;

procedure start begin
      set_sfall_global("test_001", 1);

Nirran said:
this code compiles with script editor and manualy
Yes, what of it?

In case you think that the double begin shouldn't compile or something, that's perfectly valid code.
thought it needed an if?guess im wrong

edit : want to appologize for my jumping the gun,one of things about myself i dont like,i get involved with something and sometimes i dont think,thank you for the realy cool tool you made Timeslip

Glovz said:
Something for you to look into?

glouter said:
why does this game still have fast shot taking the ability to use melee aimed shots away....?

I'm very busy with RL stuff right now, so not for a while at least.

Also, is it general consensus that this is a bug? What do the others think?

-- The Haen.

Edit: Yeah, it looks like an engine bug. According to Per's guides, in Fallout 1, Fast Shot also worked with HtH attacks. Apparently, the developers didn't like that, so they removed the -1 AP bonus in Fallout 2 for HtH attacks. Seems like they forgot to removed the penalty with respect to aimed attacks, though. I'll take a look and fix it when I have the time...shouldn't be too hard to do.

Edit2: Decided to take a quick peek before I went to bed, and found the problem right away. Since the needed adjustments were relatively quick and painless to code, I've also gone ahead and done just that. So consider this case closed. :P
And that's a perfect example of why people should add these requests to the wiki. I'd looked into fixing that ages ago, had found out what I needed to do to fix it, and then completely forgot about it before coding it. :oops: Thanks to Haenlomal for saving me the work in any case. :P

The original behaviour is actually consistent with the trait description, so I'm not 100% convinced it's not intentional, but I guess it doesn't make much difference. I've added the fallout 1 version of the fix too, since that's even easier to code and I already had the addresses. Might as well get them both in.
would using msg files for text in an sfall global cause any problems?wondering if it is worth the conversion

I used an msg file for my perk stuff in a global script. It works so far, but in this perk related stuff, the game takes the text only once at the start of the game. So if you changed the text in the msg file, because of whatever reason, it will not change in the game until you have started a totally new game.
set_selectable_perk(PerkTest, 1, 176, perk_mstr(10103));

While perk_mstr is
#define perk_mstr(x)                 message_str(SCRIPT_GENMSG1,x)
As example.
it works with perk name as well:

#define PerkTest       perk_mstr(10102)

I am happy that this works, because else there will be translation issues and making various scripts for different languages is a no-go. :>
yea it works,but after MUCH edits of changing my custom perks script to use a msg file,with ddraw.ini AlwaysLoadMsgFiles=1,game is unplayable,with it set to 0,it causes slowdown(tho i admit,prolly the reason is the script is firing every frame),would be awesome for an sfall way to use a msg file that does not have to be registgered in scripts.lst(not neccesdsarily asking for that Timeslip:D)

How many perks do you have?

I have 1 perk and everything works fine with it, I don't even use the "AlwaysLoadMsgFiles" entry (don't even have it in my ddraw.ini :P). For my single perk (so far, which still is buggy shit), I simply used the Sfall tutorial scripts and added my own shit in there.
lots of perks,50 in custom perks,tons in party perks

it is actualy


and i have 1153 text entries,and even with all scripts set to fire every 60 frames,it does the same thing

edit : requested a feature added but nevermind,it isnt needed

edit : question : in fo2 scripting is or processed first or and?i knoticed that the compiler(or decompiler) removes the brackets,do all languages do that?had problems today because of that

Nirran said:
lots of perks,50 in custom perks,tons in party perks

it is actualy


and i have 1153 text entries,and even with all scripts set to fire every 60 frames,it does the same thing

edit : requested a feature added but nevermind,it isnt needed

edit : question : in fo2 scripting is or processed first or and?i knoticed that the compiler(or decompiler) removes the brackets,do all languages do that?had problems today because of that

edit : im not sure if this is sfall or my settup,but sometimes when loading fo2 or exiting fo2 the program hangs with a black screen,sometimes it recovers but more often then not i am forced to kill my machine,running win7 64-latest updates-dx11,asus board,nvidia 290 bla bla

I'd like to ask about the possibilities to change skill calculating formulas, as discussed here.

To cut the long story short, I want to change the functionality of the Gambling skill. For that, I need to change the way it's calculated on character creation (presently, this is Luck x5).

Lexx told me there are ways of changing the formulas, by hacking the f2 exe file (which I don't know how to do), but such modified files might cause problems with sfall. So, my request:
- Is it possible to add ways of modifying these formulas through sfall (or maybe it is possible already? If yes, how?)

Thank you in advance.