Yes, it is rather obvious. You didn't even need to look at the script at all. As I said above the script, it affects color.pal.Glovz said:Just for clarification - this script would affect all files within a map at once or can this be used to address a specific file - say a .pro?
Please forgive me if the answer is obvious but I not really a scriptor.

Yes, you could use the same functions to edit a single pro, if that was what you were getting at.
It's a bug, but it's not really fixable. The method to control other npcs is rather hacky, and there are more problems with it that just that. It's not really suitable for general use.marlboroo said:but there is a little bug (dunno if this is a bug or not).. seems my perk also effect other party members, so if i have quick pocket perk then party members also use 2 ap to acces inventory, is this a bug or intentional?
Yes.Drelm287 said:That mean I can create new music to fallout without using very old dos programs (wich don't work in new OS like vista and 7) to convert the .mp3, .wav file to .acm?![]()
Done, and in svn. (along with LIST_WALLS, LIST_MISC and LIST_ALL.)Nirran said:possible to add a LIST_SCENERYITEMS?
urk. I wonder if that's ever worked... Fixed in svn, and thanks for pointing that out.Nirran said:edit : get_uptime compiles,but it crashes the game,with memory adress fffffff(could not be read)